How does Operations scoring work?
After defending all sectors and then changing maps I lost all of my points?
Here's a suggestion. If you don't want me to quit out of a round where my team is clearly going to lose (down 200+ with one team over 900), don't make it so that I get 1.0 times my score for sticking out with the losing team. You know what else gets me 1.0 times my score? QUITTING EARLY. Make it so that if you quit you keep your score, but if you stick with it (losing) you get 2.0, and if you win, you get a minimum of 3+ (4.0 for those domination rounds). I played a round earlier tonight and right off the bat it was clear it was going to be a beatdown; it ended up 1000-375 or so. I'm on the losing team. My ONLY reason for sticking it out (and just messing around in customize as to not spawn because fuck the everloving shit out of that noise) was hoping the next map was one I liked (it wasn't). How is that fun for anybody (queue UKGAF spending the next 300 posts talking about how much fun they have gangraping randoms)?
And while we're at it, if one team goes down 100+ (in conquest, mind you), they get the behemoth, right? If the behemoth dies and they're still down 100+, the map should end immediately. None of this fucking about for 400 more tickets when it's clear that gap is NEVER getting evened. It's absurd. You had your shot, you blew it (twice, on account of it was even when you started), the game is over. Do better next map. Stop wasting everyone's time.
what's your guys favorite variation of the mg.15 or whatever and the madsen mg?
also what's the best sniper variant for run and gunning, carbine or infantry?
what's your guys favorite variation of the mg.15 or whatever and the madsen mg?
I agree. I play with these guys sometimes and they are a fantastic entertaining group of people.Why even say this. Pretty much everyone can agree that playing solo sucks a lot of the time yet you still feel the need to chirp UKGAF because they play together? Should everyone just play solo and suffer in unison? It's not some exclusive club (anyone can play with them) and they're all pretty nice people in my experience. As much as I love complaining about randoms (seriously I love it) playing with people that actively want to win is way more fun.
Low Weight or Suppression for the MG15 and the Storm variant for the Madsen are what I prefer for those guns.
Is there a list to add people to play with?
I cound'nt find one in the OT
I have only used the artillery truck with the AA loadout whenever there is an hostile airship roaming about. It helps a lot in operations when the Stationary AA guns are knocked out.
I havent tried the other loadouts however
Is it just me or have vehicles been kind of sidelined in this game? I guess that's probably true to the time period, but I miss maps like gulf of Oman that were the absolutely perfect mix of vehicle and on foot action.
Here's a suggestion. If you don't want me to quit out of a round where my team is clearly going to lose (down 200+ with one team over 900), don't make it so that I get 1.0 times my score for sticking out with the losing team. You know what else gets me 1.0 times my score? QUITTING EARLY. Make it so that if you quit you keep your score, but if you stick with it (losing) you get 2.0, and if you win, you get a minimum of 3+ (4.0 for those domination rounds). I played a round earlier tonight and right off the bat it was clear it was going to be a beatdown; it ended up 1000-375 or so. I'm on the losing team. My ONLY reason for sticking it out (and just messing around in customize as to not spawn because fuck the everloving shit out of that noise) was hoping the next map was one I liked (it wasn't). How is that fun for anybody (queue UKGAF spending the next 300 posts talking about how much fun they have gangraping randoms)?
And while we're at it, if one team goes down 100+ (in conquest, mind you), they get the behemoth, right? If the behemoth dies and they're still down 100+, the map should end immediately. None of this fucking about for 400 more tickets when it's clear that gap is NEVER getting evened. It's absurd. You had your shot, you blew it (twice, on account of it was even when you started), the game is over. Do better next map. Stop wasting everyone's time.
Logged into the BF1 companion site to create a new emblem and noticed that I have 48 service stars with the heavy tank. XD
I think I need a break...
Is the auto loader extended supposed to be good? I love the mondragon storm. Amazing damage at medium to long range. I'm sniping snipers with it.
Just started playing bf1 couple of days ago. I need wep tips for non medic classes.
No quiting solder!!
Oh wait did you say 48?!!!![]()
Is the auto loader extended supposed to be good? I love the mondragon storm. Amazing damage at medium to long range. I'm sniping snipers with it.
Just started playing bf1 couple of days ago. I need wep tips for non medic classes.
Ahh ok. Thanks!Just counts as a new map. The score from the map you completed just goes to your progression already.
Why even say this. Pretty much everyone can agree that playing solo sucks a lot of the time yet you still feel the need to chirp UKGAF because they play together? Should everyone just play solo and suffer in unison? It's not some exclusive club (anyone can play with them) and they're all pretty nice people in my experience. As much as I love complaining about randoms (seriously I love it) playing with people that actively want to win is way more fun.
Don't understand this mentality at all. If winning is "everything" then you need to squad up in a coordinated group (like we do in UKGAF) and if you can't take some pride or enjoyment out of your own performance then you shouldn't play this game (or any team based game) solo queue as it's only going to bring you frustration and misery.
After ~133 hours of play I finally, finally got to give the artillery truck a try.
