I, uh, huh.
This has been a truly terrible season.
I, uh, huh.
I, uh, huh.
Yea that threw me for a loop when I heard it. I had to pause the episode as I was laughing too hard.
Glad the production recovered for such a fantastic conclusion.
BBB is getting another season? Didn't season 1 go way off from what the manga did?So My Hero Academia was apparently confirmed for April, and we're getting another preview soon.
Key visual for the new season of Blood Blockade Battlefront.
Diamond is Unbreakable 38
What I hope to see next episode:
Euphonium S2-11
I don't think this is the worst episode of the show despite what people seem to be claiming. This episode was a lot more angry than the rest of the series and so I found it to be kind of interesting in that regards. The scene where she's having a daydream/flashback and Taki snaps it out of her by clapping his hands is somewhat brutal due to the sound direction and voice acting. Even the throwback to S1 with the mountain scene works as there's a juxtaposition to the early event and now, where Reina is just pissed off at the world.
Wait did Kumiko just make it seem like a good thing that Taki's wife is dead? "Girl you gotta move in on that prime real estate". The material itself is fairly garbage but that's been the status quo for awhile. Half of this episode is Reina being mad that she possibly can't fuck her decade older teacher. I'm not sure if the other half is her coming to terms with it not happening or trying to figure out what Taki-sensei likes in his women. At this point I just want to get to the Nationals, which I feel the school should probably get blown out at this stage. Something my father says is, "Perfect practice makes perfect". In which case what sort of performance is a band that has been seemingly in near freefall for different reasons going to give? The show brushes it aside though by just having some stupid line about how the 'troubled' band member is now performing better suddenly, like Kumiko has been doing loyalty missions in a Bioware game and now the character has + stats.
Chaos;Head is in the read the visual novel or don't bother category. I doubt the anime would even tell you much of use for Chaos:Child.
Yea that threw me for a loop when I heard it. I had to pause the episode as I was laughing too hard.
I heard Chaos;Child will only be 12 episodes which is a real problem since the VN is longer than Steins;Gate. I suspect there will be pacing issues
They can always do the same thing they did with Occultic;Nine and adapted 1 lightnovel worth of content in 1 episode...I heard Chaos;Child will only be 12 episodes which is a real problem since the VN is longer than Steins;Gate. I suspect there will be pacing issues
I was kinda taking it as Reina maybe not yet knowing that his wife died and Kumiko wanting to clarify that. Plus awkwardness and perhaps bad translation.
Because, well, otherwise the show is thrice as fucked up in regards to the Reina-Taki relationship than it already is and I would hope KyoAni wouldn't seriously have Kumiko say something as outrageous.
Maybe someone who understands Japanese can chime in on that.
I was kinda taking it as Reina maybe not yet knowing that his wife died and Kumiko wanting to clarify that. Plus awkwardness and perhaps bad translation.
Because, well, otherwise the show is thrice as fucked up in regards to the Reina-Taki relationship than it already is and I would hope KyoAni wouldn't seriously have Kumiko say something as outrageous.
Maybe someone who understands Japanese can chime in on that.
They can always do the same thing they did with Occultic;Nine and adapted 1 lightnovel worth of content in 1 episode...
Plz don't do that ever again.
Jumping ahead to check on that particular scene, while I'm not fluent the English subtitles appear to be an accurate translation of the Japanese spoken dialogue.
If that were the case, I don't think she'd need to preface her statement with "You make think I'm awful for saying this".
I remember Hyouka, those were good times.
I would say that the worst part of Eupo S2, particularly episode eleven, is how dreary the tone is. There really is not much levity brought to the material outside of the rare Kumiko goofball face (pm me good ones if you have them). But as the drama is amped up it really just darkens the mood until it blots out everything else. What's in this story? Abusive mom. Dead wife. Physical pain from seeing other individuals who used to be your friends. It's a really down in the dumps show without any real insight into its heavy content.
I mean I guess Reina's cold nature is a quiet sort of mad that permeates most scenes, but in the end the sticking point of the episode is tales from the grave...of your love interest's dead wife. Does not really do much to shift the overall tone of the season for me.That's partially why I liked episode 11 a bit as it's not so much dreary as angry. That cold anger can be seen in how the shots are done, that scene transition in the middle, and the colors to a limited extent. Reina being pissed off made for a good contrast compared to the previous arcs and episodes.
Euphonium S2-11
*as she winks at Reina*
The worst of this is if all it does is fast-forward through major plot points without any of the build up or in-between, like Chaos;Head's anime. And the VN isn't even localized yet, so I can't fall back on that.12 episodes means it will be a glorified ad. I wonder if they will even try to adapt the entire main story.
My condolences to Euph fans.
My condolences to Euph fans.
Jarmel didn't even include the kicker line that happens right afterwards:
So is Euphonium S2 bad?
Jarmel didn't even include the kicker line that happens right afterwards:
It's not very good.So is Euphonium S2 bad?
She didn't wink that was Jarmel joking. Still a bad scene nonetheless.Wait she winked too when she said that?
Wait she winked too when she said that?
So is Euphonium S2 bad?
No, that was Jarmel's embellishment. That scene doesn't show us Kumiko's face while she's saying that line.
The worst of this is if all it does is fast-forward through major plot points without any of the build up or in-between, like Chaos;Head's anime. And the VN isn't even localized yet, so I can't fall back on that.
Euphonium S2-11
The show brushes it aside though by just having some stupid line about how the 'troubled' band member is now performing better suddenly, like Kumiko has been doing loyalty missions in a Bioware game and now the character has + stats.
So is Euphonium S2 bad?
I might actually consider that as well, but I've been too starved on any SciAdv Chaos-related stuff to just skip it completely. Will probably at least watch the first few episodes in the slight hope that it isn't just a shameless ad.It seems like it actually might get localized, so I'll just skip the anime entirely.
Truly the wisest show this season. Better sakuga than anything else too.
So is Euphonium S2 bad?
OMG this looks amazing, the animation in that PV looks amazing! Season 2 will be so amazing. I trust in BONES.
plz be better than s1
I back this up, the tournament arc is fantastic! Even after that it just goes up and up.It will be better simply because of the material it's adapting. This is when I got hooked on the manga.
So is Euphonium S2 bad?