Mr. PlayStation
What does that do?
Didnt you see the eurogamer post yet? It leads to something that you experienced in the game very early on!
What does that do?
What does that do?
I'm doing the last few militia stronghold quests. What's the best way to do them? They tend to have those huge cannon drones and armed enemies, not sure what to do about the drones.
Also, I read in this thread that the guys who glow green give up Riddler trophy locations? How? Never knew this, would help a lot.
I'm doing the last few militia stronghold quests. What's the best way to do them? They tend to have those huge cannon drones and armed enemies, not sure what to do about the drones.
Also, I read in this thread that the guys who glow green give up Riddler trophy locations? How? Never knew this, would help a lot.
They should remaster Arkham Asylum with Arkham Knight graphics.
If you're having problems with some of the challenges, the Scarecrow DLC counts towards the 69 trophy, 9 easy stars.
Since Rocksteady seems to be done for now I assume any future anythings would be handled by WB Montreal.
Instead of just redoing a game we've already played I'd rather they just make another new game using the same Knight engine/assets like they did with Origins. Sure it probably wouldnt be as good as a Rocksteady game but at least it'd be something new.
Maybe we'd even get a few proper bossfights out of it.
Since Rocksteady seems to be done for now I assume any future anythings would be handled by WB Montreal.
Instead of just redoing a game we've already played I'd rather they just make another new game using the same Knight engine/assets like they did with Origins. Sure it probably wouldnt be as good as a Rocksteady game but at least it'd be something new.
Maybe we'd even get a few proper bossfights out of it.
Combine the 2 maps,Since Rocksteady seems to be done for now I assume any future anythings would be handled by WB Montreal.
Instead of just redoing a game we've already played I'd rather they just make another new game using the same Knight engine/assets like they did with Origins. Sure it probably wouldnt be as good as a Rocksteady game but at least it'd be something new.
Maybe we'd even get a few proper bossfights out of it.
Combine the 2 maps,
Regular Batmobile, +Batboat
Character select for the entire game(maybe character specific side missions to change it up.):
-Cassandra Cain or Barbara
Green Arrow and Black Canary as DLC
Birds of Prey campaign & side mission DLC
Co-op when possible, even just specific missions.
I'm going to kill the person who designed the last riddler race and thought it was okay. Better start hiding, I'm taking the next plane to US. I will find you.
If that's the case, I'd rather not have Asylum remastered at all. WB Montreal is nothing other than a B team producing B team quality work. They lack the attention to detail and polish Rocksteady puts into their work. The quality of the Batgirl DLC in terms of jankiness is proof of that, especially when contrasted with the care put into AK.Since Rocksteady seems to be done for now I assume any future anythings would be handled by WB Montreal.
Instead of just redoing a game we've already played I'd rather they just make another new game using the same Knight engine/assets like they did with Origins. Sure it probably wouldnt be as good as a Rocksteady game but at least it'd be something new.
Maybe we'd even get a few proper bossfights out of it.
try first-person mode
If that's the case, I'd rather not have Asylum remastered at all. WB Montreal is nothing other than a B team producing B team quality work. They lack the attention to detail and polish Rocksteady puts into their work. The quality of the Batgirl DLC in terms of jankiness is proof of that, especially when contrasted with the care put into AK.
WB Games Montreal likely has little time to make the content they push out as they're owned entirely by WB. "Attention to detail" and "polish" is something that is made possible through having the time. There's no denying Arkham Origins was a quality game given it was a stopgap between Rocksteady titles. And that game had plenty of "love" put into it.
Cold, Cold, Heart was also the best DLC released for any Arkham game, putting to shame stuff like Harley Quinn's Revenge.
I agree that the DLC was good stuff -- I watched my wife play through most of it, and she had a great time -- but I can't agree that Origins was a quality game, especially when contrasted with Rocksteady's efforts. Just my opinion.WB Games Montreal likely has little time to make the content they push out as they're owned entirely by WB. "Attention to detail" and "polish" is something that is made possible through having the time. There's no denying Arkham Origins was a quality game given it was a stopgap between Rocksteady titles. And that game had plenty of "love" put into it.
Cold, Cold, Heart was also the best DLC released for any Arkham game, putting to shame stuff like Harley Quinn's Revenge.
I agree that the DLC was good stuff -- I watched my wife play through most of it, and she had a great time -- but I can't agree that Origins was a quality game, especially when contrasted with Rocksteady's efforts. Just my opinion.
Its not that hard, Knight had just like two serious Indoor Level, and even those were shit.Origins had way better indoor level though (better than City and Knight).
Its not that hard, Knight had just like two serious Indoor Level, and even those were shit.
Because the city in Knight lacks the great Dungeons? But I agree, City did this perfect.Not sure why the same type of gameplay taking place in enclosed rooms and hallways is any different from it being out in the city, or anywhere else for that matter. City proves you can have a more open map while retaining anything Asylum may have done.
Maybe I never liked the Arkham games in the first place?
