So i will give my impressions, im really bad at this but whatever.
Bayonetta is one of my favorite games ever, i loved the combat, bosses, enemies,characters,world and soundtrack, its a joy to play and even watch,im still replaying it with the Wii U port, When they announced the sequel i did not wait long to get the system, until W101 was close to release,i had insane expectations for the sequel and later i knew it was not going to surpass them.
+ The Umbran climax mechanic feels great, it always fills the screen to decimate your enemies, it can be a little overpowered but it can be difficult to go back to Bayonetta without it.
+ The art direction is a definitive step up from the original, the use of colors give each area a distinctive look in a way the original game never did,it creates a much more vibrant image and that can be refreshing after other Platinum games like MG Rising, Bayonetta,Vanquish, Madworld (lol),etc i also liked how the first game looked, but this is an improvment, just pleasing to the eyes.It doesnt look "next gen" but its a pretty game.
+ Going with the above are the better graphics, this is the game that shows what the system can do, even if iits not that much better than the previous game, all the areas are bigger, the textures are better, the water is beautiful, along with the lightning, the enemies are more detailed and all their animations are a delight to see.And i have tomention the cutscenes too, they are more polished, the choreography is more elaborated, and look much better than the first,great idea to go to Shimomura for this
.+ The bosses, what can i say about the Masked Lumen that has not been said by now? the battle speaks for itself, complex and varied attacks,awesome soundtrack, cool but brief setpieces that dont interrump the gameplay,all other bosses are good too, with their own unique characteristics.
+ Sometimes, i enjoy collecting things,and there are a few things to collect or find in Bayonetta 2, including the crows, the journals, the Muspelheims, items, heart and moon pieces,etc.speaking of the journals, i also enjoy reading these things in games, and Bayonetta 2 doesnt dissapoint in that regard, all the descriptions of items, locations, enemies and characters are there to read, and it may have a little reference or two from other games.
+ Tag Climax, i have played just a little of this mode,but from what i read its pretty good and adds to the replay value.
+ All the new costumes with different characteristics are nice, and included in the first game too.
+Bayonetta included for free, of course.
Now, what im not decided:
. The story: i will be honest, i enjoy the silly, over the top but also dramatic tone of Bayonetta, the dialogue and characters help set the tone of the game,one that can be dramatic and epic but also silly and never forgets its a videogame in the end, i enjoyed watching the cutscenes on preview videos, but in the game they do affect the pacing and can become very annoying.also Loki is more annoying in the game, specially when he follows you, ,even if i dont hate him. The story itself has its good and bad points compared to the first, but i will give the edge to Bayonetta 1.
. The aerial and underwater battles: they are implemented well for the most part, and can add another layer to the game, but i thinl they dont always work, like on Chapter 6.
. The game does feel too similar to the first game, it doesnt feel as fresh compared to it of course, and there are few new mechanics, it cant stand on its own without Bayo 1, now i dont think this is that bad, but it can be dissapointing.
. The soundtrack: The game has a good sountrack there are great pieces on it and my favorites are the battle with ML and Temperantia, Alraune, Beyond Time,Moon River, Tomorrow is mine, Noatun port, Valliance theme,Cascade Foregrounds, The legend of Aesir, and Ruins of lost memory, the problem is that there arent enough of them, a big part of the soundtrack is recycled from the first game, and some pieces are repeated a lot, it just not as good or varied as the first game.
. The Final Boss: This the big one for all,the big dissapointment,the major flaw.of the game. The shitty boss from PG.
First,i will say it doesnt compare to Jubileus or Jerghinga or other final bosses, it doesnt have the spectacle to go with it, or the character, i already writted about him,so to not make this more big than it needs to be i agree, It was more of a straightforward fight, nothing special, and his Aesir music sucked compared to the Greatest Jubilee, at least he has Beyond Time,and i liked when he strangled Luka and Loki, but I still think the ending was a bit memorable for different reasons,it was the little touches, the dialogue between Bayonetta and Balder, The final summoning,Jeanne and Gomorrah,Luka appearing from nowhere to save Loki, "Dont fuck with witches" etc.
As for Loptr,as weak as a FB and antagonist he is, in these types of games i expect the Final Boss to have three things: good music, an unique design and be fun to fight, and he meets the minimun, its a well made and designed boss,
I think what the ending lacked was a final dungeon and a battle with possessed Balder, using some of Aesir moves,to make it more personal and surprising.
Now for the negatives:
−The framerate and IQ:even if the IQ didnt bother me much on my old 720P TV, but the jaggies are still noticeable, the framerate also is not stable,there are some parts when the game runs bad and that does affect the game, i blame the hardware too for this.
− The chapter structure: I dont like how the chapters are very different in content, there are chapters when its just the boss and are too short, in general the game feels a little shorter, even if it could have more content including characters, tag climax, costumes, etc. Like i said above, it lacked a proper final level too, would had been nice. The way the first Bayonetta did it was better.
− Nitpicks, but the difficulty bothered me, its easier than the first, its not a big problem except i have been collecting heart pieces as the game gives them like candy,and i cant stop playing the Muspelheims, i advice to not collect many of those as it can make the difficulty a joke. Also some of the characters voices, especially the Masked Lumen,and Enzo.
I know nobody is gonna read this wall of text

, i could writte more,but what im trying to say is,its very difficult to me to rate this game, after seeing some complaints that the game is too similar and more of the same, yes it is, its not as different as DMC 1 to DMC 3, or even DMC 3 to DMC 4,although i would argue one was made by a different team, and the other case it was on a much, much more powerful system,so that comprasion is weird to me.
I would say its better in parts and worse on others than Bayonetta, and doesnt feel as fresh, or even as creative,as the first,i would put it slighty below the first game.
Now,i partly blame myself for having these big expectations,in a way i ruined it because i watched all the bigger and little surprises before the game came out. Nintendo showed too much,and i watched more than half of the game. but even with that, the game meet or surpassed some of them its a great game, no doubt.
Its more Bayonetta,more of the same, at the end of the day its still a 360/PS3 game ported to Wii U, it was never going to be the game that moved the genre forward, or the innovative experience that many were hoping,it was its just trying to emulate what the original did and offer more of that, and they succeeded, its a well made sequel, nothing more or less.
Platinum has offered different twist on their games with Wonderful 101,Metal Gear Rising, Korra, Madworld,Bayonetta, Vanquish and the coming Scalebound, they deserve the chance to release a "safe" sequel,and if that sequel is to Bayonetta, im very glad they did it,as Bayonetta is still their flagship title me.