Of course there has to be holiday goodies while I'm out of town...
What goodies? Could you fill a brother in?
TL;DR fighter planes are awersome
Fighter planes are indeed godlike. The speed in combination with the weapons makes it so damn good. I like it more than the Attack Plane only because I can outmaneuver almost all other planes and AA gunner's shooting at me.TL;DR fighter planes are awersome
I've always been one of those players that is reasonable on foot, average in a tank, but excelling somewhere in the sky (I actually sucked in the planes but the helicopters were my bag in bf4), so I was really nervous about flying in this one.
I spent all my time getting medic, support, scout and assault to 10, then worked on the tanker a little and am now around tank 4-5 before even getting in a plane. I was apprehensive about it because I didn't 'get' the jet; too much lock-on and spam and I just couldn't cope.
I was wrong to wait. I'm not a bomber though, too slow and cumbersome although still pretty devastating, it doesn't fit with my play style. Attack plane? Yeah, I loved it. Loved the combat but found fighters difficult to out turn and relied on switching to tail gunner to take them out (I'll add at this point that I agree with dude on almost all his points about the tail gun, it's just gone a little too far). I used the standard lmg>bombs>flare version mostly although found the tank hunter fun, but less effective than if I was on foot so a bit of a waste.
However the attack planes are definitely where I excel. If the enemy is constantly spawning planes I will definitely go with the bomber destroyer variant. Noticed iRawr also mention this variant, and I feel almost unkillable in it, and the speed boost means you can get away from most other attack planes on your tail (which is a godsend since no tail gun).
The rockets pack a serious punch and have learnt that it's better to keep off the back of bombers and come in from its sides where it's vulnerable. If you get good hits on your rockets (which are tricky to use but rewarding when you get it right), you can sometimes finish them off in the one run with your gun for an easy triple.
Against attack planes, I'll test the water to check for a tail gunner, if not, I'll get in close, REAL close, and let rip. They're very dead shortly after that. Against good pilots and gunners it becomes more of a challenge but with the greater weaponry, superior agility and a speed boost on top of that to get away in a hurry and they tend not to last more than one or two runs from different angles.
The only real threat is another attack plane of the same variant, but so far I've always managed to get away in this plane either by finding friendly AA or various fancy flying to make them crash or make a mistake so I can get out of their sight line and away from them. I have been shot down and I have made mistakes while learning the nuances so I'm not infallible but if I'm boots on the ground and I get bombed EVER then I'm coming up there to get my revenge.
Other than that, when the enemy are sick of being shot down it usually turns into an AA spam-fest and it can get boring when there's nothing to shoot down, especially taking into account that you have other teammates also looking to shoot down enemy planes as well, it can get boring in the plane as it's not so effective on infantry.
Also... for people that bail out of planes, please don't. It sucks, and I'm going to try and ram you. I've found this following tactic to work well against any pilot who doesn't use first person to look behind: taking a chunk of health off with the gun (50% will do, we don't want to do too much damage) before allowing them to think they have lost you (it's better to get behind in underneath in case a pilot does look behind).
Most pilots will fly crazy for a bit waiting to take damage, do NOT take the opportunity yet. Allow the pilot the false sense of relief as he will then take the opportunity to try and repair while flying straight or on a fixed curve - get in there close and unload all rockets right on his/her tail for an instant kill.
Fighter planes are indeed godlike. The speed in combination with the weapons makes it so damn good. I like it more than the Attack Plane only because I can outmaneuver almost all other planes and AA gunner's shooting at me.
Do you play on PC? If not, how do I look around in first-person view on consoles? 150 hours played and I have no idea how to do it.
Wow. Thanks for the infoIIRC its clicking L3 on the stick.
IIRC its clicking L3 on the stick.
Playing for the first time in a while on XB1, but has a recent patch ruined the framerate or is it just me? It used to run smooth as butter but I've just played two games of TDM and struggled to compete as I'm getting hitching and framedrops constantly. Just tried a hard reset and will try to play again but definitely a weird experience - just wondering if anyone else has the same issue.