Not bad.
Still haven't driven a single behemoth.
Thank you to whoever recommended he auto loader extended lol
Still bummed the lvl 10 Medic rifle is a piece of shit. At least the Martini was good at one point.
How do kills actually get calculated towards the score in conquest?
Just had a game on Suez which we lost, we held 3 flags to their 2 for 10 minutes of the match solid but the points gap just stayed around 30. Surely holding the more flags we should of caught up even if slowly.
As far as I'm aware, kills don't count. It's the respawn that uses a ticket so it would seem from what you're saying that your team were dying and then respawning at rate greater than the other team (enemy medics doing a good job) so much so that it was enough to negate the ticket bleed from your extra cap.
How do kills actually get calculated towards the score in conquest?
Just had a game on Suez which we lost, we held 3 flags to their 2 for 10 minutes of the match solid but the points gap just stayed around 30. Surely holding the more flags we should of caught up even if slowly.
How do kills actually get calculated towards the score in conquest?
Just had a game on Suez which we lost, we held 3 flags to their 2 for 10 minutes of the match solid but the points gap just stayed around 30. Surely holding the more flags we should of caught up even if slowly.
As far as I'm aware, kills don't count. It's the respawn that uses a ticket so it would seem from what you're saying that your team were dying and then respawning at rate greater than the other team (enemy medics doing a good job) so much so that it was enough to negate the ticket bleed from your extra cap.
That makes sense as the kills were pretty similar between the 2 teams. Some mean medics on their team.
What's funny for me lately is I will tell myself nah gonna just run and gun today, I get into a match and bah gawd I can't resist my plane. I have a problem!
It's super easy compared to past BF games. Is it a control issue? You can adjust quite a bit in the settingsI wish to the lord of the skies that I was a decent pilot. I can destroy infantry v infantry but I can't pilot to save my life.
It's super easy compared to past BF games. Is it a control issue? You can adjust quite a bit in the settings
I'm pretty sure they took our capture point ticket bleed entirely.
Madsen MG kinda sucks, kicks like a mule and doesn't have the damage or magazine size to compensate for it. Benet-Mercie is still my favorite LMG
I'll routinely have at least a 10/1 K/D ratio when I play with Cavalry on maps like Suez or Ballroom Blitz. Just played a match on Suez where I was 25/2 all kills on Horseback.
We controlled the game from start to finish so I didn't have to worry about getting off my high horse so squadmates could spawn on me.
Just dominated on horseback, running through the hills hitting whoever came my way with sword.
It also helps teammates out because I'll have opponents shooting at me giving up their location.
I don't know how you do it, man. Cavalry is beyond broken. Gets stuck on everything, sword never swings on the side you need it to, rears up seemingly at random, refuses to leap over objects it should easily be able to...
What sucks is that when it works, it's super fun and effective. The OHK sword slashes are awesomely satisfying, and the AT grenades are super fun to use. I really hope DICE gives it a complete overhaul so that it doesn't feel pre-alpha compared to everything else in the game.
add me if you want to group up. I'm also sick of getting gang raped in operations though i do manage to get lucky and get put ok the side doing the raping from time to time.My apologies to UKGAF (and others); I went over the line. I've just been frustrated because it seems like every time I join up I'm paired with people who have no interest in doing the objective, or no idea how to do the objective (did the game just get a discount or something? Lots of new people in the last week), and I'm always up against teams that are so well coordinated they end up spawn-camping us into oblivion. But that's no reason to lash out against guys that like to play together. I'm sorry for acting like a jackass. My buddies all bailed on me to go back to Battlefield 4 too. I'm going to have to find some people to play with on the regular, because being in a good squad is a jolly good time.
A friend told me on PC with KB+M, Cavalry doesn't control that well. And that kind of makes sense without analog sticks.
It works pretty well with an XBO controller IMO. Movement and being able to dodge and weave while being shot at are the most important aspects of Cavalry.
My apologies to UKGAF (and others); I went over the line. I've just been frustrated because it seems like every time I join up I'm paired with people who have no interest in doing the objective, or no idea how to do the objective (did the game just get a discount or something? Lots of new people in the last week), and I'm always up against teams that are so well coordinated they end up spawn-camping us into oblivion. But that's no reason to lash out against guys that like to play together. I'm sorry for acting like a jackass. My buddies all bailed on me to go back to Battlefield 4 too. I'm going to have to find some people to play with on the regular, because being in a good squad is a jolly good time.
what system are you guys on?add me if you want to group up. I'm also sick of getting gang raped in operations though i do manage to get lucky and get put ok the side doing the raping from time to time.
I said this yesterday, they need to give a 25% bonus for every battalion you take out. At least this way if you lose a 60 minute round you get a 1.5x bonus for putting up a fight.
They only reason i stay in games is so that i dont get put in another blowout. It takes forever to load these maps.
Damn, that could very well be it. I hope they improve it soon because right now it handles like crap on top of all the bugs/glitches. It's so freaking fun though when it actually works like it's supposed to. I hate that it feels so utterly broken half the time.