Has the US Collector's Edition been available on Amazon yet? I see it listed but I had to sign up to be notified for when it's available.
Hoping I didn't miss out.
it was available previously, looks like it sold out
Has the US Collector's Edition been available on Amazon yet? I see it listed but I had to sign up to be notified for when it's available.
Hoping I didn't miss out.
You can wait till you get another one.Nothing I can do?
What's Bravely Quest?
Auto battle strategy for the new Level 80 nemesis:
I think I have a mammon that gives elixirs.
IIRC you can send them to people if they're on your friends list.
I'd be really grateful if you'd like to send me one!my fc is on my profile
I wouldn't say that the Red Mage's healing abilities are useless later in the game. With certain support abilities, Cura is enough to completely heal the whole party in a single turn even later in the game. However, I don't think that the Black Magic skill are really worth the compromise. Black Magic in general doesn't really seems to be worth the hassle in this game and Black Magic only up to level 4 even less so.
Really? That's kinda sad, why can't they be sent? Seems like an odd restriction.Elixir mammons can't be sent like that to friends. You get them from daily net updates (which randomly selects people around the world), and from people you streetpass.
Red Mages are more useful as a support role, like for increasing 6BP per turn for the whole party. My team wouldn't function without one.
I use a performer with miscellany and mimic x3 my hero. How does red mage work?
Explain please.Red Mages are more useful as a support role, like for increasing 6BP per turn for the whole party. My team wouldn't function without one.
It's something in the japanese version only unfortunately. It involves the usage of Square Enix members site. Members can upload their save data and participate in community wide quests for prizes and glory.
I wonder if'Pierce Magic Defense' will work against his magic resistant form?
You could use a Red Mage with Holy One and Group-Cast All (Black Mage Lv14 ability). That should improve your heals by 2.5x and give you the ability to group cast Esuna etc.
Or for pure healing, just use Holy One + Healing Lore and a Cura will be enough to heal your whole party to full health.
I'll have to check Pierce Magic Defense if I get another one to fight. Will have to play using just Speed+20% then. Why do you need to heal? Just use Stillnessalso Esuna won't get rid of Doom...
That red mage part was directed towards earlier discussion on their usefulness, not at this fight.
What chapter are you on currently?
Fell asleep XD only on ch 2
Some story thoughts(no spoilers, just my view):
I've just finished the. You don't have to be a genius to figure out that the first 4 chapters are about awaken the 4 crystals. I don't know how many chapters there will be in total, but I would guess about 8-10.fire temple
What I think will happen next: You awaken the last crystal, save the world, yabba dabba do and everyone is happy. Some huge plot twist will happen and the mastermind behind it all will reveal himself. Oh and yeah, Ringabell's journal. At worst you get x number of chapters where you have to "awaken" something again. I really hope this does not happen.
What I really really would love to happen: Time jump. Both in the future and the past would work well in my view. For the future I would refer to Breath of Fire III. Sure, I really loved this game and might be a bit biased, but I think the way they used a time jump was excelent. Oh and Terranigma(iirc) did it aswell. Going back into the past/alternative reality with Ringabell would work aswell.
Why this won't happen? Simple: It's so much more easy to recycle the world you've allready created. Same locations(blue chests *cough*), same monsters ...
Meh ... you can dream, right?
And then you (hopefully) reach the ending, and all is forgiven.
Just know that the other half of the game is really trash. The game is perfect - in a retrogaming nostalgic way - untill chapter 5. After that... yuk.
How do I update my summoner and his moves ? (The one that shows up in my friends's list)
I cannot deal with Mephilia with a lv 20 party .. :/ any tip?
I really, really enjoyed chapter 5 and onwards. The game gives you much more room to explore its job system to the fullest from that point on.
That red mage part was directed towards earlier discussion on their usefulness, not at this fight.
The boss's speed is only 80 so no issues with speed +20%. I'll set up the stillness method when I get another one to fight, and test pierce magic defense as well.
Well, you weren't kidding about the twist in the story.(Chapter 5 spoilers)I'm back at the beginning? Just beat Barras and Lehr again. :/
I skimmed through it but I can't really make that much out of it.It'll all make sense in due time. If you haven't done so I highly recommend youread the journal you just picked up.
Agree. I didn't skip a single subquest because I wanted to get as much dialogue as possible. Some silliness and the excessive positivity (a stark contrast compared to the grimAlmost 100 hours here. . . I am absolutely loving the boss battles chapter 5 and onward.
While repeating every thing is a little soul killing, I really love the new character development we get on the Eternian forces. Getting to see a side you haven't seen before, or even learning about their true motivations. Of course some of it is silly. . . GIRL POWER. You have no girl power. XD Cue angry Edea and Agnes. Then theres Holly and Barras with the reraise and I thought that was cute. Loving it. I'm a bit sad that despite Ringabel being known as Alternis that it doesn't really change Edea that much. That party chat with him inviting her to dinner was a little cold.
Just looked @ a faq for Chapter 8 battles and that looks absolutely fucking brutal. I'm a bit demoralized right now D:
Pierce Magic Defense worksbecause of Leviathan's low health I switched things around, equipped everyone with Safety Rings to protect from Death, had 3 Time Mage/Freelancers using Meteor, Mimic x3 and my final character as a Spiritmaster/Freelancer acting last and using Mimic (Meteor), Stillness. You'll win before Doom can kill anyone.
I've been playing the demo while waiting for Feb to get here... and it's really fun! But.. are there good ways to get money in the full game besides grinding enemies? I feel constantly broke all the time in the demo because as soon as I get any money form sidequests, it goes to buying new spells or a new weapon. Even grinding enemies gives very little really, and none of the items you can sell from enemy drops give much at all.
There are easier ways to earn money in the full game.
I started this today at work. Played an hour.
Only one question; what kind of length is the main quest? I'm not the type to waste time completing everything so that doesn't really matter to me. Once I'm done, I'm done. Can I get this over with in about 30 hours? Or is it longer than that? Gotta prepare myself mentally.
30-50 sounds right? I think I reached the halfway point around 50-60?
Heh first optional fight I can't seem to win. Though only tried twice, that red mage puts out some serious hurt
Mebbe it's some main story action first and come back to kick his ass later.
The final tally is in.
1. Team Ringabel 11.05 Nemeses
2. Team Edea 10.73 Nemeses
3. Team Agnès 10.60 Nemeses
4. Team Tiz 10.32 Nemeses
No more "social" stuff please ;//