Multiquote because it deserves it.
Not much at all, as it's already playing beautifully. A friend of mine fixes all of the machines at my local so he was there when the machine went in. An hour or two later and it was running like a dream.
I'm getting new flippers just to have them look authentic (the original comes with white flippers and red rubbers). As for upping the difficulty, I've been tempted, and in fact if I lived alone I would. But honestly, Bride of Pinbot is such a brutal game. I don't mind being brutalised (and it's one reason I love the game), but Fiona gets bored quickly of drain after drain. It was meant to be a pinball machine for both of us, Bride is not really a game anyone can enjoy, so I'm leaving it on the current settings so she can get some enjoyment out of it too. And besides, even though it's easier compared with others I've played, it's still not a friendly game in the slightest. The fact that it doesn't have a ballsaver is a good indication of what a bitch it is!
That's totally fair enough. I guess you're buying it for practice as well as fun, but if neither of you are having fun then there's no point.
Keep in mind I'm still yet to play one IRL, so I have zero idea of how brutal it can be (keen to play it though, maybe next Feb

It is a lot easier than any other Bride I've played though. I've already smashed my previous high score on other tables by triple, and that's with 3 balls instead of 5...
Weird. I wonder why? Angle? Flipper power?
While I could leave the machine as is and not spend a single cent more, I've made a list of some small improvements that I want to buy:
Metallic red drink holder (bending down or walking to pick up your beer is a pain (first world problems)).
New flippers and rubbers.
Some LEDs (some globes don't work, and her left nipple is not flashing, if you know what I mean).
New back glass lifter plate (current one is broken).
3 new balls.
All that will come to about a grand total of $70, which makes me very happy.
Last but not least I need to step down my ROM version. The latest ROM has a multiplayer bug so I'll need to find another chip from somewhere. At the moment it's not a big deal though.
In the end, I'm still coming to terms with the fact I can just walk in my garage and press a button and play pinball. It's really a bizarre feeling. The pubs of Newtown are going to drop in revenue by half I'm sure.
That's the thing I love about pinball machines. It seems like everything's going to be expensive (and for unique parts like plastics, it is) but the vast majority of the things that screw up on it (globes, rubbers) are cheap as hell. I was blown away when I bought individual rubbers for HS (not a rubber "kit") from an AU retailer ( is *fantastic*, but the sight is "gone fishin'" for some reason) for around $30. Globes are cheap as hell, too.
Be wary of LEDs, mostly because they may not look as good as you'd expect and anything other than warm white will drastically change the colour of what you're lighting (unless you use a red LED for a red insert etc.). If you decide to go that route, someone on Pinside mentioned
Comet Pinball sells 100-packs for ~$27US seems to be the cheapest. Might take the plunge on some warm whites and see how they shape up.
Oh, big piece of advice: With my most recent pinball part order (new/repro set of plastics... strangely enough, HS ones are known to get mutilated) I ordered some Superband rubbers. The Saturn Rings don't ship here (sadly) but gave these a shot and they just seem to suck the life out of the ball. Lower bounce and spin is just evaporated when they make contact, just too grippy (though they make aiming stupid easy, but not what I want when getting technique down). I have a black set of three and I'd be happy to post them to you if you wanted to try them out. No way I'll be using them again, that's for sure.
BTW I got my C2C t-shirt in the mail today, so it looks like I'll be able to rep the cast at the tournament on Saturday
I still want a toggle to permanently enable high-fiving on JJ. WHEN AM I GONNA GET IT?