The Praiseworthy

Will this top The Last of Us for me for the "Game of the generation" title?
I will find out now
Will this top The Last of Us for me for the "Game of the generation" title?
I will find out now![]()
Banning people for saying "This isn't actually a game," only serves the industry a disservice at a point where Beyond represents a future direction for the medium.
Or we only allowed to say that about iOS games now?
lol it's in arabic.The font on the McDonalds' ad is all messed up. Scan your computer
Will this top The Last of Us for me for the "Game of the generation" title?
I will find out now![]()
I want to stop reading this thread now because it is killing the hype for me
I have never played or seen anything regarding Heavy Rain. I got a PS3 very late. I have never played a game like this before, maybe The Walking Dead but so far I have only played about 20minutes of that(my issue on PC is I keep getting invited to Dota 2). The demo was pretty interesting for me. It looked pretty pleasing. The menu song was incredible as I previously said. I started to get really excited for it, now I am not so sure especially since in Australia its $90. That is normal though.
I want to stop reading this thread now because it is killing the hype for me
I have never played or seen anything regarding Heavy Rain. I got a PS3 very late. I have never played a game like this before, maybe The Walking Dead but so far I have only played about 20minutes of that(my issue on PC is I keep getting invited to Dota 2). The demo was pretty interesting for me. It looked pretty pleasing. The menu song was incredible as I previously said. I started to get really excited for it, now I am not so sure especially since in Australia its $90. That is normal though.
I guess I shouldn't let it bother me. If I feel I will enjoy it I probably will.
Can't really agree with that. See Heavy Rain scores, for example.It occurs to me that the more like a film a game gets, the more likely its going to get scored like films do. i.e. not the expected "8-10 or its shit" thing.
With a more nuanced and detailed presentation its easier to pick up things you don't like, and given the moronic nit-pickery you get with a lot of game scores that's not a recipe for "success".
Personally I couldn't care less because I disagree with reviewers in the overwhelming majority of cases.
Well, it's definitely also what I like about this kind of video game.I wouldn't mind. Making choices is the single thing I like most about video games. Virtually everything else might as well be optional.
The gameplay doesn't do much to enhance the experience either. Quite to the contrary, I found it downright annoying; most of the time during the demo scenes it felt like an unwelcome distraction from the narrative and even killed the immersion for me. Maybe they should've gone more into "interactive movie" direction and keep the gameplay down to scene exploration and decision-making. Everything else gameplay-wise feels superfluous and brings the experience down. Wiggling sticks, shaking controllers, mashing buttons ... all while having flashing indicators on the screen ... all that stuff needs to go. It doesn't enhance the experience.
Go ahead, just be sure to use spoiler-tags if necessary. Reading about people's first-hand experiences with this game is going to be interesting.Is it okay to post my impressions?
Will this top The Last of Us for me for the "Game of the generation" title?
I will find out now![]()
8th October is the World Wide release, or just US?
The gameplay doesn't do much to enhance the experience either. Quite to the contrary, I found it downright annoying; most of the time during the demo scenes it felt like an unwelcome distraction from the narrative and even killed the immersion for me. Maybe consindering what they tried to achieve with this "game", they should've gone even more into the "interactive movie" direction and keep the gameplay down to scene exploration and decision-making. Everything else gameplay-wise feels superfluous and brings the experience down. Wiggling sticks, shaking controllers, mashing buttons, aping actions on the screen ... all while having flashing indicators displayed on the screen ... that stuff needs to go. It doesn't enhance the experience.
The Walking Dead, for example, largely avoided those QTE trappings and instead relied mostly on exploration and decision-making - in my opinion way more suitable mechanics for an interactive narrative-focused experience.
Wasn't that score from a shitty mag though? =) And it wouldn't suprise me if they also gave TWD 9/10. Don't get me wrong, I loved that game too, but inconsistencies in review scores annoy me to no end.
Well, I loved Heavy Rain, but the last couple of pages of this thread has killed my hype for this game. I guess I'll try it out at some point in the future when its much cheaper.
US. UK release is 11th Oct.
Well, I loved Heavy Rain, but the last couple of pages of this thread has killed my hype for this game. I guess I'll try it out at some point in the future when its much cheaper.
Don't lose hope just yet. The reviews were always going to be mixed, so don't let one low score bother you too much.
We'll see what happens on Tuesday.
Gbraga said:Just because it plays in a similar way it means both games have to be as good? This makes no sense, I hate it when people try to claim liking TWD and disliking Heavy Rain as hypocrisy.
Okay here is my impression and I finished the game yesterday.
Playtime was about 9-10 hours if not more, so okayish.
