This isn't tightly connected to previous games in the series is it? I finished AA but still have AC in my backlog and didn't buy AO. I want to play this one first though, then maybe go back and play AC at some point.
Holy fuck, when (actual spoiler)I jumped sky high, immediately followed byJoker is behind you and shouts "Missed me?!"Fuck, I actually got scared.Batman popping up behind Gordon in the fear sequence...
I'm fucking loving this so far.
This isn't tightly connected to previous games in the series is it? I finished AA but still have AC in my backlog and didn't buy AO. I want to play this one first though, then maybe go back and play AC at some point.
Oh man, you can punch the militia guy in the GCPD cell through the jailbars to get him to stop talking shit.
This game is killing it when it comes to the little things.
This isn't tightly connected to previous games in the series is it? I finished AA but still have AC in my backlog and didn't buy AO. I want to play this one first though, then maybe go back and play AC at some point.
This game spoils the final twist of Arkham City. Play City first. They're very tightly connected. Origins canbe skipped.and should
I'm having a really hard time remembering to use X for braking instead of left trigger. Keep popping the turret out and firing a shot every time I want to stop the batmobile. Lol
Oh man, you can punch the militia guy in the GCPD cell through the jailbars to get him to stop talking shit.
This game is killing it when it comes to the little things.
Sure, skip the best one.
This game spoils the final twist of Arkham City. Play City first. They're very tightly connected. Origins canbe skipped.and should
I hate life.
I didn't want to buy any more games for a while..but I might have to break that vow.
Origins is well worth a play. It's rough around the edges but it has (imo) the best story of the lot, and had the best combat until Arkham Knight came along.
Story wise, perhaps. But Origins totally screwed up the combat, not to mention the horrendous bugs (although it looks like AK is following in its footsteps, at least on PC)
I don't want to go deep into this well, but it absolutely does not have the best combat. They borderline ruined it.
And the question was about story. Origins has little to do with Knight and can very well be skipped.
The combat wasn't screwed up at all. They changed some stuff, and added some more enemy types. I actually slightly prefer it to AC's combat.
I don't want to go deep into this well, but it absolutely does not have the best combat. They borderline ruined it.
Go deep. I haven't got AK yet, I need something to keep me occupied till the midnight launch.
You're welcome to explain why, even if it doesn't sound like you want to. Obviously the Rocksteady titles are far more polished, and this applies to combat, but personally I thought the additions Origins brought to the table made it the most satisfying, at least when played on hard.
The combat wasn't screwed up at all. They changed some stuff, and added some more enemy types. I actually slightly prefer it to AC's combat.
Go deep. I haven't got AK yet, I need something to keep me occupied till the midnight launch.
Game options > Battle toggle.
Switches brake to L2
I'm actually trying to google and find my old rant on it instead of having to type it up again haha.
Not sure if it's been mentioned but you can get the PC version for £21 at Greenman Gaming using voucher code BETHEB-ATMANG-MG40PC
Its been a while since I played Origins (I played it at launch and never touched it since) but from what I remember, there were two big annoyances:
1. They removed canceling. In City, if you pressed attack, but another guy came at you, if you pressed counter quickly enough you would counter the guy instead of finishing the attack. They removed this in Origins - the attack will finish and you cannot counter until the attack is finished. I don't like this change because it slows down the game and makes combat feel disjointed instead of freeflowing.
2. Those shock gloves. I think it is almost a cannibalizing of the combat to be honest. What makes the freeflow system so engaging is that you can never let your attention wander. There are lots of enemy types and each one has to be taken down in a specific manner. But then you get shock gloves and you can lolpuncheverything. It makes the challenging part of the game boring.
Sorry if any of this is inaccurate, like I said I haven't played the game since I finished it back when it came out.