Anyone up for tag climax?
Like the first game I'm terribly confused when it comes to the shop. I know techniques are moves. But what about everything else? Rodin's treasures? Once bought are they automatically equipped/applied? I got both. No idea how they work. Then the weapons. Do I have to equip them myself somehow? Do they replace the guns?super mirrors
I am starting the game tomorrow. 1G'd/platinumed the original Bayo so what is the recommended difficulty to start on and what do I have to buy as soon as possible? Thanks.
I am starting the game tomorrow. 1G'd/platinumed the original Bayo so what is the recommended difficulty to start on and what do I have to buy as soon as possible? Thanks.
Start on 3th climax, I found it comparable to normal on Bayo 1 and heard that 2nd climax is too easy. I'd buy bat within as soon as possible, followed by the countering accessory (moon of malaasomething).
Edit: beaten with the same advice![]()
3rd Climax should be fine. First technique you should buy is definitely Bat Within just to increase the dodge window. I like Afterburner kick and Umbran Spear too.
First accessory should be the one for parrying. The Moon of Mahaa-Kalaa or whatever.
I wouldn't worry about money either, it's ridiculously easy to earn halos in this game. You get a ton from Tag Climax.
You can press the - button (IIRC) to stay in the loading screen practice mode for as long as you want. Works in both games.I beat this last night on normal. I don't know if it was easier than the first one on normal, but I never finished the first one on normal, because I had to drop it down to easy during that late Jeanne fight with the rockets. I was never very good at these games, because I have a hard time remembering all the combos. That was a long time ago too. But I really appreciate the training mode in B2. It really helped me get some moves down. The first one had the loading training, but that was never enough time to get any real learning done.
Anyway, I got Jeanne and then bought a bunch of costumes without realizing you have to buy them separately for Jeanne and Bayonetta. Doh! I'm going to keep farming halos to unlock more stuff and I want to play B1 again too.
Woah! Didn't know this.You can press the - button (IIRC) to stay in the loading screen practice mode for as long as you want. Works in both games.
Admit you're a Lumen.
Almost done with the game at 3rd climax. How many chapters is Bayo 2 again? I only got a little playtime yesterday due to work responsibilities but I'm currently at chapter 12. Excited to get that bonus weapon![]()
There's 16 chapters in total.
Do you seriously not get anything for beating the game on Infinite Climax? Or beating all of the Witch Trials? Where are my goddamn unlocks?
I'm pretty sure that mode exists just for the challenge. They should've made it unlock something but I think they didn't want to have people feel left out if they couldn't beat that mode which is pretty fair.
That's unfortunate. They could've just put in cheat codes like they did in the first game.
What's the recommended way to deal with the shield wielding enemies? They're the enemy type mostly responsible for me dropping my combo. When they're around I try to focus on other enemies while trying to get witch time from them, just so I can attack the shield guys during the slow-mo. If there are no other enemies around I try to dodge around them when their shield is down, but that rarely works for me. The most effective strategy I found is to just wail on them to bait an attack and get an opening, but it still feels kind of inefficient.
How do you guys "efficiently" beat them?
2nd or 3rd work for the unlock I believeDoes the Bracelet of Time unlock if you get at least Gold on all stages of 3rd Climax or is it specifically for 2nd Climax?
Also, is it worth dealing with enraged enemies for the combo potential with the Gaze of Despair? Seems like it is, would make me better at using the Parry mechanic too I think.
WARNING: The following pictures depict girls who are absolutely fabulous:
2nd or 3rd work for the unlock I believe
I agree with all of this. Well-said.I did a replay of Bayo 1 since it had been years since I played it and it seems I had some pretty thick nostalgia goggles when it comes to Bayo 1. I said before that I couldn't choose between Bayo 1 & 2 but 2 is an improvement is basically every department and for me, the superior game. You really need to play the first game again to appreciate all the improvements Platinum made with the sequel.
The combat feels more fluid, faster and more refined. Umbran climax is a much better use of the magic meter as it doesn't break the flow of battle like the super long torture attacks in the first game. Witch time is harder to activate in 1 but once you've activated it you do much more damage with basic weapons, most enemies go down with one witch time. I prefer the balancing and the flow of the combat in 2. Bayo 1 is brutal in the beginning, especially with bat within being locked until chapter 9, but it never really gets harder. Bayo 2 handles difficulty progression much better with being accessible in the beginning and really ramping it up later on once you enterThere is also what feels like 5 times as many enemy types in 2, I loved the contrast between the demon and angel enemies.Inferno.
Visually the jump is pretty big, improved graphics, much improved character models and an art direction that absolutely murders that of the first game. The environments are much more varied and much nicer to look at in Bayo 2.
The soundtrack is also a big step up, I love the orchestral tracks in Bayo 2. They have a grander sound, fitting for the bigger scale of the game. The Insidious theme is my favorite, the part starting at 1:57 gives me life!
The two biggest improvements are imo:
- the complete lack of shitty QTEs (getting good battle ratings and then instant dying at a QTE = rage), vehicle sections and mini games. I hate Angel attack, I hate the Space Harrier section and I despise Bayo 1's chapter 8. I didn't remember it being so bad but man it is so terrible and goes on forever that I don't want to ever play it again. Gone are those terrible mini games and we got Tag Climax instead, which is actually really fun.
- the bosses: almost every single boss in 2 murders every boss in one. Jeanne and Balder are a joke compared to the intensity of the Masked Lumen battles. There is also much more variety in 2, more humanoid bosses (my favorites) and more huge angel/demon bosses. There is too much boss recycling in 1. And the best part: no shitty platforming and QTE sections that break the flow of battle in Bayo 2. And I may get hate for this, but Jubileus is one of the most overrated bosses ever. It's all spectacle but not much substance as a fight, the semi-final bossis much better. Half of the Jubileus fight is also QTE platforming ( yes I really hate those parts ^^).Balder
Don't get me wrong, Bayo is still an amazing game but after playing the sequel it feels a bit like an alpha or beta test and Bayo 2 is the game that fully realizes the concept. I do think, though, that both should be seen as one big game. If you only played one, you only got half the Bayonetta experience. The story in 2 nicely ties both games together and one feels incomplete without the other.
It might be a bit premature to say as the game has only come out two weeks ago, but Bayonetta 2 is now my favorite action game of all time, the pinnacle of the character action genre. I now it's a video game miracle that Bayo 2 became a reality and I know the genre is on its death bed but I hope there's a way this series will survive and that we will see Bayo 3 some day.