Ringabel's speedo is what I want the most. >_>Ah okay, I'm not too fussed about those since I think the Bunny Suit and Half-Naked Ringabel are kind of gratuitous pandering that I can do without. The Tiz and Edea ones are pretty cool though, it'd be nice if they were at least in there but I haven't seen anything on them yet.
Almost done... I think I'll leave the final boss for tomorrow...
Airy was actually way harder than I thought! I think I beat her complete form on my 4th try after battling her for like 45 minutes... I tried not to use many elixirs and I didn't use any Megalixir or friend power... Btw, can someone tell me where can I find/buy Megalixirs?
You can't buy those in BDFF. You may find some in chests or you can steal them from bosses such as theAsterisk holder. I think the same boss drops one when defeated too. It's probably not different for the new version.Vampire
You can't buy those in BDFF. You may find some in chests or you can steal them from bosses such as theAsterisk holder. I think the same boss drops one when defeated too. It's probably not different for the new version.Vampire
Oh... I was stupid to waste one then...![]()
Ugh, the jump to level 10 for the jobs is a bit intimidating. I'm in Chapter 2, should I keep with my level 9 classes for the grind or swap them around?
So.. how important is it to repopulate the town?
There's a couple of cheap ways to beat the dragons - you can either use a salve maker and mix a few giants draft (beast liver + dragon fang), or you can do it the super cheap way - 4 ninjas using utsusemi with counterIs there any way to cast Dispel-all on the party? Trying to get around the Dragon 'Breath' attacks.
Don't bother with the grind, in later chapters you'll be able to get over that hump really quickly. Better to diversify, have a good pool of abilities to choose from. Helps for later battles with elements/statuses.
So I'm wandering around the Villa. When does the game really start opening up? I'm okay to progress along this path and pick up jobs, and it seems like I've got myself four guardians of light or whatever, but job grinding seems a bit slow right now and I don't feel like I know enough to start making great decisions or whatever.
Also, do characters have base stats or whatever that makes them more or less suitable for jobs, or can I just mold them whatever way I want cos they're all templetes?
Relatively. A lot of the best buyable equipment in the game is from Nolende Level 11 shops.
So I'm wandering around the Villa. When does the game really start opening up? I'm okay to progress along this path and pick up jobs, and it seems like I've got myself four guardians of light or whatever, but job grinding seems a bit slow right now and I don't feel like I know enough to start making great decisions or whatever.
It's still early there so I wouldn't be fussed about job grinding at that stage, it's dreadfully slow as well. Job point grinding starts to get easy around ch2 when you start to deal with the mandrakes and mushrooms.
so just keep on path? alrighty
Are 4 heroes of light and Final Fantasy V even half as good as Bravely Default ?
I´m absolutely in love with it (still not very far in, around 12 hours and I just started Chapter 2)
Oh boy, Ringabel´s english VA is pretty great.
So I'm at the end of Chapter 4 and trying to grind some cashI'm in the Vampire Castle, and the pg is pretty good but the Cerberus really cramp my style, theyto fill out my D's Journal as much as possible before going into the pillar of light.or am I better of farming pg in Everlast Tower?are heavily resistant to physical attacks, counter physical attacks, relatively fast and attack the entire party with hell fire for pretty masssive damage. And there's no real way to regain MP efficiently since it's a long walk back to anywhere you can heal relatively cheaply. I've tried Aspir but Cerberus only give ~7 MP and Blizzara costs ~68. Is there something I'm overlooking (like a physical attack that paralyzes , sleeps or stops them or a defense ignoring physical ice attack)
Are 4 heroes of light and Final Fantasy V even half as good as Bravely Default ?
I´m absolutely in love with it (still not very far in, around 12 hours and I just started Chapter 2)
Oh boy, Ringabel´s english VA is pretty great.
I dealt with boss rather easily, for the following simple reason:Does anyone have any tips on how to fight against the Chapter 2 boss,? I just keep getting stomped over and over and it's getting pretty frustrating.Rusalka
There is an even simpler way:I dealt with boss rather easily, for the following simple reason:
Rusalka is pretty harmless, until it spawns multiple selves - the clones have less HP, but when in bunch they can overwhelm your party. You need to concentrate your fire on the original, to prevent it from further spawns. Now, herein lies the trick, as it is rather easy to lose track of who the original Rusalka is: I used my Freelancer's Examine ability - it gives you the HP, among other things, of the target. So, as long as you have a general idea which one of the bunch the original is, you attack the suspects one by one, and take note which attack dealt damage to the original (made possible by the Examine effect). Voila, original located.
Why does Ringabel have to look so good as everything? I want a team of 4 Ringabels![]()
Good observation!There is an even simpler way:
When you press left on the nub to check their HP, you will notice what position the original is in. If the original is in 3rd, it will be the third target outside the hp check as well. It is always in the same position when you check HP as when you do not check HP.
Final Fantasy V is pretty similar mechanically, the story is significantly different though. .
4 Heroes of Light is to Final Fantasy III as Bravely Default is to Final Fantasy V , roughly speaking.
The end!
The final boss was actually easier than Airy. ._. Now... let's see what left to do... Norende is almost complete.Also, I guess I got the true ending. Can I trigger the other ending too? Oh and the final boss music... Strong Shingeki no Kyojin vibes. So good.
I cant wait for this game
It is amazing how 3DS has got games like Zelda LBW that has managed to get me more emotionaly involved than all games i have played since the old Zelda titles combined. A true epic.
Bravely Default seems to bring back the exitement i felt when i first played FF7 and FF9, such exiting times
The end!
The final boss was actually easier than Airy. ._. Now... let's see what left to do... Norende is almost complete.Also, I guess I got the true ending. Can I trigger the other ending too? Oh and the final boss music... Strong Shingeki no Kyojin vibes. So good.
Oh god, THANKS. I thought I was going to cry myself to sleep tonight! It really looked like a glitch. I was already cursing the playtesters. (Well, upon further inspecition it doesn´t look like a glitch at all, because there´s clearly a transition between those two states, but I must have not payed attention properly and reverting back to the SS just didn´t made any sense to me).
Damn, the atmosphere in this game can be so dark ! So much drama and psycho characters. I don't remember any FF having that amount of twisted stuff and melodrama. I like it, so over the top and sick !
Of course... Revo composed for this game first before Kyojin OPs
Are you using Crescent Moon rather than normal physical attacks? If you use normal attacks then they'll counter every time, but if you use Crescent Moon then they'll only counter when on their own.
Also just maxed all jobs, so if anyone wants to get all the skills then I can still abilink 3 people
Time Mage is the secondary job of my White Mage Agnes and it works out rather well in battle.Tiz with a bow destroyedin one turn, lol.one of Orthos' heads
Unlocked Mystic Knight and the Time Mage. The first one seems like it is going to be pretty broken, but dunno about the utily of the second. We'll see.
Time Mage is the secondary job of my White Mage Agnes and it works out rather well in battle.
Haste on Thief, Slow on Enemy, Thief does Godspeed Strike and bam, at least 50% more damage than before.