Fried Food
Good luck to all the new players. I got my level 3 medic rifle waiting for you B)
You can activate it right now if you want, it shows up as a separate game in origin so you can still use the trial hours.
Are there any decent assault class guns, as far as i can the MP18 is the best so far. I unlocked the automatic 1918 and holy hell is the recoil out of control on that, not to mention the optic are garbage.
Unless you're trying to destroy vehicles the assault class seems useless on big open maps.
Hellriegel. The level 10 one. The automatic is also more like a real SMG.
Damn I love this game.
When your squad is playing the objective it's really amazing. So many great moments already!
Loving the gas grenade btw, wonder how many people don't know about the gasmask cause I've been getting quite some kills with them. Great to flush out buildings too.
Most maps are good to great but St Quentins Scar takes the crown for best so far, when it starts raining and you hear all the screams and explosions, very immersive.
The problem I think is that unlike in BF4 you don't get a flashing notification on screen when someone is requesting a health pack or ammo apart from a voice request in a foreign language.
And to add to your point that it takes a couple of months so more players will drop health and ammo: I would also attribute that to the fact that the people not interested in the team aspect of BF just leave the game sooner than later which leaves the more team oriented players.
What's the NEOGAF psn community for BF1? Could really use some buddies to play with.
Neogaf Battlefield 1and there is a google spreadsheet in the OP
Are there any decent assault class guns, as far as i can the MP18 is the best so far. I unlocked the automatic 1918 and holy hell is the recoil out of control on that, not to mention the optic are garbage.
Unless you're trying to destroy vehicles the assault class seems useless on big open maps.
Is the spreadsheet just combining all platforms? The last time I looked at it, I don't think anybody stated what platform they are playing on.
Any benefits in removing the bayonet?
Any benefits in removing the bayonet?
Whats the point of medals?
So...still no fucking way to tell if you're joining an empty game of Operation? I've only had a legit game once, all the other times had like 2 people in it.
I've seen some BF1 streamers change the zoom level of the minimap so that it shows more of the map. I think the default PC key is N.
Is there any way to do this on PS4?
That "app" is very buggy overallAm I missing something or can you not unlock the health crate thingy on the Battlefield website?
Customize. You can change the target crosshair, zoom, weapon skin, etc.
I've seen some BF1 streamers change the zoom level of the minimap so that it shows more of the map. I think the default PC key is N.
Is there any way to do this on PS4?
I still don't understand why we can't just change loadouts in the menus. DICE will never cease to amaze me with their incompetent UI design.That "app" is very buggy overall
Yeah its very weird since you could in BattlefrontI still don't understand why we can't just change loadouts in the menus. DICE will never cease to amaze me with their incompetent UI design.
I still don't understand why we can't just change loadouts in the menus. DICE will never cease to amaze me with their incompetent UI design.
This is temporarily disabled. We will turn it on once it's stabilized more.
That's good to hear.A DICE developer has replied on reddit on the issue:
Customize. You can change the target crosshair, zoom, weapon skin, etc.
You should be able to change the default zoom of the minimap in the Gameplay menu tho.
Seriously, snipers are the biggest jerks. They play the game like TDM and they simply dont care. I guess making kills count towards the score at least forces them to contribute, but it really sucks that they dont fuck off and play something like TDM. Especially since most of them suck a lot.
Sniping also just feels a lot easier in this game, and it feels as if this would attract a lot more snipers. That said, I wish DICE didnt make the boneheaded decision to make sniping so appealing:
-Tripwire should have stayed with Support. Snipers dont deserve them and they will encourage protecting their high camp spots with these. On the other hand, this is potentially helpful for scouts who play CQC. This is how I plan to use it, but I sadly see it being wasted on snipers who will hide in an area to protect their back
-The trench shield also seems like it would have been useful for LMGs to lay down suppression fire. It doesnt seem too useful for snipers, but just the idea of it encourages long range sniping.
-The other gadgets seem useful, but how useful are they really? K Bullets seem awesome, but are flares viable at the long ranges snipers use?
And did the spotting scope get tweaked? It seemed rather useless too. I think it'd be great if it could spot enemies for a longer time than usual (2D Spotting). This could earn Scout classes a lot of assist points while helping the team. I dont know why Id bother using the spotting scope when I could just be shooting at enemies.
I have no issue with Scout classes that contribute to the team in some sense. But flags still ultimately matter most, and they dont contribute to that much, unless we have scout players flaring flags and spotting for teammates. I doubt that happens often enough. It really sucks seeing a disproportionate number of snipers, and I have no idea how DICE could possibly address that.
Also, I really wish Smoke would get you points. Smoke should give you bonus points for any teammates you hide and remove any spotting, netting you more points. They seem like a good Sniper counter, but people rarely use it.
Seriously, all the scout player are like a disease. While I was on respawn, I decided to count all the scouts on my team. 14 players out of 32 are fucking scouts, just lol.
14 out of 32? Holy jesus!!!!
Seriously, all the scout players are like a disease. While I was on respawn, I decided to count all the scouts on my team. 14 players out of 32 are fucking scouts, just lol.