Steam update but no 360, dang it, hurry this thing up MS, I want to play the ClapTrap DLC!!!! It's been sitting on my harddrive since it came out just begging me to give it a go, but I want that level cap raised first.
Twitter - @GearboxSoftware said:GearboxSoftware Gearbox Software
The Free Borderlands 1.41 Title Update is out now on PS3/XB360/PC/Steam! Read more about it here -
celcius said:I hit lv69 this morning. A few runs through the Eridian Promontory will have you there in no time![]()
I still haven't found a single Atlas Chimera pistol though...
Seems to be. Mobs where 55 when I was 54 and when I hit 55 they where 56. No idea if they always stay one level ahead though.DMPrince said:With the lvl cap removed is the enemy dificulty dynamic?
Zombie Island was scaling for me when I was toying around earlier.MiloFoxburr said:Seems to be. Mobs where 55 when I was 54 and when I hit 55 they where 56. No idea if they always stay one level ahead though.
-edit- This is assuming you've cleared playthrough 2. Also the dlc packs don't seem to scale.
Hmm I tried General Knoxx and they were all 51. Maybe I need to clear the DLC with this Character first.Sciz said:Zombie Island was scaling for me when I was toying around earlier.
Sciz said:Zombie Island was scaling for me when I was toying around earlier.
Zombie Island always scaled within certain ranges, even on release. The problem pre-1.4 was that it capped out at level 50, and the Knoxx cap was 61. What's supposed to happen now is that after clearing a certain PT2 quest (the last plot one, I think), all content everywhere scales to your level.Commanche Raisin Toast said:im on playthrough 2, still in fyrestone, and when i went to zombie island (for the first time) all of the zombies were a good handful of levels higher than me. i think im 39 and they were all 42 and 43 (or at least the ones that were killing me with spit).
all of the bounty board quests show level 42 recommended, so it's safe to say that this particular DLC scales. especially considering all these fyrestone quests are 36-39 recommended.
I loaded up the game yesterday to get the patch, so I wandered around a bit, fighting some enemies and what not. I was in New Haven, and I noticed there were some guns in the vending machines that were 62 and 64. They didn't seem that special to me at a glance, but they at least there are some out there.LocoMrPollock said:Anyone find any guns 61+ yet? Haven't found shit myself.
Was the probability of a Pearl drop increased at all? In all my many, MANY hours of playing Knoxx solo and with friends, I've never once even seen a Pearl. With this patch, is there at least a better chance that I might find something... anything? :lolGBX_AdamF said:And yes - There are plenty of 61+ gear in the game![]()
Ettie said:So, I logged into multi for the first time in a long time today. Steam gives me a key and says I will need it. The game never asks for it, but I am prompted to login to gamespy, and then there's only one game available for me to join. What's going on?
Har har, junior.bubnbob said:I see you guys didnt patch a way for Mad Moxxi to not suck. But you tried I'm sure
Jinaar said:Playing CLAP TRAP REV with my hunter this time. One of theI just burst out laughing.Bruts/Bullies with a claptrap brain mechanism said to me "Come with me if you want to die."
Played a bunch of the beginning zones with the level increase. Man this feels like a blast to play again. The little skrags are super tough again! Fear everything. I have died so much today. Fuckin' Gearbox, you guys are amazing.
Naeblish said:I feel like the loot tables in the DLC suck gigantic balls. I'm lvl 42, and in the main game i got quiet some legendary's, especially when farming. But i've gotten none so far in the dlc, halfway threw knoxx and everything is easy because the quests are like 2-3 lvls below my lvl. I get tons of lvl 40 weapons which all suck compared to my lvl 25-30 weapons. Should i just start pt2 or something? I kinda wanted to finish all the dlc before doing that, but the game is becoming more boring every minute.
Also, i get massive framedrops in knoxx, it seems to occur when i pick up the health/shield/speed buffs, does anyone know if there is a fix for this?
The DLC is fantastic but you might be able to get the first DLC disc they put out (it has Mad Moxxie and Zombie Island on it) for cheap, so you could get the base game + 2 DLCs for ~$25-30. If you're not looking to get into the game for too long or you need the DLC to be on a disc, this is probably your best bet.Game2Death said:So I have a question as someone looking into this game, would anyone recommend the original version for $20 of GOTY for $50ish? Is the dlc really worth the extra $30 dollars, plus it isn't on disc.
I haven't played both but I don't think either version has any glaring flaws (leave that to the PC version). The only difference you'd probably be looking at is playerbase, which is at least still fairly active on 360. No clue about how many people are still playing on the PS3, though I imagine it's active as well.Game2Death said:Is there a big difference between the 360 and Ps3 versions?
Game2Death said:Is there a big difference between the 360 and Ps3 versions?
Edgeward said:Ugh, the pc patch seemed to have wiped out all my settings and has disabled some of the options using the config editor. No better FOV now. Hopefully this will be fixed.
It shows up at $29.99 for me, with the SAVINGS of $9.97, not selling at that price.Zombie James said:
All four pieces of DLC for $10. Was waiting for the holiday sale... hmm...