5 seconds of Batman. I think I should just play it now instead of making gifs.

Excellent - I even love Origins (just not as much as the first two). I'll toggle the Batmobile setting as soon as I start.I loved Asylum and City and this one is just as good.
Just change the control settings for the Batmobile and you're golden. Enjoy it.
City is incredible, but I never thought of it as "mini open world perfection". Not a benchmark in open world games by any stretch of the imagination, but it was perfectly competent at what it set out to do.It's still good, very good, probably one of the best games this year, and on next gen consoles so far, but it's not the game changer Asylum is, or the mini open world perfection (imo, some people like AC less than me) City is.
There was a patch which I downloaded and installed before playing, latest version is 01.02 according to my ps4.
Great call.
If you don't explore the GCPD building you're missing out.
Very early side quest question-
for "the perfect crime", is there supposed to be a waypoint to where the second body is? How the heck do you find it? I've been all over the island and I haven't heard any "opera music". Any help?
Yeah. Not only is it awesome fanservice, but.you can get an important and useful item much earlier than the game tells you to
Why did Batman even leave that there in the first place?
You have to click and listen, they tell the reason bumt I forgot it.
One more:
Nice water shader on Batman's mask, you can see it trickling down the side of his face.
Yeah, the game suggests to go after super criminals if you make to gain wayne tech points.
This has to be a bug, playing from disc with patch installed:
I've waited like 10 minutes, restarted from last checkpoint, no luck.
3-4 hours
Can anyone help me with the first Riddler puzzle with the Batmobile and the ramps? I'm stumped and feel dumb.
3-4 hours
Can anyone help me with the first Riddler puzzle with the Batmobile and the ramps? I'm stumped and feel dumb.
You have to tap B/Circle to toggle the Riddler barriers. Timing is important.
Dunno, I assume theyll appear as we go on forward.So, I'm working on one of the first side missions trying to save the firemen. I found the first guy and then the green way point disappears but I have 16 more to save. It says they are spread throughout the city, something about the riots. I swear I drove all over the place and I can't find them at all. Am I supposed to go to a specific location?
Not that one I don't think, if that's the racing one. The one after that that's a puzzle.
Edit: Never mind - I got it and see what you mean. Thanks.
the moment this game let me change into my bad ass 3000 suit and kick some ass i just had to buy the season pass, sorry guys im part of the problem but this game is so freaking good
So, I'm working on one of the first side missions trying to save the firemen. I found the first guy and then the green way point disappears but I have 16 more to save. It says they are spread throughout the city, something about the riots. I swear I drove all over the place and I can't find them at all. Am I supposed to go to a specific location?
Listen to radio talk. There's clues to everything that doesn't have a quest mark.
Well, you have to leave bats on the ? pad and remotely drive the batmobile over the ramp. Have you done that?
Guys, if I play Arkham Origins before getting Arkham Knight, will that burn me out on the gameplay? Are they too similar?
Guys, if I play Arkham Origins before getting Arkham Knight, will that burn me out on the gameplay? Are they too similar?
Well, you have to leave bats on the ? pad and remotely drive the batmobile over the ramp. Have you done that?
Yep, doing that first fear takedown was badass!
Probably. I love these games, but I still get easily burned out by them after awhile. I'd focus on one first.Guys, if I play Arkham Origins before getting Arkham Knight, will that burn me out on the gameplay? Are they too similar?
Is the batmobile really that bad? If yes, how? I really don't understand how a car could ruin the formula established in the previous entries, I have avoided all reviews to keep spoilers far from my mind, so I guess I don't really understand the complaint.
Ok, I missed a tutorial and it's not in the moves list, how do I counter the charging guys with red warnings?
Yes. Skip Origins.
Probably. I love these games, but I still get easily burned out by them after awhile. I'd focus on one first.
This game is awesome but I feel like it could be just as awesome without the batmobile.
Might just be I'm horrible at driving it.