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Autumn Anime 2016 |OT| The seasons change, but we're still Falling for Euri

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Man...if you think shows without second seasons shouldn't be watched you're not watching an awful lot of anime.
that depends, if it looks like it'll just end right in the middle or before things start to get really going I really don't feel like bothering. If it actually has a somewhat definitive end even though there's more story I can handle it.(like this new NotMadoka show that ends its arc of girls killing each other and the next one is a new story)

this only counts for light novel adaptations, I like manga but don't like reading LNs.


The main theme of the show, if anything, is "love, and how it can be expressed". The show examines this not just from the perspective of Yuri and Victor's relationship, but from the relationships of everyone involved. Phichit's skating is inspired/motivated by love for his country, JJ's by himself, Yurio's by his grandfather, Georgi's by longing for his ex, Minami out of being inspired by Yuri, and so on. It's incredibly important that the show spend time on the other skaters' motivations because otherwise we wouldn't get any different slices on the main themes of the show outside of Yuri and Victor's relationship, and that would just be a poorly put together show.

There is some filler, but these are the characters that don't matter so much or don't relate to the central themes. In this episode, that would be Emil and Seung Gil. But even then these two characters are used in interesting ways, with Emil's small failures during his program helping Michele to regain his confidence, and Seung Gil being shattered by the strong performances of the skaters coming before him then being used to illustrate how far Yuri's come because he did the same thing Yuri would have in the previous year because he doesn't have anything to "love" like Yuri does. It's a great skate to compare for later in the episode where Yuri still has some trouble, but doesn't completely self-destruct like he would have in the past.

I just think anyone saying that the side skaters are "bogging down" the show aren't really appreciating how good the show is at building its central themes. The direction and editing might be taking a hit from squeezing in so many performances but I don't really care as long as the show is still interesting and entertaining, which it very much is. Despite some shortcomings with the animation lately I'd still put this in my top three shows of the year.

Thank you for eloquently arguing your defence of the show. However, as you might imagine this doesn't really sell me on the series.

You argue that, as the side-skaters all represent the main theme of the show then it makes sense for so much of the running time of the series to be devoted to them. I would agree that these characters are all expressions of that theme but I still disagree on the show's execution. If the show is going to include these characters I'd like them to be treated as actual, fleshed out people, not just naked vehicles for thematic exploration. Filling your series with incredibly shallow yet thematically relevant fluff isn't really a hallmark of good writing. It feels like we could cover basically the same thematic ground by focusing just on the core cast of characters.


Ikuhara destroyed. :(

It's actually instructive to consider something like Utena as a counterpoint when considering characters and theme. In Utena most of the cast get an episode (yes, an episode!) devoted to their story every 'arc' of the series. As the series has 3 distinct arcs this means that even characters who start out very thin are fully developed by the time the series concludes.

Of course, Utena is a very long series and so they have the running time to do that kind of work. Yuri is much shorter series and so it has to be more economical in its writing.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
On the topic of the side characters in Yuri on Ice depicting a different kind of love...this is something that could have been more capably accomplished by fleshing out how Yuri interacts with other characters. At one point the show kind of notes how he fails to acknowledge all of the people that have supported him throughout his career and it does just feel kind of bad that we don't see his relationships with anyone other than Viktor really elaborated on. The early episodes of the show seemed to offer more promise here but really wound up veering away from that. And with everything taking place on the ice rink lately I don't know how anyone can defend a format that feels so repetitive and shallow.
No, it's Taichi Ishidate. Everyone's using legs with Yamada still overseeing storyboards on this season.

Aye, figures. So he's going to be the director of Violet Evergarden, hmm? After your slight back-and-forth with dimb concerning that I gotta say that this episode makes me hopeful. There were some interesting shots in here.
Brave Witches 08


The most important question of this episode isn't why the Neuroi was able to regenerate after they killed it or what's gonna happen with that striker unit...but who is the Witch in bed with Krupinski in this eyecatch?


I'm going to watch all 3 Kizumonogatari movies on the AkibaPass Festival next year, even though I'm pretty sure that the 3 hours of monogatari in a row are going to fuck my brain really hard.


Neo Member
For anyone interested, there will be one screening of Kizu 1-3 in Cologne on 01.27.17 and one in vienna on 02.11.17 with english subtitles.
They start at 2:30 pm and cost 18€.
I saw Kizu 1 in cologne this year and am really excited to see all 3 in the theater (even more so after the trailer for Kizu 3). Read the novel years ago and can't remember some of the scenes, but after seeing part 1 i think this will be amazing.

Tickets can be bought here:


Sound! Euphonium 2.09 - That was excellent. Finally getting into the meat of the situation with Asuka. Definitely can understand her bitterness towards her parents as well as some of her actions.


Sound! Euphonium 2 Episode 9

That was really good! I'll write more detailed impressions after work, but I feel this is one of the strongest of the season so far. Not perfect, but very enjoyable.

That credits sequence, man. So good.
Hibike! Euphonium s2 09

Me to Asuka haters:


I'm looking forward to some catharsis concerning all her issues. If she can't hold in her emotions for once, which I'll imagine is going to happen sometime around the nationals performance (what with her father and such, maybe even her mother will get a grip), I'll likely struggle to hold back my own tears. Was kinda hoping for it to happen this episode but while she let Kumiko view behind the facade, it's still standing and she remains stubbornly stoic.


That scene where her friend tied her shoes for her and it looked like she was about to snap said a lot to me.

So THATS what was happening in that scene, I must've looked away when it showed her angry face and thought to myself 'what was the point of that?' When she finally breaks down and goes to bits, I'll probably be doing the same!
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