Anyone else encounter the bug in the Amusement Mile Coms Tower? I use the remote claw after the fight with the group, but the line keeps dropping Batman when he gets on.
Black Mask is a fascinating villain. I would love to see him in a Batman movie.
Speaking of bugs, if anyone is doing the deadshot mission here's some advise:Don't take him out before he can take the hostage, well, hostage. Apparently I broke the scripting by knocking him out and now I'm completely stuck with no way to resolve the mission.
Black Mask was my first choice for TDKR because he would have fit really well with the established story and the more realistic universe. Ball = dropped.Black Mask is a fascinating villain. I would love to see him in a Batman movie.
Effin' hell. I couldn't find a way to exit the area where you fightafter scouring for five minutes. Finally restarted, and was able to walk through a door that would not open before. These bugs are becoming a real nuisance.deathstroke
Effin' hell. I couldn't find a way to exit the area where you fightafter scouring for five minutes. Finally restarted, and was able to walk through a door that would not open before. These bugs are becoming a real nuisance.deathstroke
Effin' hell. I couldn't find a way to exit the area where you fightafter scouring for five minutes. Finally restarted, and was able to walk through a door that would not open before. These bugs are becoming a real nuisance.deathstroke
Encountered the same bug here. Took me longer than five minutes to get the clue the game was glitched.
Effin' hell. I couldn't find a way to exit the area where you fightafter scouring for five minutes. Finally restarted, and was able to walk through a door that would not open before. These bugs are becoming a real nuisance.deathstroke
Name inclines me to think he'd say that about any DC hero.You know, I love Miiverse and all, but..sigh..
There's always someone.
Ok I'm stuck in the ship. I did everything and am using the line gun to get out, am sitting on a line and have no idea where I'm supposed to go...
Any word on a patch on PC? Don´t even want to try that glitch for the jamming tower and had a few other bugs (doors do not open - having to restart the game). Think i´ll just stop playing until the game is fixed.
There was a twitter post from them asking people to post the bugs they've found on their forums. So they aren't oblivious. I assume they want to find out what they all are and try and fix them in one go.
The Deathstroke fight was really awesome
Spoiler question regarding itis it the only time you fight him? For some reason I thought he'd have a bigger role in the game
Ok that deathstroke fight was pretty fucking awesome. 2nd best boss in the series behind Freeze (not that that's saying much, but it was still great)
Seemed like everyone hated it. I personally loved it.
What, why? Too hard?
I did it on my first try but it got pretty nasty near the end. If I was going for the achievement to counter everything I could see myself getting fairly upset.
It's boneheadedly easy, overly long and terribly repetitive.
It's "easy" but it tests the player's skill at knowing when to counter and attack. It is a very well designed first boss fight for that reason. It feels like Deathstroke is a worthy opponent for Batman and that makes it fun and cool. The fight is like 6-7 minutes max, I didn't feel it went too long. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Eh? You just hammer on the attack button and hit counter when one of the QTEs of him swinging his stick kicks in. There's no sense of timing or precision at all, unlike most other fights.
And it probably felt longer than it was given that it consists mostly of the same 3-4 animations playing over and over again.
I'm not sure this is a glitch but rather the game doesn't really indicate well what you need to do. Granted I'm playing the Wii U version which is better about the glitches.
For me the door was indeed locked but I went over to where Penguin's room is (Batman says beforehand "I can't let Penguin get away") at one of the remote claw anchors and there was a short scene about how Batman can't get in the room. After that the door to leave unlocks.
So yeah, did you guys watch that Penguin scene before trying to get out?
It is a post-game sidequest, eventuallyDid every Engima challenge, all criminals, completed the game and solved every crime. Got the Riddler Trophy and now all that's left is a side missions I didn't get somehow. Who am I missing?
Mad Hater
Black Mask
Yeah it isn't hard, like I said, but it teaches new players how to properly counter. Counters pop up in both QTE sequences and normally during that fight, and correct timing is important on them. Just in this topic earlier people were complaining about Deathstroke having unavoidable attacks (he doesn't) because they were too eager with the attack or counter buttons.
It's a perfectly paced fight for a first boss and really cool.
How do I get back to the batcave?
Liked the game a lot up until the end
End spoilers:Bane is my favorite DC villain and he really got the shaft at the end. He would never work with Joker like that, he sees himself as above scum like him. I could live with that but him willingly turning himself into a retard forever was just stupid as hell and very contrived to "explain" his appearance in Asylum, which is already easily explained by the doctor experimenting on him.
Add to that the stupid and poorly designed attempt to replicate the Freeze fight. Ugh. What a pain in the ass. To me the whole final sequence at Black gate seemed very shoddily made in comparison to the rest of the game, it felt rushed.
Despite those complaints and the strange amount of jank I really liked the game. It's easily the worst so far in the series but Rocksteady really nailed what it feels like to be Batman and every chance to continue that experience is gonna be great for me.
Fast travel to it from the map menu, it's on the far left. Just make sure you're out in the open in the world.
Name inclines me to think he'd say that about any DC hero.
I agree completely. The end was a sour point, in an otherwise well told story.
Whats sad is that they had done an amazing job building up Bane. A showdown with Bane and his men in Wayne Manor/Bat Cave would have been awesome... instead its oh hey, Joker is stealing the show again.
I'm so happy Joker is dead in the present timeline; hopefully, next game will showcase some of the other Rogues.
Eh? You just hammer on the attack button and hit counter when one of the QTEs of him swinging his stick kicks in. There's no sense of timing or precision at all, unlike most other fights.
And it probably felt longer than it was given that it consists mostly of the same 3-4 animations playing over and over again.
You know, I love Miiverse and all, but..sigh..
There's always someone.
What fights? Deathstroke teaches you to stop hammering the counter button all the time. That's how I did it at first and basically he beat the shit out of me.
Well. His villains certainly do NOT suck, but I hate all the fans who treat Batman like he's "special" and better than every other superhero just because he's realistic. Also,Tony Stark is totally cooler than Batman.