Who wants to do it?Do we need a spoiler thread?
I think it should be players who already played the original.
Who wants to do it?Do we need a spoiler thread?
Suposedly new deal with NIS America was gonna allow Atlus games to arrieve to Europe much faster. The reality is very different.
I never considered that. Yeah, Soul Hackers came just out so it would be too early to release SMTIV in Q4 as well. You could be onto something here.I think they are holding it back on purpose though. If they released smt4 in 2013, It would've gotten raped by pokemon, zelda and bd. Furthermore it may had cannibalized the sales of soul hackers. It was probably in there best (business) interest to move it to 2014. Also there aren't that many games announced for 2014 yet, so I am glad to have at least smt4 to look forward to.
btw... is there any way to tell if someone deleted you from his friend list? I'd like to make some room but I don't want to delete someone who's still active by accident...
You can get the OST from either Amazon JP or Play-Asia. There's more but those two are the common place to get it. If it's the artbook, can grab it from Amazon JP too.![]()
Buy the game, and then buy the actual full OST and the proper 255 pages artbook on the side.
I believe the OST is about 3000 yen or something. Same for the Artbook.
(How did I miss that post?Not revealing enough.
I got mine from but the shipping is ex. You can also get it from CDJapan if you want a range of shipping options (you can also get the full artbook from there too).
Definitely recommend this as the way to go. That way you'll get the best of everything![]()
(How did I miss that post?)
Is that job/costume in the western version as well?
That's alot of skin that he's showing.
Damn. ;p
Someone on tumblr said the special costumes will be in the EUR version for free.
I thought the friend cards were automatically deleted... That's weird...btw... is there any way to tell if someone deleted you from his friend list? I'd like to make some room but I don't want to delete someone who's still active by accident...
o.oSomeone on tumblr said the special costumes will be in the EUR version for free.
3 copies of the EUR CE & pre-order artbook (local pickup).
1 copy of BDFtS and 1 copy of Famitsū #1305 for the Foxbite dagger DLC + express shipping from Asia.
1 copy of Dengeki Nintendo for the Donnerschutz shield DLC, 1 copy of V Jump for the Shōri no Tachi katana DLC, 1 more copy of BDFtS, 1 copy of the Drama CD & pre-order bonus Cast Talk CD-E, 1 copy of the artbook, 1 copy of each BD novel volume, 1 copy of the game guide, 1 more copy of the Drama CD & pre-order bonus Cast Talk CD-A & pre-order bonus sticker + express shipping from Japan.
I'm not sure if I'm lucky or not but a few OST (Fire Emblem OST & Drama CD, Pokémon XY) that I bought from Amazon jp got past HMRC w/o getting taxed & thus cheaper in total.
How did this sneak up on me? I feel like I only just signed the localization petition...I blame Pokemon.
I see there's a friend list. What functionality does this provide in-game? Summon friends as allies?
Tch, making me jealous with that list XD I'm kinda thinking of picking up the drama CD and novels too now, but CDJ is saying the drama CD is just a retelling of the story but CDJ also tends to have inaccurate descriptions... Does the drama CD come with the extra tracks for FtS? What do the novels cover? I guess I'm not really interested if they are just retellings of the story in the game.
Wait a minute, when does this come out? Metacritic says this Friday, Amazon says February 7th...what?
My JP For the Sequel order is preparing to ship. Hooray. Although I know it won't actually ship until Thursday morning my time, it'll arrive Friday morning. Hope you guys who got it early enjoy it. Make sure to friend other people who are playing; that'll really benefit you.
February 7th is the North American release date.Wait a minute, when does this come out? Metacritic says this Friday, Amazon says February 7th...what?
Neither is a retelling. They're their own thing. The Pocketbook of R focuses on events after the game plot. And the Drama CD seems to be a side story fitting in BDFF's timeframe.
Lord Ghirahim you wanna make the spoiler thread for the game, as it seems you are the most appropriate to make it ;P
Someone on tumblr said the special costumes will be in the EUR version for free.
But will the old costume dlc be in there?
It's a spoiler thread so anyone can make it and leave it ;//
Neither is a retelling. They're their own thing. The Pocketbook of R focuses on events after the game plot. And the Drama CD seems to be a side story fitting in BDFF's timeframe.
I think they said they'd be in the game too. Shouldn't the EUR reviewers know now? I wonder why we haven't heard any specifics.
You guys get BD; we get Ys. Fair compromise.
If I keep telling myself that, eventually it'll be true
You do realize that I could buy and play Ys on my EU Vita in less than 30h, right?![]()
hey, as I said, you guys got SMTIV like an eternity ago
This is just cruel. >:It'd probably be easier to feel smug about this if I'd actually played my copy. :lol
Maybe they don't know what was dlc once.
I just hope we westerners will be able to obtain this one somehow:
Probably my favorite outfit.
I'll make the spoiler thread.
Anybody have a title suggestion? I don't want folks accidentally clicking it instead of the OT and then spoiling themselves silly.
I'll make the spoiler thread.
Anybody have a title suggestion? I don't want folks accidentally clicking it instead of the OT and then spoiling themselves silly.
I'll make the spoiler thread.
Anybody have a title suggestion? I don't want folks accidentally clicking it instead of the OT and then spoiling themselves silly.
I'll make the spoiler thread.
Anybody have a title suggestion? I don't want folks accidentally clicking it instead of the OT and then spoiling themselves silly.
I am against referencing even more Final Fantasy stuff.Spoiler Thread - Agnès Returns: Bravely Default
I'll make the spoiler thread.
Anybody have a title suggestion? I don't want folks accidentally clicking it instead of the OT and then spoiling themselves silly.
I am against referencing even more Final Fantasy stuff.
I want to see this series stand on it's own stump/feet and show independence.