Graphics: Most beautiful graphics on the PS3. There were so many moments were I didn't know that I have to play (more than in The Last of Us). Incredible scenes and very cool lightning. Sometimes it stuttert a bit when there were fast paced scenes. I played this game together with a group of friends and the woman wanted us to keep playing because they were amazed at how much this game looks like a movie - it's way better than anything else on the console. There are scenes were it cannot hold the quality, but it's only two scenes were I thought that.
Gameplay: Well, after about 5 minutes you are able to control it very well... never had any problems and there were two scenes (Stealth scenes) were I had very much fun. I played together with a friend. He played Aiden and I played with Jodie, both of us could just switch with triangle. We played on the "Play videogames often" difficulty, but didn't have any problems at all. We tried two scenes with different choices and were surprised how different a few scenes were. Well.. there are many choices and quiete a few sad ones which made the woman in our group cry. :-( so be prepared.
Sound: Awesome, chilling inspiring soundtrack. I want to buy it. Better than Heavy Rain.
Story: I don't want to spoil anything, but like you saw in the Demo the game jumps around. This stylistic choice made my happy because the game doesn't get boring and holds back the twists like that. Good choice. The story itself is way better than Heavy Rain... and I liked Heavy Rain alot. Ellen Page and William Dafoe perform very good. There are scenes where our friends were so emotionaly bound that they screamed which choice we should make...
In my opinion and two friends of mine which play videogames very often and one woman friend which played Heavy Rain we agreed that Beyond: Two Souls is a better game than Heavy Rain. It's a game which you have to play with a group of friends because everyone feels like they are involved in a movie experience. We even discussed how cool it would be to have choices in a cinema.
Many different choices, great soundtrack and amazing graphics give the game a good value for it's money. So buy it. I can't believe that there are people out there which think that Heavy Rain is better.
Damn I hope we get the spoiler thread approved. I need to find out how to do a particular thing and it seems like I've exhausted every choice the game gives so hopefully I didn't mess it up by doing something in an earlier chapter.
I thought people loved the demo...disppointing impressions???Disappointed with the impressions. I enjoyed Farenheit and Heavy Rain, though the writing was appalling in both. I was hoping for a lot of improvement in this.
I will still pick it up.
Thanks for the impressions! How's the replay value? Any unlockable content?
Reading through the last few pages I'm very close to bailing on this. I already had my instincts telling me it'd be a dumb idea to spend $60 on this but the mix of disappointing impressions is making it harder to ignore my instincts.
Quick question for the ones with the demo or retail version: How action heavy is the game really?
I know pretty much nothing about this game and only saw the first trailer. As a fan of Quantic Dream's previous games I planned to buy this in the near future, but I've heard that it's much more action heavy than Heavy Rain (3rd person shooter?). That would almost be a deal breaker for me, as I prefer the more laid back experience from Fahrenheit or HR.
Redbox it.Reading through the last few pages I'm very close to bailing on this. I already had my instincts telling me it'd be a dumb idea to spend $60 on this but the mix of disappointing impressions is making it harder to ignore my instincts.
I'd like to introduce you to Derrick.If you liked Heavy Rain you will love this game even more.
If you go with the Demo impression then don't trust these because the full game is a bit different and has very interessting scenes. If you liked Heavy Rain you will love this game even more.
Redbox it.
And the pages before it we had very positive impressions. It's really mixed apparently. The story seems rather divisive in terms of content. I think you will get enough enjoyment out of it for 10 hours and then trade it in for a good value.Reading through the last few pages I'm very close to bailing on this. I already had my instincts telling me it'd be a dumb idea to spend $60 on this but the mix of disappointing impressions is making it harder to ignore my instincts.
It's better. However, the much better voice acting especially helps mask some of its problems. It's absolutely serviceable.I didn't download the demo because this game is all story to me so I didn't want to see anything ahead of time. I don't really know what you mean with Heavy Rain either. I was intrigued by the idea of it but the writing was so atrocious that it was impossible for me to like that game. The writing is equally atrocious in this?
I would never do that to myself. If I had to rent it I would just restart gamefly and get it with a couple other games for that 1 month.
Eh, if you liked Heavy Rain there is a very high chance you will like Beyond as well.Well, I loved Heavy Rain, but the last couple of pages of this thread has killed my hype for this game. I guess I'll try it out at some point in the future when its much cheaper.
Yes there are hidden things and different branches in the chapters and also do your choices matter even in early game, but I won't spoil anything of course. Replay value is high for different scenes.
I would give the game a 9/10 (because I would have loved more stealth scenes).
