I won't get to play this until Christmas day, does it live up to the hype?
Please say yes.
It's even better.
I won't get to play this until Christmas day, does it live up to the hype?
Please say yes.
Yeah, that charge attack is what gets me every time. He seems to use it on the first turn directly after he transforms and then wipes out my party with that :/ I'll have to give it another shot with Lightning specials. My party are all lv 52 now after struggling with the Salve Maker sub quest (Had to put it on Easy to even beat him... ugh).
Well lookie here what just appeared
ordering from Amazon Japan was pretty painless, I can see myself doing this again
The difficulty in this really ramps up... Had to put off the Salbe Maker boss fight and went on to the... now the boss there is destroying my party. I'm level 44, don't think I'm under levelled but wow...Fire Temple
Thanks for the tips!Indeed, that boss is certainly the most difficult I've encountered yet. I beat him at around lvl 38.
Some tips:
Stock up on magic defense as most of his damage is magic, white robes are great for this. I kept a performer using the Magic defence + buff up all the time. Also, the Salve maker is great for this fight. The items can damage through the purple barrier and deal huge damage (3k if you compund 2 Fulmen shards with item damage up support skill). Zeus wrath items are a bit simpler to come by, but they do decent damage as well.
Well lookie here what just appeared
ordering from Amazon Japan was pretty painless, I can see myself doing this again
Thanks for the tips!Still yet to try the Salve Maker job. Where can you get a good amount of the items? Of the ones you mentioned I only have 1 Zeus' Wrath and 3 Fulmen Shards. Do I need to upgrade the shops in Norende for it?
mine's in the van atm lol
I was thinking of buying this. Is it good? I love Yoshida's art. How much text is there? Because I can't read a lick of Japanese.
This game didn't chart in the UK Top 40, a Britney Jean sized mess.
UK disappoints once again. Such a main stream market... I hope we still get BD2, let's see how it performs across Europe and America.
It looks like a pretty much complete collection of all the designs that were created for Bravely Default (and some additional stuff for the browser game and 4 Heroes of Light). Lots of little descriptions but since I don't read any Japanese either I couldn't tell you how detailed they are. It's 99% pictures though so I don't mind.
This game didn't chart in the UK Top 40, a Britney Jean sized mess.
UK disappoints once again. Such a main stream market... I hope we still get BD2, let's see how it performs across Europe and America.
It looks like a pretty much complete collection of all the designs that were created for Bravely Default (and some additional stuff for the browser game and 4 Heroes of Light). Lots of little descriptions but since I don't read any Japanese either I couldn't tell you how detailed they are. It's 99% pictures though so I don't mind.
Awesome, I'll give stealing from enemies around Ancheim a shot, fingers crossed. Tried out the Experiment ability and was only turning up the same stuff over and over again, does it work better if you try different items, or can a Potion for example turn into anything?You can buy them if you upgrade Norende, but that probably takes far too long time. The Zeus wrath may be reasonable to buy from upgrading Norende at least. You can also use another of the salve makers skills to transform an item, say a cheap potion, into a random damage item. There are only a few damage items so it's not very time consuming if you auto it. I think I was able to steal Fulmen Shards from some regular enemies near Ancheim, or in that vicinity.
This game didn't chart in the UK Top 40, a Britney Jean sized mess.
UK disappoints once again. Such a main stream market... I hope we still get BD2, let's see how it performs across Europe and America.
This game didn't chart in the UK Top 40, a Britney Jean sized mess.
UK disappoints once again. Such a main stream market
I really wonder if it was a wise idea to not name it FF in the west...I mean it is a FF game, the brand is well known and it's not as if europe was crazy about jrpg anymore...
It can also applies to Japan : FF3 DS sold 1million copies, FF4 DS sold around 700 000 and FFtype 0 around 800 000. Only FF4warriors of light was a letdown but while it had FF in its name, they didn't even use the known FF logo. BD sold 300 000. Well, it's good for a "new" IP but I cannot help myself to think : what would had happen if it was part of the FF brand ?
Awesome, I'll give stealing from enemies around Ancheim a shot, fingers crossed. Tried out the Experiment ability and was only turning up the same stuff over and over again, does it work better if you try different items, or can a Potion for example turn into anything?
250 pages full of art, that is beyond anything i expected, i though they would have some serious coverage with text to fill all that
Pleasantly super hugly surprised, hopefully i have it tomorrow
BTW, does it include the art of the CE edition artbook ?
Sounds boss. Are there many illustrations or is it mostly sketch work?
While I'm waiting for my copy to arrive, I decided to try a demo version. I have finished it just a minutes ago and I don't know how I feel about difficulty in game. I played on normal with +50% encounters and I think the game is too easy. What do you think, should I play a full game on hard? Wont it be ridiculously hard?
Oh, and I don't mind grinding. This game has very userfriendly grinding gameplay.
Can someone explain to me how the special move parts shops work?
For example, the Valley Parts say I unlocked P. ATK Up and P. ATK Down... but I cannot find these anywhere in the Special config menu. Same goes with Hill Parts and the various [element] res up/down. Are these automatic or what?
You'll need to have unlocked special moves in order to edit the moves, which will allow you to choose an element for the attack, attack power etc. Some special moves like the rod can heal/buff you etc or inflict status debuffs for enemies.Can someone explain to me how the special move parts shops work?
For example, the Valley Parts say I unlocked P. ATK Up and P. ATK Down... but I cannot find these anywhere in the Special config menu. Same goes with Hill Parts and the various [element] res up/down. Are these automatic or what?
Would like to say thank you to France and to an extent Germany, you guys love Japanese games enough that companies see its worthwhile to localise their games in Europe XDDon't worry, it's sold out on Amazon France and is still in the top 20.
And French people love their Japanese games anyway.
This game didn't chart in the UK Top 40, a Britney Jean sized mess.
UK disappoints once again. Such a main stream market... I hope we still get BD2, let's see how it performs across Europe and America.
Blessed France. I bet I could get a lot of Street Passes there, unlike here in Austria.Don't worry, it's sold out on Amazon France and is still in the top 20.
And French people love their Japanese games anyway.
You are supposed to customize your deathblows that give you these properties with those parts.
I know, but some of the options are not showing up after unlocking them.
Example: Cape Parts level 1 gives me Poison Touch and Poison Res Down. Poison Touch shows up in the options list I can use, Poison Res Down does not.
I'm asking if some of these are passives/automatic or if I'm missing something.
Okay, gonna risk embarrassment by asking this but what the hell. I'm still going through the demo at the moment, and likely won't get the full game until christmas.
Can someone explain to me how to equip stronger magic? I have a lvl 3 Black Mage but I can't use spells like Fira.
/total noob
Don't be too harsh on your own country. The people there simply don't care for handhelds anymore, that's all there is to it.My country kinda sucks.
the deathblow parts depend on whether the deathblow is for attacking or supporting
Is there a US version without the microtransactions?
Is there a US version without the microtransactions?
Are you sure you've unlocked all the different weapon types' death blows? Cause Poison Res Down is a status affect specifically for specials that does status effects.But Poison Res Down doesn't pop up in ANY menu. That's what I want to know; where and how is Poison Res Down used?
My country kinda sucks.
It's completely optional and you don't even need it. And you can get it for free anyway.