Im dying quite a bit on 3rd climax. but I sure hope this isn't considered hard mode, with only one more difficulty after.
omg all these references
shall i say diplomacy has failed then?
Ending Spoilers
I didn't expect the game to top W101 in terms of insanity, but I at least expected it to top Bayo 1 (which I know is still a tall order). The final boss also isn't nearly as memorable as someone like Armstrong. It kind of sucks for Platinum to have to have all their games compared to their other awesome games. Everything was fantastic though, think the only major thing I have left to do in 3rd Climax is finishing the final Lost Chapter, which is quite a tough one.
omg all these references
shall i say diplomacy has failed then?
Awesome game.
End boss looked like something out of.JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Ending Spoilers
I didn't expect the game to top W101 in terms of insanity, but I at least expected it to top Bayo 1 (which I know is still a tall order). The final boss also isn't nearly as memorable as someone like Armstrong. It kind of sucks for Platinum to have to have all their games compared to their other awesome games. Everything was fantastic though, think the only major thing I have left to do in 3rd Climax is finishing the final Lost Chapter, which is quite a tough one.
I don't know about everyone else but I'd love to see Bayo 1 and 2 get combined somehow and give you the full weapon/item/ability/accessory arsenal from both games. I know it'll never happen but it'd be so awesome to have all of the weapons from both games at your disposal through both campaigns.
omg all these references
shall i say diplomacy has failed then?
I don't know about everyone else but I'd love to see Bayo 1 and 2 get combined somehow and give you the full weapon/item/ability/accessory arsenal from both games. I know it'll never happen but it'd be so awesome to have all of the weapons from both games at your disposal through both campaigns.
I got used to his voice, he can sound fine.
The Masked Lumen on the other hand...
Just finished Chapter 3 but the game shipped in late today so I didn't get much time to play so I have to go to sleep. Really want to play more.
I'm playing on 3rd Climax and it's starting to get to the point where I'm not getting consistent gold. I got a stone award for Chapter 3 cause the tells on the dragon doods took a lot to learn ): Died twice.
How many more difficulties are there past 3rd Climax? I am really hoping there are 2 but I read there is only one more a page or so back. Is this true? 3rd Climax feels like a good step up from the "normal" from Bayonetta but not quite as grueling as Hard. I would like a similar curve where the next step is the actual "hard" and then Non-stop Infinite Climax for the insane. But I fear that is not the case.
Is there a way to switch between A and B weapon sets without going to menus?
Got the game yesterday and played up to chapter 9 today. Sad to say, but right now this game isn't anywhere close to being my GOTY. The combat is still great of course, but I find the level design to mostly be awful, and it;s bleeding into the combat encounters. I seriously hope they didn't put more water levels into this game...
The story is of course abyssal nonsense, with a fun cut-scene here and there, but just like the first game it actually hurts my enjoyment of the game overall. At least with the games such as DMC1 or DMC3 I actually got excited whenever a new cutscene popped up.
Great game non the less and I'll gladly keep playing for the combat and all the unlockables.
Got the game yesterday and played up to chapter 9 today. Sad to say, but right now this game isn't anywhere close to being my GOTY. The combat is still great of course, but I find the level design to mostly be awful, and it;s bleeding into the combat encounters. I seriously hope they didn't put more water levels into this game...
The story is of course abyssal nonsense, with a fun cut-scene here and there, but just like the first game it actually hurts my enjoyment of the game overall. At least with the games such as DMC1 or DMC3 I actually got excited whenever a new cutscene popped up.
Great game non the less and I'll gladly keep playing for the combat and all the unlockables.
Yep. Hence me saying "just like the first game".Have you played the first one??
Yep. Hence me saying "just like the first game".
I like that they kept the "motherhood theme" or whatever you want to call it from the first game, first with Cereza and now with Loki. It makes the character more human, she's like that tough guy who has a soft side, which he hides in public. Now they just need Luka to play the daddy and the family is complete again.
Got the game yesterday and played up to chapter 9 today. Sad to say, but right now this game isn't anywhere close to being my GOTY. The combat is still great of course, but I find the level design to mostly be awful, and it;s bleeding into the combat encounters. I seriously hope they didn't put more water levels into this game...
The story is of course abyssal nonsense, with a fun cut-scene here and there, but just like the first game it actually hurts my enjoyment of the game overall. At least with the games such as DMC1 or DMC3 I actually got excited whenever a new cutscene popped up.
Great game non the less and I'll gladly keep playing for the combat and all the unlockables.
Did all the witch trials first time till V, was disappointed but V more then makes up for the slow start
Edit: That last 3/4 of hp bar is sounding very nice right now
how? which character or weapon set-up do you recommend? i'm stuck in the third trial?
also does anyone knows how to unlock verse cards 9, 35, 48?
alsoaside from rodin, are there any more hidden verse cards?
They definitely put all of their 'jaw-dropping series of escalating holy shit omg endboss wow events' manpower into W101 instead of this game.
A bit surprising and disappointing when you remember Kamiya's quote about the two teams constantly attempting to outdo each other on the boss front.
Personally I don't think B2 has one boss as memorable as those in Bayo 1 or W101 or even MGR. The Prologue is probably as close as it gets.
Yeah the level design seems to have really taken a noticable dive... I mean, not necessarily in terms of art direction and the like, just kinda like how cool the environments are. Underwater sections really suck. I'm also beginning to become kind of 'eh' on the Flying Bayo sections because I can't Crow Spear and stuff like that :T
That's basically it. I started on 3rd Climax and got mostly stone rewards on the chapters, though that was due more to not finding encounters than me sucking--at least for a while.
The cutscenes feel so much more distracting than last time. It might just be me. They're so long and frequent, Ive started skipping them. Shame.![]()
LOVE the online multiplayer
It's super polished and a ton of fun. After going through a playthrough or two i'll stick around for the online.