Fixed? What was your issue?
For those with "the other GPU" (all in good fun haha), it seems like MSAA kills least in the graphics settings menu. I went from 60 in the menus to 40's in the menu just from turning MSAA on. I figure if the framerate almost gets halved there, I shouldn't even try it in game.
Getting ready to play it now that I unlocked my copy.
For those with "the other GPU" (all in good fun haha), it seems like MSAA kills least in the graphics settings menu. I went from 60 in the menus to 40's in the menu just from turning MSAA on. I figure if the framerate almost gets halved there, I shouldn't even try it in game.
Getting ready to play it now that I unlocked my copy.
The main menu has extra post-processing, filters and DoF, so its performance isn't reflective of in-game perf.
Anyone kind enough to create the performance thread?
Right, my Batman: Arkham Origins graphics guide is up:
Shows you what each setting does, gives you nice slidey comparisons, and if you have one of our GPUs I give you a rough idea of what settings you can use.
In Batman: Arkham City, tessellation is used to add extra definition to organic, curved and bendy objects, such as trees and power cables.
Oh, and for the people who think NVIDIA are the evil empire - everything we and WB Games Montreal implemented, with the exception of PhysX and TXAA, works on those other GPUs also.
Well, of the ones I can remember:
- There were some bullet detection issues
- Sometimes I would be taking someone down, then it would lag be back three steps and show that same person killing me
- Difficulties connecting to games
- Occasionally I would die and not respawn at all, and would be unable to do anything except quit
- There was a lobby where there were two Robins and one Batman for around 3 consecutive matches
- It was also increasingly difficult to win as the heroes, like you needed far too much intimidation to win and your losses from dying were way too big
It's really minor, fixable stuff, but put together, they turn into some pretty big annoyances.
Right, my Batman: Arkham Origins graphics guide is up:
Shows you what each setting does, gives you nice slidey comparisons, and if you have one of our GPUs I give you a rough idea of what settings you can use.
Wait, is this unlocked on Steam yet? For me the Steam store says another 8 hours.
Is Amazon the best place to get this for PC? It has a $10 credit and MK arcade free.
Preface for people; I worked on the multiplayer at Splash Damage (Concept Artist!), so I'm interested to here what people think! Its my first shipped title so its exciting!
As for your points. There was tonnes of bug fixing and polish since the beta, so I would hope that most of those bugs are gone. Connection/lag issues are a whole different ballpark, I couldn't comment really :/ I only got to play it internally, but stuff was/is always being worked on.
As for the heroes team, we actually find this quite interesting, because if you get a player who is really good at batman/robin, he can annihilate a whole team, he can be really really really powerful. I'm interested to see how people learn how to play him well. I assume some balancing as been done, especially since balancing for 3 teams is quite complex.
I'm always intrigued as to what you guys think of it, Love or hate!
It depends on where you are (or more importantly, where Steam THINKS you are).
so guys.
is this game good, or bad.
Get it from GMG with the 25% off coupon (try GMG25-GRV7N-YY833). MK Kompete Edition isn't worth it (GFWL / it drops to $2.50 or less on sale).
Interesting to know that you worked on it, I'm glad my feedback made it to you, then! I should say that obviously, none of my criticisms were meant in a negative way, just constructively. As for connection issues, I had considered the idea that since the beta pool was very small, there's a possibility I had a connection problem with whoever the host was on occasion.
In terms of the heroes team, I've had conflicting experiences with this. I've won a couple (I think literally two) games during the beta, whereas I faced one or two pairs that completely annihilated us using the heroes. Generally, though, I found it difficult to gain the momentum to build up a decent score.
I'm really glad to hear the game has been worked on since then. You've really appeased my worries about it, because Origins wasn't even on my radar until the multiplayer was announced. I loved how ambitious it was and it really was fun most of the time during the beta. I may just buy the game now, since everybody seems to already be playing it and such. The cost for the Steam version would easily be justified by how much time I'd spend on the story and challenge maps, anyway.
If I understood well Tessellation in Origins is used only for Batman's cape + snow, while Batman: AC used it extensively in the environment. From your old article:
That's a little disappointing.
So many posts about performance and graphics here, haha.
I feel like the odd console gamer.
Origins doesn't have super visible objects like the Poison Ivy plants and trees, and it was hard to notice the tessellation on external city objects like statues. I feel that the budget is better used here by switching to the cape and the snow, two things you see almost all the time.
I see, thanks.
Also I wonder why AC uses MVSS and this uses PCSS?
