Nice. Definitely looking forward to it.
Who voiced him in Arkham City? RIP Michael Ansara.![]()
I guess that image is a bit better than the invite from New Years Eve as it pretty much confirms Mr Freeze, but I would have preferred a teaser trailer with date at the least.
I hope they create a unique boss fight for Freeze and don't try to ape too much from Arkham City. It would be great if they used the snow tracks Batman leaves when he walks around on roof tops as a way for Freeze to track Batman or for Batman to lure Freeze into an attack.
NG+ is no joke. I wish I had realized the challenge shit went on a track instead of just unlocking them when you do them. No way I'm going to get the silent predator ones, though. Is the Initiation DLC actual story or just challenge maps?
Just beat it this, very solid game! Left a bit to be desired, was a copy-paste of the previous Arkham games. Still, enjoyed it quite a bit since it is related to Batman. Question: the Black Mask challenge maps, do they allow you to play as him?
Was planning on grabbing this for the U, as I'd rather lose the online and put my $10 savings towards the season pass (sucker for those costumes). Checked the Eurogamer Face Off, and was surprised to see it came up as the worst version.
Just wondering what U owners thought of the game? Gamepad make up for the shortcomings? I'm itching for some more Batman action, and I like the idea of a younger, possibly meaner Batman.
So enjoying this though for some reason the gameplay doesn't feel as smooth when moving around the city, it seems like there is tons of stuff batman should be able to get past or walk over easily but you constantly are hitting invisible walls or your grappling hook can't attach to many places that dont make sense.
Also is it just me, or does this Arkham toss you into constant fights with massive groups of henchmen? In the previous games you could often skip, stealth, or they were not as frequent. In this one, it feels like I'm constantly in one giant brawl over and over again for any single task, often being unavoidable too.
i agree on all counts. i also hate how they have you open a door into a predator room. doesn't feel very batman-ish to walk in the damn front door.
i mean at the end of the day the combat is the best part of the game but at least give me the illusion that stealth is an option
It's really weird going back to Asylum right after playing Origins. I didn't realize the change between City and Aslyum was as big as it was.
Yea so many areas you just essentially walk into a horde of bad guys, or at least you had a stealth approach to start the fight. And all the side content is covered in goons as well. The density of bad guys in this game is insane. Later in game now and suddenly there's even more bad guys and tons of snipers everywhere. Makes getting anywhere annoying as heck. I just played City about a month before this and the game was far less padded with bad guy swarms.
I really wish you could get a new suit when you go to the Batcave, instead of tooling around the city with that holey cape all the time. It's right there when it comes up out of the floor!
Finish all the Dark Knight challenges and get the superior version of the AO Batsuit.While progressing in the story, I am more than ok with the ripped cape, but I would really love if I could change into a new one in the Endgame.
Finish all the Dark Knight challenges and get the superior version of the AO Batsuit.
Except in story mode the cape is all fine but the armour damage is still all there.
I've looked on YouTube for some strategies, and it seems the key is to build up a big combo and then take down as many thugs as possible with a Ground Pound.
Easier said than done, unfortunately.
Knife takedowns are essential, plus I try to do as many cape stun beat downs as I can since those seem to be the next highest multiplier (50x - 100x for the knife ones).
Here's a few vids on my twitch channel where I get all three medals.
That's exact strategy I've used in every single Arkham game. Lots of evades, cape stuns and making sure you use ALL of the moves available. The explosives give you some pretty sweet points in Origins. Not getting hit or not breaking your combo through all four rounds grants you series points too.
Anyone got any tips for Batmans combat challenges? It seems no matter what I do I can't get higher than 2 medals. I try to vary all my moves and use gadgets, never get hit, entire round in one freeflow combo and I still run short.
I've 1000/1000 Arkham Asylum, 1500/1500 Arkham City and only have a couple of predator challenges to 1000/1000 AA:GotY. I've even recently utterly defeated Arkham City Armoured Edition on the Wii U (it was only a tenner brand new).
I played through Arkham origins on Hard Mode for my first playthrough (it was a mistake, but I ran with it) and finished NG+, yet the one thing I found the easiest with all the other Arkham games (Combat Challenges) are utterly defeating me.
I've looked on YouTube for some strategies, and it seems the key is to build up a big combo and then take down as many thugs as possible with a Ground Pound.
Easier said than done, unfortunately.
Well, I've been playing this game and am at 26% right now. I'm really, really enjoying it, even more than AC. The combat, though, seems a bit more difficult and loose I guess. I was generally pretty good at the first two games, able to do all the challenge maps, but I can't even get past two stars on the first one, lol. I read the above comments and will have to practice some more.
Well, I've been playing this game and am at 26% right now. I'm really, really enjoying it, even more than AC. The combat, though, seems a bit more difficult and loose I guess. I was generally pretty good at the first two games, able to do all the challenge maps, but I can't even get past two stars on the first one, lol. I read the above comments and will have to practice some more.
As for the game, I realize I'm really early, but I already like the areas I've went through,, more than the areas in AC. They're about on par with AA. (Actually, I really hope that after this game they go back to the linear nature of AA, though I doubt that will happen and that's another discussion for another day.) The story also seems better than what AC had to deliver, although I'm sure that could change drastically for the better or worse. I like Batman's characterization in this a lot so far and want to see how it plays out throughout the game. I'm very curious as to why this got as bad a scores as it did.GCPD, sewers, boat
Right now, I typically do the investigations as they pop up and do as much of the Most Wanted as they come up as well. I completed. Should I hold off on the investigations or Most Wanted in regards to unlocking stuff? In fact, is there anything I should hold off on or be wary of as I go through the game in terms of unlocking stuff? And I'm sure I'm fairly far away on this, but how's the DLC in this game?Penguin and Anarchy and I'm currently on Mad Hatter