The perfect Dark
I have a bad feeling about this. Will wait for reviews.
Loved Arkham Asylum. Arkham City was "okay".
Loved Arkham Asylum. Arkham City was "okay".
Does anyone know if city assets from AC are being re-used, or has the whole game world been modelled from scratch?
All the time or certain parts? I haven't played AC yet.
Also, looks like the soundtrack is out.
If anybody missed it, here's the notes I took from that Nvidia presentation.
Good notes.
I love how aggressive Bats is. He fights as if he is still trying to learn a bit of self control. It's brutal.
Batman Arkham Asylum - Official Soundtrack
Does anyone know if city assets from AC are being re-used, or has the whole game world been modelled from scratch?
Hell, to my understanding the entire area of AC has been copy pasted into AO. You can even see some area's from AC in the gameplay trailers.
Wait, seriously? The Arkham City map is re-used in this? That just seems incredibly lazy.
Is anyone else picking up the WiiU version?
Wait, seriously? The Arkham City map is re-used in this? That just seems incredibly lazy.
Arkham City is there in addition to South Gotham, which is a totally new area. It sounds like it's the same size as Arkham, but with much taller buildings and a different theme (rich area instead of slums). Or maybe South Gotham is Arkham City and North Gotham is the new area? I can't remember, but WB Montreal has always said that Origins is twice the size of City.
Well I was under the impression is they made an entirely new map, the same size as the AC map. Then they have the entire AC map connected to the new one by bridge. So the game area is doubled, but half is from the last game. this is what I picked up from an interview ages ago, so I could be wrong. I believe they also said the ac portion would be different in certain ways via the fact its winter, the flooded area is no longer flooded and some parts are different due to being set in the past, to freshen things up a bit.
Ah that's no so bad then. I thought people meant the entire game world was just the Arkham City one, minus the flooding.
Wait, seriously? The Arkham City map is re-used in this? That just seems incredibly lazy.
Well I said to myself "Fuck it. You liked the first 2 and the B-Man was the only comic you cared about as a nipper. Why not?" and just as I was about to go a wandering for deals I thought "Hang on. What system do I get this on?".
They've got a list of pros and cons that's just bloody ridiculous:
360: Slightly better framerate with the last 2. More active friends list for online.
PS3: Exclusive DLC and would fit in nice with my collection on on the same system.
PC: Better performance and lots of Nvidia bells and whistles. Though a 2 week wait (possible proxy resolution).
WiiU: Ummm GamePad trickery? And a 2 week wait with no way around.
Too much choice IS a bad thing.
The 2 weeks wait is only there if you buy retail. IIRC the delay is just for the boxed PC version.
I have PC/360/WiiU and I'll get it on PC right away. The performance improvement will just make a massive difference (60 fps vs unstable 30 fps). I played the game on PS3 a couple of weeks back and there were frame drops all over the place + some loading times when you traveled across the map too quickly. The final version of the game might improve on those aspects but so far it's not looking so hot.
Performance on PC? Arkham City had the most shitty stuttering. Have they fixed it this for new release?
I have a bad feeling about this. Will wait for reviews.
Loved Arkham Asylum. Arkham City was "okay".
My PC can't wait.
I think it will be a game worth playing, but I can't see the game being anything special.
If anybody missed it, here's the notes I took from that Nvidia presentation.
Are you in Europe? because European Pc and Wii U versions are delayed until November 8th
I don't need a good story or anything (neither Arkham games have been that great when it comes to that). I just want a more cohesive and fun world in Origins than it was in City. City's world was ungodly boring.
I doubt it will be better than City's world, but I'm hoping.
I know they'll get the combat right since that's a given. The graphics will be fine, and the missions will probably be fine too. I just want them to make the world not so goddamn boring.
Are you in Europe? because European Pc and Wii U versions are delayed until November 8th
Right on. I still am hoping that there maybe some coop challenge maps. Eric Holmes didn't really mention it on the recent reddit AMA, he pretty much said to ask Splash Damage cause he wasn't 100% sure about all the modes.
Such a missed opportunity. Maybe DLC...
Super excited for this game nonetheless. btw, DAT PC VERSION! Can't wait.
in my short time here in GAF this is the best OT i have seen, brilliant work OP
I knew using that subtitle was a good idea. People automatically assume because Rocksteady isn't doing this that it's going to suck.
On topic: Do we know if Nolan North is voicing the Penguin again?
I don't need a good story or anything (neither Arkham games have been that great when it comes to that). I just want a more cohesive and fun world in Origins than it was in City. City's world was ungodly boring.
I doubt it will be better than City's world, but I'm hoping.
I know they'll get the combat right since that's a given. The graphics will be fine, and the missions will probably be fine too. I just want them to make the world not so goddamn boring.
Nothing could top the legendary Assassin's Creed OT.
Is the OP still taking a shit? Second post is still empty =(
I haven't heard of anything big since the Scarecrow cannisters in Riddler rooms and Hush's lair and the Scarecrow thugs.Does anybody know if all the easter eggs from Arkham City ever got found. I remember ages ago it being said that there were still some hidden ones.
The Scarecrow boat lair was an awesome easter egg.