Sengoku Basara 11
As the build up to the climax, this was a rather clumsily directed episode. Its juggling of different characters in different locations was not deftly handled, and the editing felt rather jarring. The use of Sawano's soundtrack also caused problems with how suddenly and sharply the episode switches between different music with different moods. Still, the twist on the historical events at Honnoji and the as always over the top behavior of the characters were entertaining. I particularly liked the surprise glider that Kasuga's whistle turned into, somehow.
Wakamoto playing Wakamoto is probably what captures most attention from the voice acting in here, understandably so, but I'm also fond of the hammy acting given by Kazuya Nakai and Souichiro Hoshi to Masamune and Yukimura. Between Masamune's crude Engrish and Yukimura's passionate earnestness, they chew the scenery to just the right extent to sell their scenes.