Your PCSS paper is ancient (2005): while the MVSS one shows it is a more modern (2011) technique:
So why revert back to PCSS? I can only assume it's an updated DX11 implementation over the one presented in the 2005 paper? I've been thinking whether this uses AC's MVSS technique but you chosen to use the name of the older PCSS technique for whatever reason.
Yeh being the heroes can be quite difficult. Especially those coming from singleplayer, it takes a few adjustments to playing against real people, they aren't quite as forgiving as AI haha! Being patient is much better than dying, you cant just dive in and start swinging so easily.
I'm not sure whether you noticed, but you know the trick to building up intimidation is to swap how you do take downs? You get more if you keep doing a variety of take downs. Doing the same repeatedly is much less effective. Stops people just camping vents and stuff.
Hopefully with a bigger player pool + any fixes you will get better connections to people.
Preface for people; I worked on the multiplayer at Splash Damage (Concept Artist!), so I'm interested to here what people think! Its my first shipped title so its exciting!
As for your points. There was tonnes of bug fixing and polish since the beta, so I would hope that most of those bugs are gone. Connection/lag issues are a whole different ballpark, I couldn't comment really :/ I only got to play it internally, but stuff was/is always being worked on.
As for the heroes team, we actually find this quite interesting, because if you get a player who is really good at batman/robin, he can annihilate a whole team, he can be really really really powerful. I'm interested to see how people learn how to play him well. I assume some balancing as been done, especially since balancing for 3 teams is quite complex.
I'm always intrigued as to what you guys think of it, Love or hate!
Gaf, help me out, i'm still on the fence about this one. Enjoyed a lot of Arkham Asylum. Arkham City? Not so much, didnt even bother to finish it.
Should I get this on steam or not?
Review embargo til tomorrow?
I played the beta quite a bit, so yes, I was familiar with the mechanics of intimidation and the tricks. Honestly, though, the issues I found were so minor, so just the affirmation that "yes, Splash Damage has worked on it" makes me sure that whatever problems I had will be done away with. Anyway, I'll be willing to take a risk with it at the price I've gotten it for.
Players are definitely much more fearsome opponents. The grunts' detective vision really puts them on par with the heroes; I think as far as mechanics go, that was the one that put them on the even keel.
I only played the MP in the beta but let me say that my issues with it have nothing to do with the art. Aesthetically I thought it all looked pretty good. The environments are cool and varied enough. I also really like the way Robin looks (not sure how much you had to do with that).
Gaf, help me out, i'm still on the fence about this one. Enjoyed a lot of Arkham Asylum. Arkham City? Not so much, didnt even bother to finish it.
Should I get this on steam or not?
I'm spazzing out on some AC combat maps right now. Keeping this fine tool of justice, sharp.
Yep, PCSS has been refreshed and updated. Don't think the guys have posted the inner-workings secret sauce yet.
This is apparently more Asylum-ish than City-ish.
k, just played for three hours without even doing the first real objective (some kind of arms deal with Penguin). So far I'm loving it. The game feels very different from Rocksteady's games, both in tone and gameplay, but not in a bad way. It's obviously built on the same foundation, but just about every little thing has been tweaked slightly.
The most noticeable thing for me is the combat. It's much faster than before. I've been playing bits and pieces of AA and AC after their GFWL patches, and Origins feels like a DMC-style Turbo Mode with a 20% speed increase or something. Enemies are much more aggressive, and they move quickly enough that you really have to be ready with those Counters. In AC you could sometimes skate if you'd accidentally hit the attack button while an enemy was winding up for an attack, but in Origins you take the hit every time. It seems like Double and Triple Counters are gone, but in their place you'll have a bunch of enemies attacking you one right after the other.
The Redirected Aerial Attack has been nerfed, for lack of a better word (the one where you Cape Stun a guy, Evade over his head, then Attack in a direction in mid-air to jump off his head and land on another guy). It has such a long animation now, that as far as I'm aware you can't cancel out of, that you pretty much can't use it without some careful planning. It's about as dangerous as the Ground Takedown now; I've been fighting with my muscle memory. I think the Bat Swarm special move is going to be more valuable now than ever, because crowd control can be pretty tough. I haven't unlocked any gadgets or special moves beyond the Instant Takedown yet, and they're really not shy about throwing you into big group fights in the early stages of the game. I'm playing on Hard, though, so I don't know if it's different on lower difficulties.
Is anyone in NA on Steam playing this? When did it unlock for you? Getting restless here but I don't want to have to change my location on Steam.