Other scores of mine would be:
The Last of Us (10/10)
GTA 5 (9/10)
Bioshock Infinite (8,5/10)
Puppeteer (8/10)
So ... in the same range. Game is for people which don't expect a normal game. It's something else like Heavy Rain, but alot better. I don't understand the people which say that the game is not that good. I guess these are the people which only played the demo which didn't show anything important.![]()
Thanks. I feel better nowOkay here is my impression and I finished the game yesterday.
Playtime was about 9-10 hours if not more, so okayish.
Graphics: Most beautiful graphics on the PS3. There were so many moments were I didn't know that I have to play (more than in The Last of Us). Incredible scenes and very cool lightning. Sometimes it stuttert a bit when there were fast paced scenes. I played this game together with a group of friends and the woman wanted us to keep playing because they were amazed at how much this game looks like a movie - it's way better than anything else on the console. There are scenes were it cannot hold the quality, but it's only two scenes were I thought that.
Gameplay: Well, after about 5 minutes you are able to control it very well... never had any problems and there were two scenes (Stealth scenes) were I had very much fun. I played together with a friend. He played Aiden and I played with Jodie, both of us could just switch with triangle. We played on the "Play videogames often" difficulty, but didn't have any problems at all. We tried two scenes with different choices and were surprised how different a few scenes were. Well.. there are many choices and quiete a few sad ones which made the woman in our group cry. :-( so be prepared.
Sound: Awesome, chilling inspiring soundtrack. I want to buy it. Better than Heavy Rain.
Story: I don't want to spoil anything, but like you saw in the Demo the game jumps around. This stylistic choice made my happy because the game doesn't get boring and holds back the twists like that. Good choice. The story itself is way better than Heavy Rain... and I liked Heavy Rain alot. Ellen Page and William Dafoe perform very good. There are scenes where our friends were so emotionaly bound that they screamed which choice we should make...
In my opinion and two friends of mine which play videogames very often and one woman friend which played Heavy Rain we agreed that Beyond: Two Souls is a better game than Heavy Rain. It's a game which you have to play with a group of friends because everyone feels like they are involved in a movie experience. We even discussed how cool it would be to have choices in a cinema.
Many different choices, great soundtrack and amazing graphics give the game a good value for it's money. So buy it. I can't believe that there are people out there which think that Heavy Rain is better.
Good.Ive watched half the game on youtube. While I cant vouch for how it feels to play. I can say that the writing, while nothing special, shouldnt detract from your experience and anyone ranting about it probably had unreasonable expectations going in. There's very little dialogue to be offended or embarrassed by, it's pretty serviceable stuff and the voice acting from side characters is substantially better than it ever was in Heavy Rain. The story is very engrossing to me and while Ive only been watching, actual gameplay mechanics are a prominent feature of this game, particularly with Aiden. Pay no attention to reviews, its difficult to tell who has an agenda, whether for or against. What Ive seen thus far has been a laudable attempt to tell an interesting story.
Great post. Deadly Premonition is a good example."You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." (Winston Churchill)
Who cares? Review scores are garbage. I liked lots of games which got low scores and many of the '10/10 everywhere' games were actually bad. If Beyond got perfect or near-perfect scores I would actually be afraid. Nothing is worse than a game that tries to please everyone (while everyone likes the same old shit, sequels, remakes and plagiarism of other successful games).
Satisfying people's expectations, giving them what they want is no virtue. A creator's goal should be to surprise people -hell- even challenge them. Going against your own audience, leaving your comfort zone and trying new ideas, that takes balls and that I can respect. I want to be surprised and I want to be shocked. People will necessarily dislike the result but that's the only way creativity can live. Getting Demon's Souls/Uncharted/Bioshock/Pokemon/Metal Gear 20,923,292 HD, even with perfect 10/10s is the most boring thing to me.
It's OK to get bad reviews. The important thing is to try doing something original. It took Deadly Premonition a lot of 5/10s (or even worse) to be one of the best games of this generation.
Rest of Europe is October 9th.
UK gets a delayed debut.
I don't know. The only thing I know is that a retailer in Berlin nicely claims on their website that the game was released on October 4th, so I will pick it up tomorrowAs always. This really pisses me off. Why not just release the day on Wednesday here too?
Have you played the game or you're just saying it's inconsistent because you want it to be?
Just because it plays in a similar way it means both games have to be as good? This makes no sense, I hate it when people try to claim liking TWD and disliking Heavy Rain as hypocrisy.
I don't know. The only thing I know is that a retailer in Berlin nicely claims on their website that the game was released on October 4th, so I will pick it up tomorrow![]()