Nisha or Wilhelm are that sort of style.which one has any of those type? athena ? wilhelm ? or nisha? ;_;
Nisha or Wilhelm are that sort of style.which one has any of those type? athena ? wilhelm ? or nisha? ;_;
Shock drop arena and probably a unique weapon if the previous arenas are anything to go by.Was there a pre-order bonus for this? It's a bit late, and I'm only 90% sure I'll be getting it tomorrow, but I'm curious what I'm missing out on.
All of the Borderlands 2 ini tweaks work. Thank goodness.
Pretty sure Gearbox "proper" has been working on the Homeworld remakes and BattleBorn
Battleborn and absolutely nothing related to Borderlands 3. Absolutely.
A friend of mine with an old, non-gaming laptop managed to run this. If you're willing to put it on 720p and turn some settings down it probably runs fine on most anything released in recent years.
A toaster could run this game. Hell, you can slap everything on low AND then alter the .ini to further disable shadows to get it to run on an electric toothbrush.
Most of my time is spent on multiple playthroughs, New games and grinding to get guns.Only 10 hours for straight campaign completion? That's short. There's no way your completing BL1 let alone BL2 in that short amount of time.
Only 10 hours for straight campaign completion? That's short. There's no way your completing BL1 let alone BL2 in that short amount of time.
10 hours still sounds short though. Kinda a bummer. I only play one character the whole game and spend 85 hours on Borderlands 1 with Roland and 232 hours in Borderlands 2 with only Axton. This seems like a huge step back. :/It's the journey that counts. Besides, some of us didn't have the patience to level up all available classes on the previous games because doing the same walk to do the same objective for the fourth time can fuck right off.
What if I don't have a toaster?
And my electric toothbrush only runs on dos.
10 hours still sounds short though. Kinda a bummer. I only play one character the whole game and spend 85 hours on Borderlands 1 with Roland and 232 hours in Borderlands 2 with only Axton. This seems like a huge step back. :/
So I have a gtx 970, but the physx still tanks my fps whenever the physx stuff happens, anyone else that are experiencing the same? Was really looking forward to crazy particle fun...
Make sure in nvidia's control panel that you have the GPU set as the physx computer.
Fortunately he dropped a nice blue lazors!1 weapon too. Not sure about Wilhelm though, the drones - while good - don't seem to be the gamechangers that for example Sal and Krieg's (my earlier favorites) abilities were.
Only 10 hours for straight campaign completion? That's short. There's no way your completing BL1 let alone BL2 in that short amount of time.
Didn't know this, will be interesting to see if it makes a difference, kinda expect not though. Mainly because I tried rebooting the game, and that seemed to help immensely on the framerate
Dnno why u would expect a game changing skill from two surveyor drones lol, since they are there for support and distraction. I would say Nisha and Claptrap have the biggest game changing skills with the showdown skill and vaulthunter.exe.
Slow and steady doesn't win the race in Borderlands, you have to have EXPLOSIONS!
And Claptrap can go suck it, RNG is the devil when you only have a single skill to use.
If you guys don't know yet, it's 45% off on GMG if you use Hola to spoof it to the UK.
All of the Borderlands 2 ini tweaks work. Thank goodness.
All of the Borderlands 2 ini tweaks work. Thank goodness.
Nah, Claptrap is great - I love not know what I'm going to get when I trigger my skill. A little surprise every time. I wish there was a third person camera though, I feel like it must be fun to watch as an outside observer.
I do miss not having legs though - the bouncy moon walk animations the other PCs get are hilarious.
Are people finding the oxygen limitation to be a burden? Claptrap only needs air for slams, so he doesn't take damage when he runs out of air, but I'm wondering if the other classes are finding oxygen management onerous. I feel like there's a ton of air available.
But isn't Clap's action skill situational? I don't think you can get the pirate ship subroutine while fighting normal mobs, since one of the "pre-reqs" is to have a badass of boss nearby.
As for O2, sometimes I find myself running low after sniping people for a while, so I run to a nearby source. At close combat it's not an issue.
Are people finding the oxygen limitation to be a burden? Claptrap only needs air for slams, so he doesn't take damage when he runs out of air, but I'm wondering if the other classes are finding oxygen management onerous. I feel like there's a ton of air available.
How long is this going for? If it goes for the rest of the day I may be able to grab it.If you guys don't know yet, it's 45% off on GMG if you use Hola to spoof it to the UK.
About 2 hours in, and wow, this is like a mediocre Borderlands 2 DLC pack so far. There are clear improvements they could have made to the gameplay in BL2, but they basically just slapped some new textures on and gave everybody an oxygen mask and turn down the in-game gravity and called it. Expected this, but I'm still disappointed so far. Even on the PC, the game just looks kind of nasty, maybe I'm just over that art style, I dunno.
I'll keep playing a bit more, just to see if things pick up, but this feels like the cash-in I was hoping it wouldn't be. I was hoping Gearbox would put more into it given the thrashing they took on A:CM, but apparently they don't give a shit.
About 2 hours in, and wow, this is like a mediocre Borderlands 2 DLC pack so far. There are clear improvements they could have made to the gameplay in BL2, but they basically just slapped some new textures on and gave everybody an oxygen mask and turn down the in-game gravity and called it. Expected this, but I'm still disappointed so far. Even on the PC, the game just looks kind of nasty, maybe I'm just over that art style, I dunno.
I'll keep playing a bit more, just to see if things pick up, but this feels like the cash-in I was hoping it wouldn't be. I was hoping Gearbox would put more into it given the thrashing they took on A:CM, but apparently they don't give a shit.
Can you still give yourself infinite Golden Keys?
Is there a list of good ones? I know there was a way to skip most of those stupid intro splash screens. Anything graphics related is also a plus.
(note: I remove the cel shading and black outlines with cfg commands, I just prefer it that way. was never a fan of the vanilla style)
Are there any screen shots of this? Sounds interesting..
Still got 2 days until this unlocks for me![]()
That´s what i was fearing too, sad that it seems another of randy´s exploits
How is the loot handled in this game? I loved the loot system in Borderlands 1 but in 2 I hated it. Having to grind bosses and most of time guns being useless. I miss the rare guns coming from normal enemeies :/. If its the same as 2 ill definitely pass
A toaster could run this game. Hell, you can slap everything on low AND then alter the .ini to further disable shadows to get it to run on an electric toothbrush.
Textures pop in slowly, visual and audio glitches are common and the game often freezes for a second when too much is going on
One review said 15 hrs for main story alone, not including side quests.
Pretty good.
But as with every Borderlands game, waiting for the GOTY edition is the best way to go.