Thank you for not reading the article. I'm just going to copy the main parts, and that should answer your question.Why would any one buy a crypto based on gold when you get real gold?
In the traditional markets investors can certainly buy as much physical or allocated gold as they like, but along with the purchase comes the high risk of physical gold. This risk is due to the size and weight or larger gold bars, the expense of storing it safely, the inability to divide it into smaller units easily, and the fact that because it can be difficult to transport it can also be difficult to sell, trade, or use.
The alternative is to trade on unallocated gold futures, CFDs, or ETFs. These are just derivatives, without the backing of any physical gold at all. None of them involve actual ownership of gold. Rather it is little more than speculation of the changing price of gold without any physical gold to back up any of the assets. It makes trading easy, but there is no store of value involved.
And here it comes:
The PAX Gold asset is fully regulated by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYSDFS). There is no unallocated gold included in the PAXG backing, instead it is fully-collateralized by physical gold at the ratio of one troy ounce (roughly 31 grams) of a gold bar complying with the London Good Delivery standard, to one PAXG token.
By using Paxos Gold users get the benefit of physical gold ownership, without the downsides of storage and transport. Instead they can take advantage of the mobility and speed of transfer that comes with digital assets. The PAXG tokens have been made extremely flexible, and users are able to convert tokens to fiat currency quickly and easily, or they can opt to convert the tokens to allocated and unallocated gold if they wish, just as quickly and easily. Unlike the futures gold market, Paxos Gold digital tokens carry no settlement risk.
Edit: Reposting link since we're on a new page.

Paxos Gold Review: PAXG Worth It? This You NEED To Know!!
Before you invest in PAXG, be SURE to read this Paxos Gold Review. We look at the security, use cases and benefits of this tokenized Gold!
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