Do you have new 52 skin selected?
That could be. Weird that it doesn't carry over to the cut scenes too. I guess they're pre-made to not include skins.
Do you have new 52 skin selected?
That could be. Weird that it doesn't carry over to the cut scenes too. I guess they're pre-made to not include skins.
That could be. Weird that it doesn't carry over to the cut scenes too. I guess they're pre-made to not include skins.
Wait, I thought that alternate skins show up correctly in cutscenes this time
Well here's a cutscene a little further in and it's combat Robin. I don't know what's going on X__X
It seems like
1) initial cutscene is pre-rendered
2) in-game stuff is whatever costume you've chosen
3) this particular cutscene you mention happens to be real-time
i'm still waiting for a Dick Bats skin
Then you can have Dick Grayson as Nightwing, Dick Grayson as Nu52 Robin, and Dick Grayson as Batman.
That could be. Weird that it doesn't carry over to the cut scenes too. I guess they're pre-made to not include skins.
Dick Bats was one of the skins found in the placeholder files in PC version.i'm still waiting for a Dick Bats skin
Then you can have Dick Grayson as Nightwing, Dick Grayson as Nu52 Robin, and Dick Grayson as Batman.
About a hour to beat it and collect everything.
So Harley Quinn's Revenge pt 2.About a hour to beat it and collect everything.
Probably won't grab this game so here's the E3 experience skin. First to quote can have the code.
Probably won't grab this game so here's the E3 experience skin. First to quote can have the code.
Probably won't grab this game so here's the E3 experience skin. First to quote can have the code.
I'll pm ya. For PSN of course.
So Harley Quinn's Revenge pt 2.
jesus I ran over to my couch thinking I'd be able to play this in a few minutes, even if it's a 3.4GB on top of the update from yesterday.
Nope, PSN doing as PSN does. Shit download speeds.
Auto download updates man.
It seems like
1) initial cutscene is pre-rendered
2) in-game stuff is whatever costume you've chosen
3) this particular cutscene you mention happens to be real-time
Yeah, that's a bummer considering how glacial PSN download speeds have been for me lately.Wow, ps4 had a 3.5 patch yesterday and batgirl is another 3.4 or so today. Was hoping today would just be a quick unlock file or something -_-
So how exactly do I nail a line launcher takedown? I can never get Batman to do it.
Uh so slight Batgirl dlc spoiler,Harley says "careful boys, she was trained by two of the toughest crimefighters in Gotham". Batman and... Nightwing? Batwoman?
Simple: a goon needs to be in your path when you're crossing over. Once you get close to him, you'll get a prompt
watch here at 7:28
If it weren't for that one Riddler Trophy, it would be practically useless. It's never used at all, gliding/diving is faster, there are so few indoor sections, etc.Its hilarious how obsolete the Line Launcher became this game.
If it weren't for that one Riddler Trophy, it would be practically useless. It's never used at all, gliding/diving is faster, there are so few indoor sections, etc.
Also the fact you don't use it, it means that everyone has to ask about that Riddler trophy.
Uh so slight Batgirl dlc spoiler,Harley says "careful boys, she was trained by two of the toughest crimefighters in Gotham". Batman and... Nightwing? Batwoman?
NoI'm thinking about getting the game, but I have a question that I'm hoping someone might be able to answer. Are you able to run around as Robin or Catwoman? Nothing in the main story, obviously, but I kind of want to just explore the city.
Nope, just Batman.I'm thinking about getting the game, but I have a question that I'm hoping someone might be able to answer. Are you able to run around as Robin or Catwoman? Nothing in the main story, obviously, but I kind of want to just explore the city.
I'm thinking about getting the game, but I have a question that I'm hoping someone might be able to answer. Are you able to run around as Robin or Catwoman? Nothing in the main story, obviously, but I kind of want to just explore the city.
Ah man that brings back memories of that particular trophy too. Hahah man, damn did the LL get shafted. I started replaying more AC challenge maps recently and damn if the LL isn't fantastic.I remember there was one trophy at the back of the room that was blocked off by a bunch of red Riddler pads and I thought "this is it line launcher, now's your time to shine"
nope, can't use the line launcher there. You're supposed to glide over the pads. gg rocksteady
Thanks, I got the trophy. 4 more until I get the platinum.Simple: a goon needs to be in your path when you're crossing over. Once you get close to him, you'll get a prompt
watch here at 7:28
Ah man that brings back memories of that particular trophy too. Hahah man, damn did the LL get shafted. I started replaying more AC challenge maps recently and damn if the LL isn't fantastic.
These Batmobile challenges drive me up a f'n wall. I'm stuck on Road Rage and I really have no clue what the hell I'm doing. Am I supposed to drive into them? I can't shoot them for whatever reason, but driving into them just pushes them around half the time. It promotes sliding into them, but I've found that damn near impossible since none will actually drive next to me. Sometimes I can kill some, some times I can't, but I'm not exactly sure how I'm getting those kills and not others.
It's really few and far inbetween out in the open world because you need a wall on each side. I never had an issue with weapons at checkpoints because you either needed the Batmobile to do the trick (all guns + cannons) or it was just a few guns so you just dive in and CC the guns.It's still useful for making makeshift perches though. there were a couple checkpoints where I couldn't disable enemy weapons without them spotting me untilI used it.
These Batmobile challenges drive me up a f'n wall. I'm stuck on Road Rage and I really have no clue what the hell I'm doing. Am I supposed to drive into them? I can't shoot them for whatever reason, but driving into them just pushes them around half the time. It promotes sliding into them, but I've found that damn near impossible since none will actually drive next to me. Sometimes I can kill some, some times I can't, but I'm not exactly sure how I'm getting those kills and not others.
In the comics:Robin in stuff like Batgirl Year One. They have a relationship too. But it was Dick Grayson, the first Robin. Arkhamverse seems to favor Tim Drake as Barb's love interest, as Dick is apparently older
My immediate thought is Jim Gordon ... but that wouldn't make any sense forto say, would it?Harley
Thanks all for the tips, I didn't realize some of the side missions had to be "discovered". I guess I'm used to games throwing a mission marker in my face at this pointThe game only tells you once or twice I think for some side missions, you have to go and find them yourself.
- use detective mode (to find groups of thugs around firemen / flashing red street mines / dead bodies hung up, etc)
- listen to the cop radio broadcasts (the helicopters will hover over side mission points and point their spotlights at them)
- whenever you find a side mission point while doing something else, hold the Detective Mode button to scan them and flag them up for later. This puts them on your minimap, and when you use the Mission Wheel it'll point you to the ones you've scanned
Flashpoint skin is kind of awesome.