Anyone notice a difference in zooming after a recent patch? Some vehicles/emplacements will toggle zoom, while others require you to hold L2 down. It's not a big deal but it's strange. Or maybe it was always like this and I just can't remember.
Yes. More specifically, tanks just require a single button press and they stay zoomed in. Gun placements still require me to hold the zoom button.Anyone notice a difference in zooming after a recent patch? Some vehicles/emplacements will toggle zoom, while others require you to hold L2 down. It's not a big deal but it's strange. Or maybe it was always like this and I just can't remember.
I still hope one day DICE will move away from the entire Premium model. Free maps that are available to everyone is the way to go. Doubt that'll happen any time soon, though.
For the console players, what control schemes do you use for planes? Sometimes I would mess around with the bombers or attack planes, but then I just crash or get killed right away because I couldn't maneuver properly.
Also, is there a way to practice flying the planes outside of the SP campaign?
I am default on everything except I changed invert vertical flight or look (don't remember which one). I use either the ground support attack plane or the bomber killer fighter plane. I think the fighter planes are easier to use for new pilots due to personal experiences. No idea if you can just load into a empty server to mess around but I learned from crashing many times![]()
I don't think there is any way to practice flying outside of SP, which I don't think is a good way to practice. Since the SP plane controls different from MP plane I believe.
Try watching some tips from some youtubers. Keep trying and you will get the hang of it! This is actually the first time in a BF game where I learn to fly planes and do well. It's pretty fun once you get the hang of it.
For the console players, what control schemes do you use for planes? Sometimes I would mess around with the bombers or attack planes, but then I just crash or get killed right away because I couldn't maneuver properly.
Also, is there a way to practice flying the planes outside of the SP campaign?
Default is the way to go. Warning: Do not get into a bomber plane if you're learning how to fly; It's too slow to get a hang of flying and you'll most likely get shot out of the sky by planes, AA Gunners, andFor the console players, what control schemes do you use for planes? Sometimes I would mess around with the bombers or attack planes, but then I just crash or get killed right away because I couldn't maneuver properly.
Also, is there a way to practice flying the planes outside of the SP campaign?
For the console players, what control schemes do you use for planes? Sometimes I would mess around with the bombers or attack planes, but then I just crash or get killed right away because I couldn't maneuver properly.
Also, is there a way to practice flying the planes outside of the SP campaign?
Been playing Medic for awhile now to get it to rank 10 and boy do I love the Selbstlader Factory. So satisfying to kill with
Just wait until you get the other Selbstalder!![]()
It's a piece of junk.
Loading menus can sometimes take so long I'll exit the game completely and retry
Does anyone know how to customie vehicles if you're not in the middle of a match? Add flamethrower etc.
It's been like that the entire time for me. It feels like BF4 before they upped the tickrate.I'm still convinced they changed something with the last patch. I get killed behind cover constantly and shot by people not even looking at my direction etc. Was fine before.
It's been like that the entire time for me. It feels like BF4 before they upped the tickrate.
Yeah it seems unchanged since launch to me. It's better or worse depending on how laggy everyone in a given server is probably but I've been getting lots of WTF moments since launch. It's not unplayable but after BF4 I can't help but feel like it's a step back in terms of the frequency of dying behind cover and junk like that.Even before the last patch? I felt like it was ok but I only played about 8 hours since I just got the game. But I agree, at the moment it really feels like when BF4 came out...
What are the requirements really for a second OT?
Seeing Titanfall having a second OT already with less posts and views.
So how exactly do I go about finding a game of Standard Infantry Rifles?
what's the best vehicle loadouts? At 250 per pop I don't wanna mess up. I remember hearing good things about the trench fighter plane or something and I've seen the flamethrower tank steamroll people in close quarters although it may have been nerfed since I last really played.
also is there any reason at all to use the Gewehr Infantry variant over the Carbine variant? The Carbine seems to outclass it in every metric statswise while also getting an optical sight
The grind from rank 90-100 is real.