Ringabel's swag shines through
Agnes sounds so bad though. Especially when she yells uuggh
How good is Edea though! Mgrrgrr
Ringabel's swag shines through
Agnes sounds so bad though. Especially when she yells uuggh
This is if you want to add friends for Bravely Default. I wondered why no friends would register in the game. Turns out I had to delete my entire friends list because I kept getting error messages when trying to add friends to the game. After deleting everyone I added in this thread, I am slowly re-registering friends and it works.
I THINK that this bug is possible if someone on your friends list plays the game before you. I only have 35 more people to re-register (lol).
One thing I have to say, as super low res the art is, I really like the zoom in on the initial city when you move. The graphics are really beautiful in how painter like it is.
Also just finished the first boss. The brave and default system seems pretty simple, but hopefully it'll become more complex later on. Right now it's just default default then spam brave.
Oh I was talking about the boss battle. Hopefully it'll evolve beyond that.
Oh I was talking about the boss battle. Hopefully it'll evolve beyond that.
You'll start getting abilities that can effect BP and that cost BP as the game progresses.
Oh quick question for someone is the 3rd member of the Chomper family only available in the Bonus Dungeon ? One of the sources I'm looking at says so, another says it can be found in Eternia inbut I haven't had any luck looking there.Chapter 5
Good God at the voices. Dat compression.
Good God at the voices. Dat compression.
Ugh.... NA demo has been announced for Jan 2nd.
I'm happy, but it seems so far away!![]()
I thought this was just happening to me, I kept getting 'an error has occurred' whenever trying to add friends, it just would not have it at all. I had to wipe my entire friends list (all 100! *still cries*) and re-add them tentatively in blocks in order to check I wasn't re-adding the offending friend, if that was indeed the problem. It did fix things, and I'm merrily abilinked up in my party now. Still, weird bug. I doubt it's widespread though, I couldn't find anything about it elsewhere...
Would anyone know the best way to bring this to Nintendo/SE's attention? It's little more than a courtesy as I don't think they'll go so far as to patch it, but it would be good to let them know at least.
I was worried the NA Collector's Edition wouldn't get a pretty box since there's so much less stuff in it.
No longer worried!
How big is that box?
Shin Megami Tensei IV big?
I was worried the NA Collector's Edition wouldn't get a pretty box since there's so much less stuff in it.
No longer worried!
Yay my coursework finished... Time to finish this game
On the side note, still no sight of the tax letter from Parcelforce for my For the Sequel copy ;_;
I'm praying I get a decent amount of cash gifts this Christmas. I need to pay for this game somehow! XDFound the image at full resolution. Aw yiss.
Good God at the voices. Dat compression.
The Red Mage subquest, Holy shit at thefight, either I was way underlevelled or I was just doing something wrong 'cause I went through about 9 Phoenix Downs in that fight,DeRosa
How is everyone already playing this? It's not in the eshop.
Damn thosefrom the chapter 4 sidequest are a pain D:dragons
Managed to kill 2 of them: theone and theEarthone.Fire
First one was really easy, but damn the second one took ages (had to do damage withattacks only, most of the time...)counter
However, I found out that the BP Recovery support skill is AWESOME in this fight. I guess the otherwill behave like the first two but with anotherdragonsattached to them, so I'll just go with the same strategy, it takes time but at least it works.element
I just took control of my party in chapter 5. Got a short question about that:Ignoring that this chapter already is shaping up to be a huge hassle, is there any point in making the blue quests in this chapter? Or are they just there in case I missed a job class earlier in the game? Will I miss parts of the story if I'll head straight to the temples?
Does your agility affect the amount of times your attacks hit?
Is it odd that the reason I'm the most hype for this game is the OST?
Is it odd that the reason I'm the most hype for this game is the OST?
Is it odd that the reason I'm the most hype for this game is the OST?