Merry Christmas Bravely Default folks, don't forget about the spoiler thread for discussion folks lol, seems a bit lonely ;P.
Is there a Nemesis list or something? I'm not sure if I've lost anyone or not...
Is there a Nemesis list or something? I'm not sure if I've lost anyone or not...
↑Special Nemesis to be distributed on Jan 1st.
Jan 1st only. Don't miss it.
The special Nemesis' stats.
I'm only 2-3 hours in, and while I'm really liking it, I'm super disappointed at the bland corridoor-dungeons being really common, which really breaks up the fantastic art style.
I saw earlier today the second Bravely Quest is up, at least on the JP member's site.
I chose #TeamRingabel
Yeah same here. The ghosting is terrible though, which is a waste since the game looks good in 3D.Just started playing and I can already tell this is going to be special.
Oh shit, we better get cracking. I need to kill more!
#TeamRingabel fo'sho'
Probably another silly question on my part, but how does one obtain the weapons from those Bravely Quest events or what-have-you?
I'm registered on the Japanese Square-Enix members site and have it linked to my BD:FtS file.
From the save menu select Update Data.
I also have a couple of lvl 56 Beelzebubs which, IIRC, arrived along with the lvl 10 ones (or even earlier) and they're *obliterating* my lvl 55 party. I might need some initiative boosters so I can at least have a chance at casting my specials during the 1st round.Names might be slightly off:
Beelzebub Level 10
Mammom Level 25
Satan Level 50
Asmodeus Level 70
Belphegor Level 80
Ba'al i; Turtle Dove Level 99
Ba'al iv; Butterfly Tail
Beelzebub Lvl 10 (6/12 - 9/12)
Asmodeus Lvl 70 (10/12 - 12/12)
Mammon Lvl 25 (13/12 - 16/12)
Belphegor Lvl 80 (17/12 - 19/12)
Satan Lvl 50 (20/12 - 23/12)
Ba'al i; Turtle Dove Lvl 99 (24/12 - 30/12)
Special New Year Nemesis
第四天魔王「蝶尾」(another Ba'al Nemesis) (2/1 - 6/1)
If I'm not mistaken there's another version of Beelzebub, but I never come across it
Names might be slightly off:
Beelzebub Level 10
Mammom Level 25
Satan Level 50
Asmodeus Level 70
Belphegor Level 80
Ba'al i; Turtle Dove Level 99
Ba'al iv; Butterfly Tail
I don't have to do anything special on the members website to redeem the weapons or something of the sort?
I've updated my data before, but I don't recall receiving any weapons.
Hi GAF, how to I open the blue chests? And how do I do the endings right?
Chests:you get a key for them in chapter 6
Normal Ending:True Ending:Keep mashing X when airy says stop in chapter 6/7/8Continue following airy's orders all the way
So I've been doing that Kamiizumi sidequest I linked to before (some spoilers if you follow the link):
I did everything up to the encounter with Kamiizumi (which went as the site said) but now I've finished up Chapterand I can't figure out what to do for the rest of the quest since I'm using Google translate, could anyone help me out ?6
Sorry pal but I'm going with Miss Mugugu.
So do I do the normal ending before the true ending or what makes more sense storywise?
Picked up this for Christmas, but finding it a little bit on the difficult side. Any advice for a newcomer?
From the travelling merchant that is also the save point.My accessory store is level 10, how do I buy the growth egg?
From the travelling merchant that is also the save point.
I finally made the jump into the dreaded 2nd half of the game and got a question:
chapter 5 spoiler
It's already obvious that I have to traverse everything I already did but... Do enemies get stronger? Or can I just turn off battles and go on auto pilot? Also are all the side quests for all the classes back? (I haven't progressed very far yet)
For those in the US who missed the Collector's Edition Amazon preorders for 49.99, Best Buy is also selling for 49.99 and you have the option for in store pick up on the day of.
No doubt Amazon will get more shipments like with the Kingdom Hearts Mark of Mastery Edition, but in the case they won't here's an alternative.
Best Buy CE Preorders!
i thought they would just give it to me
Maybe you're not eligible for them? There was a Bravely Quest that was previously mentioned, but you had to have been participating in it before it ended if you wanted to claim those weapons. You can also get some items by clearing some achievements and updating your save data. Others you can get by entering a serial code in the appropriate page on the members site.
I was just going to say that I had to turn off the 3D completely because it really messed with my eyes - I couldn't find a good angle for it at all. Everything else is superb though.Yeah same here. The ghosting is terrible though, which is a waste since the game looks good in 3D.![]()
Two last questions then: how does one participate in these Bravely Quests? Are these serial codes obtained from said quests?
You click "participate" on the site... and you've participated. You don't get codes from the Quests, you get some DLC such as weapons when you reach Chapter 5.
Ha-ha, I figured it would be that simple.
I suppose the better question would be: How and where would one participate in these Bravely Quests?
I've gone to this link and it displays some information with a button linking to a serial code redemption page.
Apologies for being a pest, I just don't want to miss out.
The current Quest can be joined here.
Pick Team 「リングアベル」 please, thanks~
Guys this is my first RPG with jobs. I really em not sure what to do. I mean I understand that I should mix and match and that later jobs are probably better than earlier in some ways. But what is a right way to proceed?
I thought of having 2 melee, 1 offensive spell caster and 1 healer. Ofc that could change.
In any case how do you approach such type of a game? Level all the jobs and see if they have something that is useful? Or just pick and choose? I feel overwhelmedBut that is a good thing, I guess I'll learn something
This is a really good approach, not only for this game but most of those with such a job system. Also take in consideration the best equipments you have access to at that moment to choose your jobs. That should get you through the beginning just fine, later on you'll get much more JP from each fight so you can easily do some experiments with the jobs you haven't looked at, it makes no sense to try to level up everything from the beginning.Guys this is my first RPG with jobs. I really em not sure what to do. I mean I understand that I should mix and match and that later jobs are probably better than earlier in some ways. But what is a right way to proceed?
I thought of having 2 melee, 1 offensive spell caster and 1 healer. Ofc that could change.
In any case how do you approach such type of a game? Level all the jobs and see if they have something that is useful? Or just pick and choose? I feel overwhelmedBut that is a good thing, I guess I'll learn something
This is a really good approach, not only for this game but most of those with such a job system. Also take in consideration the best equipments you have access to at that moment to choose your jobs. That should get you through the beginning just fine, later on you'll get much more JP from each fight so you can easily do some experiments with the jobs you haven't looked at, it makes no sense to try to level up everything from the beginning.
Also Freelancer is more of an endgame job, but be sure to level up at least one character to Freelancer level 4 to have the Dungeon Master ability, which negates any kind of dungeon trap.
If he or she has it equipped yes.So if one character has Dungeon Master ability, whole party won't be affected?