So I finally got around to finish up this game. The last 1½ hour or so took a good three or four sessions to get through. Not because of difficulty, no. Byt because of the pure dullness of it all. Wanted to scream in frustration over this game several times. Came close to just calling quits several times and just Youtube the ending instead.
Some background. I loved Asylum to death, never played much of City and skipped Origins all together. But man this game really tested my patience.
The Great:
The Mediocre:
- Batman. Because "I'm Batmaaan"
- Technical presentation. A real tour de force in the graphics department.
- Voice acting. Stellar performances across the board with only a few minor gripes.
The Bad:
- Story. Sorely lacking. Uninspired and at least 10 hours too long. Weak villains and horrible use of Two Face and Penguin. The rest of the villains feels like something Rocksteady scraped up from the bottom of the Batman barrel.
- Combat. A mess. Too many specific ways to handle different enemy types. This is mostly true in the later stages of the game where they crowbar in every kind of enemy in large groups. Medics, ninjas, gun weilders, fatties, electrics, shields, machineguns etc.
- Drone combat. Do I even need to explain this one? Who on earth thought drones was a good idea?
- Batmobile. Neat in concept. Unnecessary in reality. Batman gets around just fine with his cape. Puzzles involving the crapmobile feels forced as all hell.
- Drone combat. Yes again. Because fuck drone combat.
- Overuse of gadgets. I love Batmans gadgets. But for every new gadget Batman gets access to there is a short time (½-1 hour) when that gadget gets heavily overused and then ignored for a good few hours. For example, the batmobiles winch during the Ace Chemicals part. Or the Remote Hacking Device during the Stagg Airships.
- Find the generator missions. Fuck them. I lost count by the end of the game on how many occasions I was asked to "find the generator" and enable or disable it.
- Panessa Theater. Pure filler. I hated this part of the game with a burning passion. Bored the living jesus out of me. Uninteresting "boss" fights that was little more than glorified quicktime events.
- Overall mission pacing. I repeatedly felt like Rocksteady constructed roadblocks every tenth meter in the game. Generators, walls, locked doors. It just ended up silly and frustrating. I never experienced this in the same way in Arkham Asylum. Everything there felt way more thought through.
- Boss fights. So I head you like the Batmobile combat. No? Well fuck you, here are some bosses to fight while in the Batmobile. Enjoy.
I feel like I could go on but as of now I just wanna distance myself from this enormous letdown of a game. Maybe I never liked the Arkham games in the first place? I thought I did. But no, this was a bad experience for me.
But at least it looked nice..
This is definitely a possibility considering how similar these games are overall.
Had to google as i don't have time to try it out but man bat escapes gcpd and suprised you on a roof
I completely agree with you.
Don't worry about not liking the series. Arkham Knight loses a lot of what made Asylum so great. On the note of not liking the series, I preferred City to Knight; it feels much more tightly designed. The series is definitely more hit than miss for me.
I think this is the most logical reasoning. But I can remember Arkham Asylum being a tighter and more intimate experience. Knight was everything but that.
Indeed, bigger is not always better. And in the case of the Arkham series it's most certainly true.
I am talking about how I could return in Arkham City to a dungeon and discover all the time new stuff when I got new gadgets. The only area here where I can to this is the air ship and its only one stupid door that mattered.
Also, the dungeons rewarded returning with new story pieces. Heck, After finishing Arkham City I could return as booth Catwoman and Batman to areas and got a new, small epilouge-storyline about Pinguin (and maybe Two-Face? Not sure about this).
Arkham Knight rewards you not the smallest.
I completely agree with you.
Don't worry about not liking the series. Arkham Knight loses a lot of what made Asylum so great. I preferred City to Knight; it feels much more tightly designed.
Is it just a cutscene or is there an actual side-mission to play through?
After he suprises you on the rooftop of the building, you can see him flying around said building. He's easier to spot using Detective Vision. Glide on top of him it'll trigger a cutscene and a series of missions.
Even after finishing that the first time? The guy you quoted was talking about an easter egg.
Oh, I see! I didn't realize that the creature returns as an easter egg. Thanks for the heads up.
This began as my favorite Arkham game but having to get all the Riddler trophies is really weighing it down for me.
Are you using gadgets? Each gadget counts as a variation. The only stipulation is that I think actually have to use some sort of finisher (either an attack or a stun) for the Batclaw to count. Here's a simple checklist of easy moves to do:The 15 different combo moves trophy is making me weep tears, it's so easy to screw up.
The 15 different combo moves trophy is making me weep tears, it's so easy to screw up.
Disappointing that the Batgirl dlc doesn't even offer Batgirl, Harley and Joker in the character Showcase mode.
That was my biggest beef with the DLC, honestly. But I've read that they're going to include Batgirl in the DLC AR challenges, so I'm hoping they add them to Showcase around that time.Disappointing that the Batgirl dlc doesn't even offer Batgirl, Harley and Joker in the character Showcase mode.
If you have a PC that is capable of running this game over 30fps with minimal stuttering, then go for it. I played through it on PC and loved it. If you absolutely need 60fps for the game to be considered "playable", then keep waiting.So is this worth playing on PC yet or still waiting on fixes?