played this game for an hour last night and i love it! hopefully it doesn't get old fast cause there are only a few characters but this is the best free game ive ever received and i would've payed $10 for it!
YOu can still pay $10.
played this game for an hour last night and i love it! hopefully it doesn't get old fast cause there are only a few characters but this is the best free game ive ever received and i would've payed $10 for it!
No, it's how you make an unbalanced mess. Just wait and watch for the community to find out about the ridiclousness of the healer, you won't be calling it awesome for very long.Thats how you make an awesome game. Make every thing you can do super awesome and remove the rest.
No, it's how you make an unbalanced mess. Just wait and watch for the community to find out about the ridiclousness of the healer, you won't be calling it awesome for very long.
Another factor that certainly isn't awesome about the character power: you can't switch in the middle of a match. If a team is showing up with a character combo that isn't very common, they will just fuck your shit up because you aren't allowed to adapt to it.
YOu can still pay $10.![]()
Sure, and what people are going to find out eventually is that the healer is a joke. He can heal anything even if it hasn't taken any damage, healing things (including fully healed ones) gives you money, you can summon drones that quickly become strong and like anything else can be milked for money, you buff the pre-existing drones and, finally, there's an upgrade that on top of all of that allows the healer to be an offensive character by giving him a damaging gun. So he can heal everything, makes money out the ass, can heal himself and can attack.the game has been out for a day. i remember when MVC3 first came out and sentinel was called the death of everyone because he was so imbalanced. turned out he wasn't S-tier at all once people actually started playing and developed strategies
I'm not feeling this game at all. The outcome of a match is decided so early on! It's all about whoever manages to collect the most money, and thus upgrades, first. Then it's just a 20 minute grind of using those superior upgrades to slowly destroy turrets as the enemy team stands no chance. Not a fan of how the match design - i.e. the fact that you start out weak as fuck desperately needing upgrades in order to play properly - means that everyone just runs away from everything. Every fight I've had so far ends with me killing them with my superior mech, or them running away with their superior speed. Pretty dull.
Hopefully it gets better once my friends start waking up and getting online. Maybe I'm getting frustrate by playing with stupid randoms who don't get it. Like that one guy who never did anything but abuse the stupid bull attack over and over and over.
Also, it gets some minus points for not having proper offline play. There's a practice mode, but I assume that doesn't allow ranking up and so on...why else would it be "practice?" Why no 2 on 2 offline action?
I'm just going to put it out there and say it, if the decide to charge for DLC characters then game is Pay2win as far as i'm concerned.
It's really essential in a MOBA based game you never have Pay2Win and all unlocks can be earned for free.
Voltar, the brain in the jar.who is the healer? i just unlocked a giant robot guy who has self healing stuff but maybe it's someone else
Only if the characters are substantially better than the DLC ones, right? If you just get more variety for your money, but the 6 characters you already have are perfectly capable, then it doesn't really change much.
No, it's how you make an unbalanced mess. Just wait and watch for the community to find out about the ridiclousness of the healer, you won't be calling it awesome for very long.
It's like you're talking about a completely different game to me... I'm pretty sure you just haven't seen a Voltar that knows what he's doing yet.Voltar's almost compltly shut down by a decent Lonestar (just push him away with a large speedy exploding bull!) or Leon (pull him in with tounge lashes, towards your turrets.
I can explain the cowboy, Lonestar. People love him at first because the bull seems absolutely ridiculous. Low cool-down, huge area of effect! Awesome! Then you realize that it doesn't actually do any worthwhile damage, even with the upgrades on. The same thing has happened with every new person on my list that has bought the game and you see it in pubs all the time; newbies are always filling the screen with non-stop, constant bulls.I found the cowboy to be overpowered when I first started playing (though that was for review; it's possible they've rebalanced since) while I've heard others saying the frog is way overpowered. Another person I spoke to claimed the monkey was. You're always going to get games where a really skilled or high-level player owns, and it looks like that character is unbalanced. But with clever tactics and - crucially - teamwork, there's always a way around it.
So wait this is a MP only game? I got it from PS+ but I haven't played it yet.
Well, you can play offline with bots and still earn XP, so you don't have to play with others. There's no story mode or anything though.
So wait this is a MP only game? I got it from PS+ but I haven't played it yet.
