
Now get at me with those NNIDs so we can climax together. NNID: viewtifuljc, same as GAF handle
Now get at me with those NNIDs so we can climax together. NNID: viewtifuljc, same as GAF handle
Lol did I just heard a Viewtiful Joe reference in Bayonetta 1?
Now get at me with those NNIDs so we can climax together. NNID: viewtifuljc, same as GAF handle
Just finished the game at normal difficulty.
While it wasn't a bad game I am a little disappointed.
The game was too focused on epic set pieces and boss battles for me.
I miss fighting regular enemies as the ground pillar of the game with more epic moments and bosses to break it up here and there like in the first game.
It feels like it's been influenced by "the modern" era of game design, you even have ai partners and the game even has forced "walk slowly while hearing dialogue" sequences (though only a few) like in Gears.
You're even stuck with an ai partner when youSo overall I have to say I prefer the first game.fight the end boss"
You should've just paid a little more to get the definitive version. The 360 version has some extremely noticeable and disgusting screen tear that is completely missing from the Wii U version, the Wii U version runs smoother and it offers some stuff like the Nintendo costumes. The Bayonetta 2 + 1 bundle would've just cost you ~10£ more.Just ordered this.
I bought the Solus edition (European version that doesn't include the first game) because I can always play through my 360 copy of the original.
Looking forward to it.
Taunting will pause your combo meter for a bit.I need a Pro Tip. Been at this for like an hour.
My current Muspelheim mission to beat is one where i have to kill all of the enemies with a single combo. But the last enemy is one of the centaurs with a shield. The only way to get behind him is to Witch Time his attack, but if I wait for him to attack then I lose my combo. I can also Umbran Climax, but a single Umbran Climax combo won't kill him. And if I relaunch him before he gets up after the Umbran Climax combo, he literally just turns to face me in mid-air and blocks.
How do I kill this dude without breaking combo?
I need a Pro Tip. Been at this for like an hour.
My current Muspelheim mission to beat is one where i have to kill all of the enemies with a single combo. But the last enemy is one of the centaurs with a shield. The only way to get behind him is to Witch Time his attack, but if I wait for him to attack then I lose my combo. I can also Umbran Climax, but a single Umbran Climax combo won't kill him. And if I relaunch him before he gets up after the Umbran Climax combo, he literally just turns to face me in mid-air and blocks.
How do I kill this dude without breaking combo?
Is there any tip to platinum? I mean it:
1) Do I have to play every verse?
2) Is there any skill/item/tactics?
You should've just paid a little more to get the definitive version. The 360 version has some extremely noticeable and disgusting screen tear that is completely missing from the Wii U version, the Wii U version runs smoother and it offers some stuff like the Nintendo costumes. The Bayonetta 2 + 1 bundle would've just cost you ~10£ more.
Just got my copy in the mail!
The lord is good.
I'm a massive fan of Platinum Games but my god is the presentation and story embarassing. I'm surprised more people aren't up in arms over the ridiculous stereotypes and sexism present here. Yes, it's intentionally cheesy, but it's done in a way that only makes things more offensive. Are people just holding this game to a different standard since it wasn't developed in the West? I don't see how this is getting a pass when so many tamer games aren't.
What is the best way to deal with shield enemies while maintaining your combo?
Taunting, dodge, activate witch time.
One thing that's bugging me. It's missing a Verse. Are they all available from the get go in each stage or do some only appear on harder difficulties or replays? I missed two in chap 4 and it's bothering the shit out of me cause I felt for sure I searched everywhere.
Thought as much. I was wondering if there was a weapon later on that is more effective at bashing shields.
I like the pistols a little too much. I need to find when is the best time to use the other weapons.
I can't decide if I want to play Bayonetta 1 before 2 when I get the game. I've already beaten Bayonetta 1 last year, but I don't really remember too much of the story besides it being completely whacky. My only worry is I don't want to get burned out on the gameplay/combat system before diving into Bayonetta 2. I know some people would say it's impossible to get tired of the combat because it's so fun, but I still feel like it could happen with me.
I'm a massive fan of Platinum Games but my god is the presentation and story embarassing. I'm surprised more people aren't up in arms over the ridiculous stereotypes and sexism present here. Yes, it's intentionally cheesy, but it's done in a way that only makes things more offensive. Are people just holding this game to a different standard since it wasn't developed in the West? I don't see how this is getting a pass when so many tamer games aren't.
Then just play 2
I think I woke up my neighbors last night screaming when that fuckingjuggled me 8 times in a row.Golem
I honestly can't believe how good these end game enemies are. Most of them would be final bosses in lesser action games *bows*
Supply and demand man.I should be able to walk into a fucking store and buy a fucking product. That's what stores are fucking for
THERE IS CLRARLY MORE DEMANDSupply and demand man.
I should be able to walk into a fucking store and buy a fucking product. That's what stores are fucking for
I feel your pain, but you should have preordered if you wanted it this bad.THERE IS CLRARLY MORE DEMAND
I made a thread for those having trouble finding the game.
yeah thoseare the definition of assholsGolems
I recommend you to use pully's butterfly accessory against them
There's that item that promises bonus halos though I haven't used it yet so I don't know how it works, and then there's an accessory that makes you gain more items and halos when defeating enemies with torture attacks. Probably best bets for farming.I actually had enough halos to buy that but wasted them on costumes before realizing needed to buy the mirror accessory first -_-
Have any halo farming glitches been found yet? My heart sank when I saw how many halos the first unlockable character costs.
I should be able to walk into a fucking store and buy a fucking product. That's what stores are fucking for
Oh, I keep forgetting that I have those. I need to replay an earlier chapter where there's a ton of enemies in one place and try that out.There's that item that promises bonus halos though I haven't used it yet so I don't know how it works, and then there's an accessory that makes you gain more items and halos when defeating enemies with torture attacks. Probably best bets for farming.
That crap is what lost Gamestop my business permanently years ago. There was some huge 3rd party game out (I can't remember which) and I want to my local Gamestop to pick up a copy and the dude behind the counter tells me that they only had copies for preorders. I look behind him and there's literally hundreds of copies sitting on the shelves and floors behind the counter. After a short exchange of me telling him that there's no way all of those copies of the game are preorders and him insisting that he couldn't sell me one if I didn't preorder I walked across the street to BestBuy, bought a copy of the game, walked back to Gamestop and slammed it against the window while giving dude the finger. Never shopping there again.shoulda preordered, POWER TO THE PLAYERS BRAH
they had one copy left at mine and still gave me a "shoulda preordered" shaming
If it only were on the eShop, I would spend so much time there.I can't get Tomorrow is Mine out of my head
The department stores where I live seemed to have no idea the game existed and even at the gamestop I went to the guy working there told me it wasn't out but when I insisted he asked the manager and they had two copies left hidden away somewhere.People already have trouble finding it? Reminds me of Fire Emblem Awakening 's release...
Glad I bought the Bayonetta 2 Special edition yesterday.