Hello. My name is Gabe xxxx and I am the owner of a nonprofit Mississippi
Youth hockey league in Coldwater, Mississippi (The GHL). I have recently
acquired a new building for the kids to play hockey in, and they wanted the
building to have a name similar to an arena. I love Kritz.net and Citizen Burger Disorder,
and consider it a major part of my life. That is why i wanted to give you the
first opportunity to have the arena named after your company. The youth that
play here are all big gamers, and im positive that it would help get more CBD fans

I am not asking for money or anything like that, (although all donations are accepted and a
sign with the Kritz.net/CBD logo on it would be cool to put up but not required)
just wanting to give you free advertisement as i am a huge fan. I am not looking
to go through a long process or anything like that, just a reply with a yes or a
no. Please let me know! Thanks and God bless!