fucking internet!
I moved into a new at the start of Feb and ordered Fibre internet (Virgin Media). It took them weeks of mucking about with getting written permissions from my landlords since there was no previous virgin fibre before they gave me an install date. (in the UK, there's basically Virgin or BT/BT reseller for Fibre). 4 days before the install, I got a voice mail saying something along the lines of "oops, soz m8, we CBF installing fibre at your place, try someone else. We've cancelled your order."
When I ordered it I did all the address checks and they had no issue with my premises, but now when I do the same there's no fibre available at my premises." There's a cabinet somewhere in the village (They use fibre to the node, like current NBN yet still offer higher speeds).
So now I'm back to DSL with no guarantee I'll have a better speed than I had back in Brisbane on Internode.
To quote the movie,Stripes. "Son of Bitch. Shit."
How was your day? Back to Fallout 4.