I'm guessing I'll be doing this a lot more once this patch rolls out on console.
Is that the MG18? Sweet jesus that thing rips.
I'm actually buzzing to test out the model 10 tonight too.
I'm guessing I'll be doing this a lot more once this patch rolls out on console.
I'm guessing I'll be doing this a lot more once this patch rolls out on console.
Wish I got to play vs such oblivious noobs
Knowing my luck I would get one kill and the other 4 would all be using the A10 and instakill me
Please dont do this. Support guns are crap DICE keep buffing them.
By the sounds of it the model 10 will still be good, it just probably won't one shot as often from like 20m+. Up close it'll likely still dominate. This is just a guess though.
If that were me they would all instantly snap to me and headshot me after the first kill.![]()
I'm guessing I'll be doing this a lot more once this patch rolls out on console.
My hopes rest upon this guess haha
You smashed it last night as usual. Was good to see you back mate - that Empire's Edge zero ticket take and then win of the map... That's what battlefield is all about.
I'm actually quite stoked to try out some of the guns post-patch too.
Any consensus on best Support weapon and really how to play the class in general? Just started using the class after playing exclusively Medic and Assault
Hahaha yeah, you were giving them hell on C by yourself pretty much the entire time. They kept trying to hold it but your shotgun had other plans.
Last night it actually let me join you through the game menu, that's the first time it's done that. So much easier than having to use the PS4 system friend join option (I don't know what it's called).
Do we know what they did to the Monte Grappe B bunker yet?
Early reports are that they widened the capture area and also increased the 'weight' of attacking forces.
Meaning you need less people on the objective to overpower it.
Early reports are that they widened the capture area and also increased the 'weight' of attacking forces.
Meaning you need less people on the objective to overpower it.
don't you still have to go through death tunnels to get to the objective?
don't you still have to go through death tunnels to get to the objective?
No, you can just pile on top of the bunker.
That C position can be horrible to hold with a shotty because of all the open range. The key is constantly keep moving. When someone sees you just keep running and they'll obviously follow. Then you just turn a corner, turn round and blam them haha.
Redders saw me crack out a long range revolver headshot too. The aim-assist from ADS with that thing is ridiculous. Just keep snapping in and out of aim and you can headshot snipers from mad distance with it.
Yeah I hope they fix that, we've had issues with joining in-game before. Another night with 12 gaffers in the team last night.
don't you still have to go through death tunnels to get to the objective?
If there are snipers looking down on C it's even worse. I got killed there a couple times and was like nope, I'll let you handle it lol..
You never had to, you could always cap it from on top. Now, because of people whining about it, Attackers have it way too easy.
I did notice you ran off at one point and I must admit I did curse your name haha
God damn Deserter!
It's all good mate haha.
You never had to, you could always cap it from on top. Now, because of people whining about it, Attackers have it way too easy.
I'm guessing I'll be doing this a lot more once this patch rolls out on console.
As I suspected, the Hunter doesn't feel very nerfed at all. Still does what a shotgun is supposed to do. The maps have too many CQB focused areas.
You have just made my day.
yeah I just used the trench shotty and did good damage from a decent distance.
Patch seems great so far...
They did ruin it, by not actually nerfing the noob canon.I knew I could count on DICE not to ruin it.......
To be fair they said they reduced the pellet multiplier in the spread last time but that seemed to buff it's OHKO range haha
They did ruin it, by not actually nerfing the noob canon.
Servers down? Or it's simply on my side?
Downtime for the patches.
Downtime for the patches.
Servers down? Or it's simply on my side?
How long do they last?
I already played 3 rounds of the new map.
Played an operation on suez yesterday. Can see why people hate it.
I like the mechanism they've put in for booting squad leaders for not issuing orders. Hate people spamminh the "request order" even tho there's an order available.
Depends on wich platform you are. Guess PC is up again.
I should be in bed lol this game!!
Best Battlefield game since Bad Company 2 IMO.