It's like you're talking about a completely different game to me... I'm pretty sure you just haven't seen a Voltar that knows what he's doing yet.
I'm not shut down in the slightest by a bull. It throws me back and it's annoying, sure, but it does not stop my onslaught in any way. The drones stopping to kill turrets and other drones means the last drones that spawned are just right behind us, so I don't care about Leon destroying my shit. I have more less than a second away. Also, if someone does try to get into my drone squad and mess us up, I just throw down a healing station with double attack upgrades. Leon will be running for the hills when it does 100 damage to him, and I push on.
I can explain the cowboy, Lonestar. People love him at first because the bull seems absolutely ridiculous. Low cool-down, huge area of effect! Awesome! Then you realize that it doesn't actually do any worthwhile damage, even with the upgrades on. The same thing has happened with every new person on my list that has bought the game and you see it in pubs all the time; newbies are always filling the screen with non-stop, constant bulls.
Clunk + Voltar = TF2 Heavy + Medic
I destroyed Fools, just need an upgraded Voltar at least 50%, and me @75%, Goddamn
I went 22-1 in 1 round
Get Chomp high up ASAP, reward yourself with free healing every 3-5 seconds, while killing enemies
I use the free 150 Bonus Solar from the start + Solar Gained ability, it really helps at the start, Regen Health/Move faster is useless (to me)
I save Explode ability till 50%, if other team kicking our ass, then earlier
Level 25 so far
Each class has it's worth
Some say Voltar owns, just remember, he has the lowest health, 1 good Leon can destroy him quickly, with 4-5 swipes
That has no effect and you're ignoring what I said about drones catching up to you here. I don't care if you take away the four I have in front of me, I have two right behind me and more coming.It pushes you away from bots or healing field, seperating buffers / buffee. That's really all that's needed to begin messing up your plans, if the team is good.
Hey, you're just changing your argument now. You said I'd be shut down by a Lonestar and his bull, not a Lonestar, a Yuri with mines and whatever else you can come up with. Of course everything can be countered if you just pile on the countermeasures.That's enough time to mine-layer the floor, let offensive abilities recharge, for for everyone to stand in/set up their own healing gauntlet.
Yes, healing ray upgrades are useless. And healing station strength doesn't matter, all you need it to do is stay up for like a second so you and your friends get a buff and the enemy takes a minimum of 40 damage. Then the very short cooldown allows you to throw down a new one before that enemy is joined by a teammate or more drones.Healing stations don't seem to survive very long VS any late-game weps/abilities that are made to take out clusters. (Like Leon's MAx dive splash + Hammer pants, or Lonestar's multi 'nades.) I concentrate more on his healing ray than the towers, though, so maybe you make yours tougher.
That has no effect and you're ignoring what I said about drones catching up to you here. I don't care if you take away the four I have in front of me, I have two right behind me and more coming.
Hey, you're just changing your argument now. You said I'd be shut down by a Lonestar and his bull, not a Lonestar, a Yuri with mines and whatever else you can come up with. Of course everything can be countered if you just pile on the countermeasures.
Yes, healing ray upgrades are useless. And healing station strength doesn't matter, all you need it to do is stay up for like a second so you and your friends get a buff and the enemy takes a minimum of 40 damage. Then the very short cooldown allows you to throw down a new one before that enemy is joined by a teammate or more drones.
Really hope those two new characters make it into the game. Loving the cast of characters available, but definitely would like to see what other designs they can come up with.
Just having a blast with the game so far and the whole platform MOBA thing has been a great deal of fun. All the characters look interesting so far, but I can't pull myself away from Froggy G. The man is amazing, from his design, abilities, and one-liners.
Just loving the Saturday morning cartoon vibe of the whole game and the art-style is a very nice realization of that. Just really clean art and nice designs all around. In some weird ways, some of it reminds me of Earthworm Jim, heh. I'm also really digging the in-game tunes as well. Just a nice package all around.
Just want to get home and play some more Awesomenauts. I got the XBLA version, so if anyone wants to party up just send a FR. My GT is the same as my GAF name.
Wait....wait, this is a tower defense game?
Wait....wait, this is a tower defense game?
They will definitely make it into the game. I asked on their Facebook and was told that they are 100% getting into the game, although they currently don't know if they'll be free or paid DLC.
Somehow I've made it this far never having heard the term 'MOBA'.