Wait, Bayonetta Bloody Fate is $3 on iTunes? This can't be right.
Edit: There are separate entries for the dub and sub, but it is indeed $3. Listed as a single episode in a TV season. Has to be a mistake so this'll probably get patched up soon.
Wait so can I just buy Bayonetta 2 off the eShop only at the reduced price?
the hype................ it's... overwhelming......We waited over 2 years for this day to arrive. What's another 20 hours.
internal struggle intensifies
Goodnight folks. Enjoy the game if you pick it up at midnight. Looking forward to the impressions in the morning.
Cheers friends
6 minutes left if it launches at 12am EST!
Doesn't the eShop only update at 12am PT for midnight launches?
Its up. Downloading Bayonetta 1 now.
Why does it say Bayonetta 1 is 29.99? I just purchased Bayo 2.....
Same for me... what's going on???
Same for me... what's going on???
How do I buy both? I only have the option to buy them individually.
9 hours and 55 minutes until I pick up my copy. It doesn't feel real.
You'll have yours before mine is finished downloading.
I know, right?!A whopping 3 and a half hours left to go here
Oh? I'm at 12.
Let's eat cake boys!