Yeah, i'm online now in gameok. Are you on now?
Yeah, i'm online now in gameok. Are you on now?
Yeah, i'm online now in game
i swear,had it out for merodin
Apparently this game hates lumen sageslol,not only him but Balder and Rosa
ENDING SPOILERSJust beat it. Amazing game that I'll actually replay for once, maybe.
I don't get the ending. Infinite time loop?
There's something that bothers me about the exploration in both games, a shortcoming that's more apparent in Bayonetta 2; the multitude of invisible walls. Maybe it's because there were multiple instances where it seemed like I should be able to get there given how the environmental design appears more expansive on a visual level, so disappointment always kicks in whenever the game simply won't allow me. It's a minor complaint more than anything though, largely because I actively want to explore these areas to their fullest with how beautiful they look and how there's enough diversity in what you can discover.Through Chapter 3. I so want to just continue playing, but I also love finding everything and going for the Pure Platinums. I think it's the most fun to do that on the shorter ones, but that's because I'm still learning. It's hard for me to imagine actually doing it on the ones with 10+ Verses. Those are great fun too, though... they made so many nice improvements to the exploration, and after going back to Bayo 1 tonight for a bit, Bayo 2 is just better in every way so far.
Embrace Scumminess Within and do it anyways!Holy shit why didn't I think of this lol
But the friend I play with uses the scythe, so he could probably still hit the guy I'm going for lol
My clock says 50 hours, but that's still nothing to the 400 hours I spent in Bayo 1. Anyway Bayo 2 might exceed that time. Tag Climax is dope.
NNID: Za_Warud0.
So am I the only one that started calling the kid Yugi?His necklace looks an awful like the millennium puzzle. I noticed it as soon as he appeared on screen for the first time. The final boss fight made me laugh because him putting the cards down made me think of the time Yugi first summoned exodia lol.
I definitely thought about him like some bro'd up Yugioh very quickly.
I'm up for it.
ID: SkittlesShot
Sry. Completely missplayed that :/Lol fuck Rodin.
How in fuck's name are you supposed to do this 'don't touch the ground' musupheliem in chapter xiii or whatever? I swear this is the only alfheim type that got significantly more irritating to do
How in fuck's name are you supposed to do this 'don't touch the ground' musupheliem in chapter xiii or whatever? I swear this is the only alfheim type that got significantly more irritating to do
I see him as magical Riley from Boondocks.
/Game Ruined
lol you dodge the axe swing and bayo automatically dodges to the ground, thanks a lot b2, fuck this fucking alfheim
Use enemy step to jump off of enemies. You can stay in the air forever as long as there is an enemy to jump off of. You can cancel any normal/string into it as it's essentially the same as jump cancelling.
Nah, not your fault. He's just so dangerousSry. Completely missplayed that :/
Nah, not your fault. He's just so dangerous![]()
Such a clusterfuckHoly shit at tha fight xD
lol you dodge the axe swing and bayo automatically dodges to the ground, thanks a lot b2, fuck this fucking alfheim
Good. Now go out and buy it!I just played the demo. It was my first experience with a Bayonetta game ever.
Good. Now go out and buy it!
Collect LPs during the chapters and show them to Rodin.How do you unlock weapons?
How in fuck's name are you supposed to do this 'don't touch the ground' musupheliem in chapter xiii or whatever? I swear this is the only alfheim type that got significantly more irritating to do
okay got it.
still worst alfheim
Why can't I stop playing this game? I beat the story in 10 hours but now I'm approaching 35 hours and it's still as fun. I almost never replay games and these days I usually have trouble finishing games before I get bored of them but this one is like crack.