motherfucking alternis won't stop spamming that group-hit dark spell. Luckily Agnes is null dark and Edea is resist, but the two boys are pretty much dead in the water permanently.
/edit lol minus striked to death, fuck you alternis
this fucking game, i swear to god.
Spiritmaster Spirit Ward
Or Spiritmaster Adaptation for maximum 'FU Alternis!'.
Or Spiritmaster whatever...Spiritmaster is OP.
Transient ninja strategy is not working against jabberwock in chapter five. Or rather, it is working, but I deal like 100 damage to the Bastard each time (barring crits)
Any word on the fate of NA's CE? I have it preordered but it still doesn't have a date, it's starting to make me worry.
It's out the same day as the regular game as far as I know. I've got mine preordered from Best Buy. Hopefully there isn't a SNAFU.Any word on the fate of NA's CE? I have it preordered but it still doesn't have a date, it's starting to make me worry.
Oh good, I'm not the only one. I'm hoping the order goes through! I have a $20 credit placed towards it, and if I somehow lose that to a glitch, that'll be sad.Any word on the fate of NA's CE? I have it preordered but it still doesn't have a date, it's starting to make me worry.
I'm not sure why I keep checking this thread; it just makes the wait for the NA release more and more brutal. Had an awesome time with the demo. Want the game NOW!![]()
Any word on the fate of NA's CE? I have it preordered but it still doesn't have a date, it's starting to make me worry.
Oh carp I got spoiled. How important is iton the airy thing
What level are people completing this at roughly? I'm about 67 starting chapter 7 but I've heard of folk being 99 by this point and I've done all the side stuff.
If only 3DS was a higher resoultion than 240p ;__; it would be as detailed as these gifs.
True but I was thinking more imagine if 3DS was like 540p and then with 3D 1080p.But those gives are barely higher in resolution. When counting 3d mode they are, in fact, even lower.
To loosly quote someone from this thread:
There is really no reason not to be level 85 by chapter 5.
grinding is pretty easy/fast and with a growth egg it's even faster.
Just beat Chapter 5. Now into chapter 6, oh man. This is getting quite tedious.
Yeah it's really sad the pacing was so good ch1-4 and then it happens. Hope they take on the complaints and doesn't pull something off like this in the sequel.Just beat Chapter 5. Now into chapter 6, oh man. This is getting quite tedious.
I am trying to tackle the fire temple boss at level 37 and feel I am a tad bit underlevelled, right?
Gamestop is sold out of prerders tooThey briefly had CE's in stock the other day. My guess is they are limited to a certain number and when people got scared and cancelled they had more available. My gut feeling tells me Amazon is just sold out because when they had them in stock, the sales page said it comes out February 7. If they really were unsure when they were getting them I doubt they'd randomly put them back up for sale for a few hours.
The Demo of this game sucked really bad. Can I expect the same thing in the retail release?
Maybe a little more detail into why you think it sucked?
Job classes only 4 levels and you gain a new ability from your job class only when you level. The fact that most abilities are passives outside of magic. Very little seperates most of the job class as weapons, armor and accesories seem to be able to be placed with any job reguardless.
Battles are incredibly dull. The Brave/Default system is a gimmick at best. All it does is allow monster to be damage spunges in battle. Enemies fall back into the generic RPG formula of having a crap ton of life but doing little damage. Also it's clear the monsters also have the ability to Brave and Default as they have BP but rarely do making them dumb and predictable. To add on top of that 90% of the time there is no reason not to do normal attack cause it's so powerful. After you level you start hiting multiple times in one attack. Combining duel wielding with Multitask and 4 Braves and I've had my character hit 24 times in one turn.
On top of that there was nearly nothing to do in the demo. Im not done with it but so far I went into two dungeons and all I did was find chests. It felt like I was playing a 16 bit rpg but worse.
I await the NeoGAF US meltdown on this.
Job classes only 4 levels and you gain a new ability from your job class only when you level. The fact that most abilities are passives outside of magic. Very little seperates most of the job class as weapons, armor and accesories seem to be able to be placed with any job reguardless.
Battles are incredibly dull. The Brave/Default system is a gimmick at best. All it does is allow monster to be damage spunges in battle. Enemies fall back into the generic RPG formula of having a crap ton of life but doing little damage. Also it's clear the monsters also have the ability to Brave and Default as they have BP but rarely do making them dumb and predictable. To add on top of that 90% of the time there is no reason not to do normal attack cause it's so powerful. After you level you start hiting multiple times in one attack. Combining duel wielding with Multitask and 4 Braves and I've had my character hit 24 times in one turn.
On top of that there was nearly nothing to do in the demo. Im not done with it but so far I went into two dungeons and all I did was find chests. It felt like I was playing a 16 bit rpg but worse.
I await the NeoGAF US meltdown on this.
At 5 i was kinda ok, at 6 my eyes were trying to kill me through various rolling techniques.
Then 7 and 8 happened.
Pure Hate.
I have a question about D's journal, spoilers for chapter 4 and thesubevent:Vampire
I just completed the Vampire castle in chapter 4, and after seeing all the painting scenes, I decided to check D's journal. To my surprise, D's journal revealed a lot more than the discussions with DeRosso. Like, for example, the angel looking like Agnes (which was never mentioned during DeRosso's monologue) and Yulyana's asterisk plot was expounded upon in much more detail. This is the first time the game pulled something like this and added something to the journal that wasn't discussed in the game itself.
Did my game bug out and spoil me or something?
Funny you mentioned that, the first time I played through the game, I somehow got knowledge of that fact while playing through that game, and my second playthrough, when I reached the same point, I distinctively rememberDon't worry too much about it, I guess they forgot to add it in the previous cutscene or something.he did not mention the angel looking likes Agnes, and yet that information was available in the journal.