I love the Batman Beyond suit in AC.
Look at that ass.
How is he supposed to glide without wings?^^ Or did they change the animation when you choose the Beyond Outfit?
I love the Batman Beyond suit in AC.
Look at that ass.
How is he supposed to glide without wings?^^ Or did they change the animation when you choose the Beyond Outfit?
I love the Batman Beyond suit in AC.
Look at that ass.
Finished all of the Enigma packs... Is... that it?
I mean, there was that big tease after I got all of the relays with the "" (Or whatever). I get down there and find theI have something really big in store for you. The HQ is still on my map as an objective, just saying to destroy the machine after I get the relays. Also in detective vision, the trophy gives the information as being created by a man identified as "Riddler Trophy" which I don't recall being unveiled in the story in any way. I actually thought I had somehow glitched through a cutscene or something.Edward Nashton
That's really it?The fact that it's still on my map is even weirder. Is their supposed to be some Riddler-related DLC or something?I would at least expect a radio call from Nygma congratulating me or something.
For the next game I hope they drop the current skill system.
Have all the abilities and skills available from the start and when you level up you can choose what you want, don't lock it behind some stupid mission or other.
Have there been any realistic rumors of a nex gen version for next year?
Trying to decide if I should just cave in or wait.
Im tempted to just buy it now which I had planned on for release but didn't have the money then. problem is if it does also come out on PS4 as a Batman fan I will have to rebuy it.
Have there been any realistic rumors of a nex gen version for next year?
Trying to decide if I should just cave in or wait.
Im tempted to just buy it now which I had planned on for release but didn't have the money then. problem is if it does also come out on PS4 as a Batman fan I will have to rebuy it.
Agreed. It's weird that the enemies have dialog referring to "Deathstroke" or "Slade" and it makes me wonder if a DLC chapter starring him is on the way down the road.
Woah, I just noticed the 100-1 Challenge were you need to beat 100 dudes.
Sickest damn combo flow I've seen.
Maybe this has to do with the Deathstroke Challenges? I didnt played them, but are they reffering to him as Deathstroke or Slade in those?
They have been doing it since AC. The thugs call out Robin and Nightwing as well, too bad they were too cheap to get some simple lines for Nightwing (I guess then they'd have to cast a VO and stick to it) or why they didn't have the guy doing Robin in the main game and Harley's Revenge read some lines for challenge map snippets.Maybe this has to do with the Deathstroke Challenges? I didnt played them, but are they reffering to him as Deathstroke or Slade in those?
It's funny I went back and did some challenge rooms in Arkham Asylum and I was actually surprised at how many of the complaints I had from AO combat actually exist in AA as well.
1. The camera still has problems
2. Its very hard to deal with Knife enemies and stun baton guys. If they start attacking you, you are pretty much guaranteed to lose your combo.
3. The maps that involve titans are a pain in the ass since the only time you can stun them is when they charge and it can be near impossible to keep a long combo going unless you get REALLY lucky.
4. Batman evades much slower and you can't always evade out of an attack like you could in AC
5. Losing a combo eventhough there is an enemy that should have been targeted.
6. It is a PAIN in the ass to go after the goons who have a gun. If you are on the other side of the map it takes too damn long to get there.
I actually was able to beat Shock and Awe Extreme without too much trouble. Rumble in the Jungle Extreme was a PAIN, though.
Just started playing this game.
Can I complete my Dark Knight challenges in challenge maps or do I have to do them in Story mode? Xbox 360 version.
Think I hit a bug. I'm on ps3. Late game setting spoilers
In Blackgate I was supposed to raise the water level. I bataranged the box in the area and nothing happened. The electricity disappeared. What can I do?
Wow, can't believe the negative buzz this game got. Its fantastic. Better than AA and on the level with AC.
Finished tonight. Where was Deadshot?
Hit the button on the console across from it to set off electricity in the room with the fusebox
There should be a SOS thing somewhere in the Bowery.Finished tonight. Where was Deadshot?
Wow, can't believe the negative buzz this game got. Its fantastic. Better than AA and on the level with AC.
Finished tonight. Where was Deadshot?
Hit the button on the console across from it to set off electricity in the room with the fusebox
Wow, can't believe the negative buzz this game got. Its fantastic. Better than AA and on the level with AC.
Finished tonight. Where was Deadshot?
Hit the button on the console across from it to set off electricity in the room with the fusebox
Season Pass for PC is on sale on Steam right now for $10
Season Pass for PC is on sale on Steam right now for $10
Season Pass for PC is on sale on Steam right now for $10