Pondering if I should get a Wii U Pro Controller or keep rocking with the Classic Pro..
That's what I'm using and it plays great. As long as you're not the type of guy who thrashes around when things get intense you'll be good to go.
Pondering if I should get a Wii U Pro Controller or keep rocking with the Classic Pro..
That's what I'm using and it plays great. As long as you're not the type of guy who thrashes around when things get intense you'll be good to go.
Pondering if I should get a Wii U Pro Controller or keep rocking with the Classic Pro..
Shipped from Amazon. Hell yes.
Oh, you can use the Wii Classic Pro Controller? I feared I was doomed to use my Gamepad, that's awesome!
Huh? At E3 Nintendo said you would receive a download code?
found this lovely fanart:
source: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=46249674
I'm gonna make the mods delete it.
Why is my post still there? Just to make me suffer? Every time I browse this thread, I can feel the shame... the embarrassment... even people judging me. The reputation I've lost... the friends I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like it's all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make the mods delete it.
Awww fuck! I am picking this up through eShop I've decided. I have $15 in my account from the Digital Deluxe Promotion that has been sitting there for months, so I may as well use it now.
What is the size of Bayonetta 2? Just want to make sure I have enough space. Does the digital version come with Bayo 1 as well??
Ugh, so 3am EST? FUUUUU
Why is my post still there? Just to make me suffer? Every time I browse this thread, I can feel the shame... the embarrassment... even people judging me. The reputation I've lost... the friends I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like it's all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make the mods delete it.
Both Bayonettas downloading now. Tomorrow's working day will be unbearable. And then I'll have to spend the weekend packing because I'm moving on Tuesday. Fuck.![]()
That post will just be there forever, long after the image hosting sites are dead links and the thread is locked. That one damn Dawg interrupting the OT. Everyone will say, "Hey, its that Dawg!" whenever they see him around, and silent judge him from across the room.
Awesome OT!![]()
Why is my post still there? Just to make me suffer? Every time I browse this thread, I can feel the shame... the embarrassment... even people judging me. The reputation I've lost... the friends I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like it's all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I'm gonna make the mods delete it.
It´s up in europe![]()
Did you have to buy Bayonetta 1 and 2 and it reduced the price or did it give you a code for 1?
I still love dawg.
The post stands as a testament to the excitement around this hobby.
We need more dawgs in our world.
Did it come up in the eShop at midnight where you are at? I hope it will be 12am EST since that is the timezone I am here in Canada.
Did you have to buy Bayonetta 1 and 2 and it reduced the price or did it give you a code for 1?
Come on Amazon, don't fail me now!
Did the first game have a good tutorial?
I don't remember its been a long time but the Bayonetta 2 tutorial is perfect for introducing you to the basic mechanics.Did the first game have a good tutorial?
If you can articulate your complaints well enough you can get the game free pretty easily. I may or may not know this from experience.I suspect it has failed me and I won't get it until next week. Time to complain to customer service.
Did it come up in the eShop at midnight where you are at? I hope it will be 12am EST since that is the timezone I am here in Canada.
Did you have to buy Bayonetta 1 and 2 and it reduced the price or did it give you a code for 1?
Here's how it works:
Here is the important thing: Regardless of the order in which you purchase these games on Nintendo eShop, you'll pay the same total amount of US$59.98* or CA$64.99* with the automatic discounts. It is up to you which game you want to buy first.**
- When you purchase the packaged version of the Bayonetta 2 game, a second disc for the original Bayonetta will be included.
- When you purchase the Nintendo eShop version of either of Bayonetta or Bayonetta 2, you'll receive an automatic discount on your purchase of the other game. Read the scenarios below for more details.
- If you purchase Bayonetta 2 for its regular price of US$49.99* or CA$54.99* on Nintendo eShop, then you'll get an automatic discount of US$20.00 or CA$22.50 on the purchase of the original Bayonetta. With this discount, you will only pay $9.99* for the original Bayonetta.
- If you purchase the original Bayonetta for its regular price of US$29.99* or CA$32.49* on Nintendo eShop, then you'll get an automatic discount of US$20.00 or CA$22.50 on the purchase of Bayonetta 2. With this discount, you will only pay US$29.99* or CA$32.49* for Bayonetta 2.
That's exactly what it is.This game man. It's like Bayo 1 on steroids.