I think they mean the content won't be released during the early access period, not that early access customers won't receive it.
Yes this is how ive understood it. Some things just will be released after V1.0.
I think they mean the content won't be released during the early access period, not that early access customers won't receive it.
Early access gets the first DLC for free as well. So we should all be good. Deep breaths.
Shame my CSW is broken just in time for MP. SMH.
Good ol' Fanatec eh...
Compared to pCars, how different is AC? I mean, I love the handling of the cars in pCars, however I can't stand rFactor 2. Anyone? (and please, by no means I want to turn this into a "sim" vs "arcade" fight, so please don't go down that path, I implore you).
Seems they've found a crash bug and are currently fixing it.Better not be. I've been looking froward to today.
Seems they've found a crash bug and are currently fixing it.
Whoa, not something I've heard before. rF2 is sublime in my opinion.
I'd have to test both back to back to give a better assessment but if you really don't like rF2 then you probably won't like AC either, but I think AC is slightly easier to drive in general compared to rF2, though there's a few cars in it now that are quite a handful especially when using the tuned (stage1, stage 3, etc) versions.
Maybe it's just that my experience with the Formula 1 cars I found for rF2 was just awful (the GP2 car was much better though, that's true, but in general the game had that feeling of driving over ice too often)
That's a common criticism of these sims but how do you represent grip? At times I don't feel I have any until it's gone.
Do we need better audio or visual cues (as in motion effects) or is it all in the force feedback?
That's the thing that really drives me crazy. For some reason most of these sims associate no grip with sliding all over the place, yet professional racing drivers will tell you that they actually love to push the car so hard that they cause it to slide through corners, which shows that these cars IRL don't tend to slide, unless you really force them to (and certainly not coming out of a corner, unless you just pretend to go 100% on the throttle when the car is still recovering)
Screw multiplayer - "Dorifto Mountain" is amazing. I could drive it all day.
wow that looks like real fun. will try it later
The problem is you're probably overdriving the car within the sim but aren't receiving enough feedback to clue you in to that fact until it's too late. Any car "tends" to slide IRL if you overdrive it, and exiting corners is where this is most prone to happen.
For what it's worth, real tires produce the most traction while slipping, albeit slightly, under every possible load--braking, accelerating, and cornering. The fastest drivers will be sliding through practically every high-speed corner, however subtly.
I'm still trying to figure out what you're talking about in this and your previous post. Can you explain in more detail the problem you're having? What type of wheel/controller are you using?still cannot figure out why the car steers further inward when doing a deep turn before going straight. this doesn't occur in any other game ive played and wasn't there a few months ago too
Holy shit, were you eyeballing your Steam client all this time? It only downloaded for me two minutes before you posted!^
Early Access - Update 0.9 (and alpha multiplayer) released (207.8mb patch)
Is there a changelog? I'm away from my computer at the moment and was curious what other functionality has been added/tweaked.
Corsa Early Access - Build 0.9 available now!
First of all, thank you for your patience and your kind support about the delay occured with the last release of Assetto Corsa 0.9.
The unexpected issue (a random black screen occured when playing single-player races) that caused the delay of the release on May 2nd, has been finally recognized and fixed.
Meanwhile, the guys involved with the multiplayer mode took advantage of this delay to improve the netcode and the communication with the servers, focusing on the core networking systems and stripping it from most of its advanced features.
Multiplayer mode is such a feature that needs massive tests that can't be brought to completion only by a private betatesting team. Now that the basic functions have been completed and are available for public testing, we are confident that our devteam will be able to monitor the online activities with the aim to fix unforeseen bugs and improve the online experience, as well adding all the big and small features that will make AC multiplayer a great online experience. Starting from the basics and improving step by step is part of the Early Access program.
For your consideration, please note that the multiplayer feature that will be released is still in ALPHA phase: using the support forum to report any issue you might encounter will help our devteam to improve the netcode and its related features.
Here's following the list of features and known issues:
Working Features:
- Booking system
- Pre-booked clients from server admins
- Password protected server for booking
- Password saving for different servers
- Multi class races
- Race weekend (practice,qualifying,race) with configurable duration and number of laps
- Select penalty system or not.
- Track cycling
- Loop mode
- Maximum client limit, determined by circuit pit boxes
- Clients may re-join at any session if booked.
- Dedicated server available.
- 10 public official servers
Known Issues - Please check and report unknown issues at our official support forums http://www.assettocorsa.net/forum
- Official server are set to 15 clients and we will gradually increase the clients number with testing. Dedicated server is not limited.
- Wheels remain always connected on the ground, even if cars flies, jumps of flips
- Steering wheels angles might be exaggerated, or inverted
- Extended characters in player names, are not supported yet
- Graphical active aero animations do not work on multiplayer clients yet
- Opponents skidmarks are not visible yet
- Opponents windshield are not visible in players mirrors yet
- Opponents suspension movements are vertical, wheels might compenetrate cars body on some occasions
- "Multiplayer options option from the menu does not work yet (containing voting for skip session, restart servers, kick users, chats etc)
- Switching between sessions dirt on the car doesnt disappear
- race session ends some seconds after the leader finishes the race
Holy shit, were you eyeballing your Steam client all this time? It only downloaded for me two minutes before you posted!
Thanks you. So there's nothing new that isn't related multiplayer?
Update broke the modded tracks? Fuck, I'd rather have them than the MP right now. Hope something is worked out soon.