Why does he wear the mask!?
How about high speed chases through the city while blowing shit up?
And how much does that happen? Compared to the boring drone fights and power winching things?
How about high speed chases through the city while blowing shit up?
I noticed in the first combat challenge that there's some orange symbol next to a +1 as a reward. What does it mean? I got 55 kills but I'm wondering if its worth going for 60 to get the reward.
And how much does that happen? Compared to the boring drone fights and power winching things?
I noticed in the first combat challenge that there's some orange symbol next to a +1 as a reward. What does it mean? I got 55 kills but I'm wondering if its worth going for 60 to get the reward.
Hahah I love my wife. She was watching me play last night after I'd just started.
(Early character slight spoiler)
(to Batman): "Who taught you how to drive?"Poison Ivy
My wife: "It sure wasn't his dad."
-Combat is basically spam square over and over again
After putting a couple more hours into the game, I think I can safely say this is the most disappointing game of the year so far.
-Absolutely nothing has grabbed me in the first 4 or so hours of the game. It's not very exciting.
-The batmobile is overused and clunky to control
-The controls in general are clunky to use
-Combat is basically spam square over and over again
I'll finish the game, but only because I have absolutely nothing else to play.
to each their own but....
That's what you come away with from combat? I don't even...After putting a couple more hours into the game, I think I can safely say this is the most disappointing game of the year so far.
-Absolutely nothing has grabbed me in the first 4 or so hours of the game. It's not very exciting.
-The batmobile is overused and clunky to control
-The controls in general are clunky to use
-Combat is basically spam square over and over again
I'll finish the game, but only because I have absolutely nothing else to play.
It's almost becoming my GotY so far, it's catching up with The Witcher 3 very quickly just because of how fun it is.
Also almost none of the mechanics are clunky imo. The Batmobile sort of is because it's a huge powerful machine that runs away with its own power. But once you embrace that mad aspect of it, it's just brilliant fun.
On-foot moving around and combat is incredibly efficient, precise and solid.
I can tell you never played any of the earlier games. If you think combat is just a case of mashing the punch button, you have no idea what you're doing and are going to be destroyed in fistfights from mid-game onwards.
If there is a better way, the game does a very bad job of introducing new combat mechanics.
I completed both Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, both of which had exactly the same combat where you used square and then a takedown. It's the same here. It's not fun.
I completed both Arkham Asylum and Arkham City, both of which had exactly the same combat where you used square and then a takedown. It's the same here. It's not fun.
If there is a better way, the game does a very bad job of introducing new combat mechanics.
I swear the game just looks way too busy and also too shiny with the rain.
in AA and AC during combat,even against huge gorups,it was very easy to immediately see which enemy was what and what they were doing. In this, I feel stuff is constantly drowned out by all the effects and shininess and objects.
How do I unlock the first Combat AR challenge?It says something about transitioning dive off a rooftop but I have no idea what that means.
This is on PC btw.
How do I unlock the first Combat AR challenge? It says something about transitioning dive off a rooftop but I have no idea what that means.
This is on PC btw.
That's fair enough, then. I love it, personally. It gives you choice and scales from being lame "press square to win" to "Be The Bat". I try to get in-depth with it as much as possible for my own enjoyment, using loads of gadgets and taking fools down as efficiently as possible. On Hard it features quite a few challenging fights, too.
But yeah, if you don't dig it after playing it that much, then fair enough. Clearly just not for you. I'm loving every mechanic and encounter in Arkham Knight up to the nines. I find it so immersive and such a good Batman simulator. The only bits I haven't enjoyed are Riddler's Batmobile puzzles.
I honestly don't get all the praise for how gorgeous it is. I mean, it looks nice, but it is not what I would call a pretty game at all. The image is too soft, there is aliasing everywhere, the textures are not great and some of the characters have that waxy UE3 look going on. Hell, I think even Dying Light looks better. I had a lot more fun with it, too.
If there is a better way, the game does a very bad job of introducing new combat mechanics.
The game looks like a more detailed Arkham City, which is pretty damn great. THe water effects are beautiful too.
It's just too busy for my tastes.
The game looks like a more detailed Arkham City, which is pretty damn great. THe water effects are beautiful too.
It's just too busy for my tastes.
Loving the game so far but it does focus way too much on the Batmobile. It doesn't feel so much like a gadget but a main focal point of the game. Also that Batwing looks SICK but I'm quite sure we don't get to pilot it.
Justice League 3000 suit is dabes.
I love the game but damn if Gotham isn't very underwhelming here. Small playscape and nothing really stands out. Designing a symmetrical three island playfield was a mistake as well imo.
I thought Asylum and City were great, but this one just isn't interesting me in the slightest, which is a shame. I'll carry on playing, but personally I can only describe this game as a disappointment.
Remind me, whats that second jump scare? I crapped myself at the first one, totally did not expect him to appear.I am having fun with the game, despite the technical issues. I was really fumbling around for a while, since the game throws you to the deep end, expecting you to remember all the nuanced parts of the combat from the previous games. Love the fear takedown moves, and I'm getting back into the combat and stealth groove.
The batmobile usage is definitely a lot. I don't mind it right now, but since it feels like it covers the majority of the gameplay right now, I'm not sure I'll feel the same way if this keeps up with me having to winch and yank everything. I just finished the Ace Chemicals area.I totally yelled out loud at the end of that area. I should have seen that jump scare coming, but nope. The one after that with Gordon was a bit more obvious.
There's parts of the game where they disable skills without telling you i'm sure of it.
I had over x8 combo but the game would not allow me to do a takedown.
I think he was referring to the Batman: Endgame comic, not the end of the game itself. Also, the spoiler is fortunately from an hour or two into the main storyline, not the end. Still incredibly frustrating though, since Rocksteady intentionally went to great lengths not to reveal it.
Brake and Reverse are the same key on either the Square or L2 buttons. It's also the powerslide I think.
Why isn't the subtitle of this thread "Project Gotham Racing"?
Oh, I'm team Batmobile BTW. Makes the game so much more diverse and interesting to play than the previous ones.
I also loved the mini game shit in Bayonetta, so...
I personally have spent probably 2-3 hours of my time with it just chasing down goons, helping cops in car chases, swooping around the city feeling like The Bat. It's captured that for me better than any of the others. Also some of the encounters later on get great - Batmobile stuff excepted.
Those are the last things I want to do. I just want to plow through the main story and trade the game in so I can get the majority of my money back. Sorry, but I'm just not enjoying the game. Glad you are though!