I just broke my BF4 disk, so perfect timing.
Is that hostage mode one life only? I'm really bummed about no rush, Heist could have been a great spin off of Rush, but the Alpha mode sucked.
Pretty sure Visceral is making the singleplayer, DICE is working on MP...
Yo, was that Alexandra Daddario? She is so damn beautiful.
Yeah, will definitely give it a try.
New pic:
Cant wait. Love me some BF.
Is that hostage mode one life only? I'm really bummed about no rush, Heist could have been a great spin off of Rush, but the Alpha mode sucked.
I'm very excited about this game but not having Rush kills me. I hope they have something that can fill the gap.
rush in bf4 was horrible. it wont be missed.
Blanket statement. Go play some Rush Golmud Railway or Dragon's Teeth maps.
Anybody who claims such a thing has not played it, gets mowed down by better players or doesn't know shit about Battlefied. Rush is one of the best modes.
Played them all, all horrible. Only conquest large is good.
Blanket statement. Go play some Rush Golmud Railway or Dragon's Teeth maps.
Anybody who claims such a thing has not played it, gets mowed down by better players or doesn't know shit about Battlefied. Rush is one of the best modes.
Blanket statement. Go play some Rush Golmud Railway
or Dragon's Teeth maps.
Anybody who claims such a thing has not played it,
gets mowed down by better players
Rush is one of the best modes.
Cool story bro!
lolIm probably many times better than you in bf fyi
Its highly likely, but i did qualify it with probably
How can you say that and not post your stats bro! Lol!
yeah, BF4 Rush is trash.
People always calling me out. *shakes head* And ignores the point I made: DICE fucked up Rush's map design and I'm one of the rare few that is willing to eat shit on said shitty map design to attempt to "enjoy" it because it's my primary mode.
But sure, let's call out stats on playing because that TOTALLY has something to do with mode design.
Also note this person: Played Rush in Bad Company 2 with me for probably a LONGER amount of time on TWO consoles than my ONE console time on the mode. If he agrees with me, you know you're wrong.
People always calling me out. *shakes head* And ignores the point I made: DICE fucked up Rush's map design and I'm one of the rare few that is willing to eat shit on said shitty map design to attempt to "enjoy" it because it's my primary mode.
But sure, let's call out stats on playing because that TOTALLY has something to do with mode design.
Also note this person: Played Rush in Bad Company 2 with me for probably a LONGER amount of time on TWO consoles than my ONE console time on the mode. If he agrees with me, you know you're wrong.
I have no idea what you're talking about Seks! Lol
Im probably many times better than you in bf fyi
If you have a PS4 put your money where your mouth is.
Rush is and was awful for BF4. They've fixed a few maps, but it's still largely broken and doesn't come anywhere close to BC2 or BF3. It's the 'worst' of the major modes, because DICE put zero effort into it with 4.
I play the majority of multiplats on pc. Dont have it for ps4
How convenient.
To say the mode is garbage in every single map in BF4 is admitting you are an elitist to the point where its time to find a new game to piss and moan about.
No need to slurp your buddy without reading the first couple posts. I said I will miss Rush in bf hardline. He said it won't be missed.
Thats a load off shit because Rush dedicated maps are missed now and will be in hardline because it's a great mode. If you posh players can't have fun in Rush on ANY BF4 map despite it's shortcomings then I feel bad for you. To say the mode is garbage in every single map in BF4 is admitting you are an elitist to the point where its time to find a new game to piss and moan about.
Yeah so convenient i choose to play the far superior version
...Or maybe they... work with me here: They are... total shit? Nothing elitist about it.
About 5 of the maps have a water insertion first set where the attackers can't even reach dry land because Javelins and PLD/SOFLAMs can lock down the slow-moving Amtrac and RHIB's completely.
Notable for that: Hainan Resort on Launch (WTF at DICE giving the defense an AA while the atteckers get slow moving in water vehicles that can be easily stolen to mow them down while swimming AND a helicopter that can be shot out of the sky?) and Naval Strike. Go play the maps and see how often the Attackers will get past the first set with a defending team that knows their shit.
Oman was fucked up from the "alright" starting set in BF3 with BF4's variant in an attempt to add the boats to the map with a small river which... doesn't even go through the entire map so... WHY THE FUCK INCLUDE BOATS AS A WATER INSERTION!? Why the fuck WOULDN'T you just do land insertions like BF3? One of the most mind boggling stupid moves DICE did in remaking BF3 maps and on MY FUCKING FAVORITE MAP IN ALL OF BF3 to boot.
Others have choke-point design (Operation Whiteout) to where if you get past the chokepoint first set you then come to...
Barren Lands to reach the next set. Second set Whiteout is notable for this. Other maps are notable for this being first set.
If not that the lack of flanking routes hinder it. You can't flank if the enemy can see you coming and the bounds don't allow you to go over hills and behind cover to attempt to "stealth" them to the line.
Also notable is Silk Road third set. If you can get past the FUCKING BARREN OPENING/first set, to an "alright" second set which would work as a Rush design, you THEN have a final set which is a "death march up a hill where the defense has a high-ground advantage and the tank can't climb up a hill/mountain to fire down hellfire support on the set."
Please tell me which maps you find that work swimmingly for Rush that aren't Caspian and Firestorm.
Has a terrible design of basically being "whoever tank-whores the better with engineers on the ball wins." If the TWO starting tanks the attackers get don't push up the defense can lock down the set pretty damn easy.
"Dragon Teeth."
Oh you mean the map pack that have choke-points for starting sets with barely any flanking routes? The park being a notable example where there is "three lanes" and the attackers can't really "flank" if the defense covers all three which is pretty damn easy to do? Propaganda which falls into the same "three lane" issue?
"Oh but Caspian has the 'wide-open barely any cover' design issue you complain about."
Yes and no. Yes it does. But at the same time the map is fucking open enough to where the defense can't cover ALL of it if they aren't paying attention and most of the time infantry or a vehicle can at least push up against a team of engineers and two tanks the defense gets. That's farrrrr better design than water insertions and shit like Whiteouts opening.