Astral Dog
Ok i will try tooSo I beat Bayonetta 2. Awesome game and awesome character. But man was the story confusing. I have a lot of questions:
1. Who's more powerful? Aesir or Jubileus? Jubileus is known as The Creator and the one the angels worship so I assume she's all powerful. But Aesir's the God of Chaos and the original creator of The Eyes of the World, which were needed to resurrect Jubileus. That makes me think he's more powerful considering he created something that powerful.
2. How did Balder and Bayonetta even become the Eyes of the World. How was that decided?
3. After Balder was corrupted by Loptr, did he start the Witch Hunts after all?
4. Why did Loptr need to kill Rosa?
5. Why did the demons of Inferno suddenly turn against Bayonetta? Why was Madama Butterfly the only one to remain on her side?
6. Why are angels ALWAYS after Bayonetta? Even when she beats Balder and Aesir, they're still after her. What gives? Is it just because she's an Umbra Witch? Is there ever an end to them?
7. Why was it that angels AND demons were working with Aesir at the end of the game at Fimbulventr? Were they following Aesir's orders? Why listen to him and not their own respective leaders?
1.I would asume Aesir is the most powerful, the angels needed the Eyes of the World to have any real power over the other realities. the only God that May be more powerful is Omne, but we dont know much about her and she only defeated him when he lost the Eyes.
2.Its implied the Eyes are inherited by skill and birthright, Rosa said Cereza was going to have both eyes, if she is killed, then another can take them.
3.The witch hunts were already started, he just finish them and kills both Witches and Sages.
4.Part of his convulted plan to have the Eyes , also, maybe Rosa had the Left Eye before Bayonetta, as he says "the witch and the sage are still alive, i want what they have" in the past, so he wanted to kill both. That also was a reason to manipulate Balder into killing Loki and Bayonetta.
5. The lack of the right Eye made some of the demos unstable, they now had more power and some rebelled, Alraune only wanted more souls, Madama Butterfly, well she is more like a gameplay mechanic than a character
, but i would say as she is the owner of Bayonettas soul, she doesnt want other demons to have her, much less Alraune, and what the other poster said of her description, not all demons rebelled.
6.First because they wanted the Left Eye,i would say revenge plays a bit too, after she kills Jubileus,they attack her for protecting Loki,after the Eyes are erased,well, she allies herself with demons and thats bad for them,its HER job to kill angels, after all, but for more reasons only a Bayonetta 3 will do.
7.This is a bit tricky, Demons are easier to manipulate as they follow power, and Aesir got some of them on his side,Loptr made some deal with Angels, its not made clear what, but as they need the power of the Eyes of the World, maybe he promised to bring back Jubileus under his control, or maybe they just followed him as Jubileus was already dead, as they worship the Eyes too.
2.Its implied the Eyes are inherited by skill and birthright, Rosa said Cereza was going to have both eyes, if she is killed, then another can take them.
3.The witch hunts were already started, he just finish them and kills both Witches and Sages.
4.Part of his convulted plan to have the Eyes , also, maybe Rosa had the Left Eye before Bayonetta, as he says "the witch and the sage are still alive, i want what they have" in the past, so he wanted to kill both. That also was a reason to manipulate Balder into killing Loki and Bayonetta.
5. The lack of the right Eye made some of the demos unstable, they now had more power and some rebelled, Alraune only wanted more souls, Madama Butterfly, well she is more like a gameplay mechanic than a character
6.First because they wanted the Left Eye,i would say revenge plays a bit too, after she kills Jubileus,they attack her for protecting Loki,after the Eyes are erased,well, she allies herself with demons and thats bad for them,its HER job to kill angels, after all, but for more reasons only a Bayonetta 3 will do.
7.This is a bit tricky, Demons are easier to manipulate as they follow power, and Aesir got some of them on his side,Loptr made some deal with Angels, its not made clear what, but as they need the power of the Eyes of the World, maybe he promised to bring back Jubileus under his control, or maybe they just followed him as Jubileus was already dead, as they worship the Eyes too.