i said WTF out loud when
note i have not finished the game i just hit that part
Barbara died
note i have not finished the game i just hit that part
They are a chore, but worth it for the chance to whip his ass. I just finished, got that 100% ending![]()
And I already did that, I have 8 villains locked up, the only one left I need to do areand Riddler. Yeah, rocksteady can fuck off. So fucking pissed right now. The glitch is forcing me to 100% the game.Deathstroke
Well there it is
One of the more time-intensive plats I've got, save had me at 66 hours.
Anyone else having problems with the "Use all the Predator Takedowns" achievement?
How exactly does Gotham's Greatest (the leaderboard) work? I thought it'd show the best ww players, but it only shows me and someone else on my friend list. Which is weird, because I have a bunch of people playing it. It's been this way since launch, is the leaderboard broken?
Man, I felt so dumb. I'm doing the Riddler's challenge where you have to stop the rioter bomb guy with the remote boomerang. After a few fail attend where you have to manual the remote boomerang through the electric and hitting the guy, I decides to shoot the guy with the remote electrical gun and booyah, Riddler solved..LOL.
Man, I felt so dumb. I'm doing the Riddler's challenge where you have to stop the rioter bomb guy with the remote boomerang. After a few fail attend where you have to manual the remote boomerang through the electric and hitting the guy, I decides to shoot the guy with the remote electrical gun and booyah, Riddler solved..LOL.
Well there it is
One of the more time-intensive plats I've got, save had me at 66 hours.
Well there it is
One of the more time-intensive plats I've got, save had me at 66 hours.
You can also activate the remote batmobile and run them over
where to you see time played???
Fuuuuuuuuuck the firefly segments so goddamned hard. Holy shit, fuck them. Also, fuck the stupid autosave system. I really hate autosaves like this where I can't redo something when I fuck it up.
Seventeen more trophies to go. I'm sure I won't be able to obtain 100% before Knightfall because I kind of suck during the bomb disbarment missions. Tanks are fine but once flying drones were put into the mix it just became way too difficult to handle.
i said WTF out loud whenBarbara died
note i have not finished the game i just hit that part
If you haven't figured it out yet, use the machine gun on the flying drones. It makes them way easier to hit than trying to use the cannon, and they go down fast.
Is there any tricks for fighting the heavy machine gun guys? Any upgrades or gadget or something? I have to take over a tower that has 2-3 of those guys next to each other so I always get killed when I start the quicktime event with the first one.
Can't you use the disrupt or on their guns?
Hmmm I'l try again but I thought it said it didn't work on big gun the last time I tried.
That's fine, just don't write a Kotaku article about it.
It may need to be upgraded. I can't remember. If you're talking about the guys that swing them at you, then you can definitely disrupt them.
The batmobile is awesome tho, controls and handles well, tank mode controls like a dream, switching between the two feels fluid, it's a fun time, but don't get me started on those fucking riddler races. Crushanator. -_- I'm gonna kill him.
Seventeen more trophies to go. I'm sure I won't be able to obtain 100% before Knightfall because I kind of suck during the bomb disbarment missions. Tanks are fine but once flying drones were put into the mix it just became way too difficult to handle.
So huh... I'm a 84% right now. Only thing left to do are some"Own the Roads", Occupy Gotham, Campaign for dissarmement and obviously a ton of Riddler bullshit.
Alfred just called me to tell me thatis ready... Should I activate it right away or wait for the rest of the 100% to be done?Knightfall
Up to you. If you're not at 100% it'llgive you a taste then bring you back
Depends on if you wanna Riddler it up.
So basically if you're not at 100% it gives you a glimpse at the 100% ending?
Well, it looks like all DLC development for PC has been delayed, the Batgirl DLC will NOT be released on July 14th for PC Season Pass owners:
Disappointing, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. So long as PC doesn't get dicked out of the DLC and its buyers refunded, like Wii U did with Arkham Origins.
Does the double disruptor hit cause minigins to blow up too? And can the explosive gel upgrade knockout brutes on its own? If so, it could be a cakewalk.
You can also use the voice synthesizer to separate them.
I double dipped (ps4+PC) but only got the Season Pass on the PC.
Good times
I don't understand that reference!
Bare minimum will be a month before we get a patch and they forget about us.The PC fixes will surely come soon. They have to. They've got to. They wouldn't make us sit and watch the entirety of the 6 months of DLC go by while we wait for fixes.
Please, Rocksteady.
I just did the part whereI don't think its awesome.
Yeah, it works, but there is too much of it and much of it just plain sucks. It should have been something additional to what we had before, not something so pivotal and, dare I say at times, hamfisted.
I just did the part whereFucking love it. Super satisfying to accomplish all of that without taking damage.You defend GCPD from a shit ton of drones while Barbara hacks some of them.
I do both. They're both polished to a tee. Would be lying if I were to say that I wasn't half expecting the batmobile to feel clunky.For me, satisfying was clearing out a large room with a ton of thugs without taking damage and in one combo. Thats what I expect in a Batman game, not Twisted Metal: Gotham.
In the story, I didn't mind some of the bat tank, it was fun in small doses, but by the end it was "oh fuck ANOTHER one." None of them were too ridiculously difficult even on Knightmare (NG+), but damn did they get old.
The AR batmobile combat challenges can absolutely burn in HELL. My god fucking hated those. As I said earlier, thank goodness that the scarecrow challenges are mildly easier way to get 9 of the 69 stars. Otherwise I would not have gotten the platinum trophy.
I am tempted to get the season pass, but I absolutely will be taking a wait and see approach to make sure the content is worth a damn.
I really don't like the real ending being locked away behind a shitton of sidecontent. Grinding out icons on the map to see the ending (not even talking about the 100% one) is just not fun. A big blemish on an otherwise great game. I thought the batmobile was a great addition to the game, tankmobile less so, but it wasn't unbearable. Arkham Origins still remains my favourite Batman game.
I wouldn't have minded if every sidequest was tied to characters, and felt like it had a bit of a story to it, likeBut some of the side content, like the checkpoints, bombs and towers, was just there for padding. When they teaseman-bat or even Hush, however short that was.a melee fight with Deathstroke, but that turns out to be another tank battle, that makes those 3 questlines feel like even more of a chore.
I feel dumb, I don't really get the ending :/ Got the 100% one and I don't understand what is going on xD Ending spoilers:I get that the explosion was likely a fake-out and they never actually died. Kinda weird to leave all that car and plane tech just outside though but I digress. But the true ending with demon batman was so weird. I don't remember how it looked in-game but the concept art has a red/burning bat logo on the chest piece. Does that mean that Red Hood is now some sort of supernatural batman? Batman Beyond?! It did look kinda similar to the Batman Begins fear toxin batman I guess. Has Rocksteady said anything about future dlc dealing with the aftermath or some such? I heard that the Red Hood preorder stuff is far post-ending.