Friday can't come soon enough!
Crescent Moon spam is always the best way to grind
So wait,And 6,7 and 8
Friday can't come soon enough!
Tell me about it. I bought A Link Between Worlds to kill the time.
Wired's review of BD is positively glowing. And the title of their newest podcast is "Why You Should Go Play Bravely Default This Instant." Congrats to SE.
top comment said:Now I understand how Ted Cruz came up with his position on the debt ceiling.reviewer said:I certainly have no idea why it is titled Bravely Default, two words that have previously only ever been uttered in sequence by someone who, at that moment, was having a stroke.
So wait,6-7-8 make you refight the same bosses again? No plot spoilers please.
Yes. But 7 and 8 puts the bosses in groups and has some awesome dialogue. Much better than 5 and 6, more challenging as well
So wait,6-7-8 make you refight the same bosses again? No plot spoilers please.
I heard Chapter 7 Victoria is quite hilarious, what about in chapter 8
So wait,6-7-8 make you refight the same bosses again? No plot spoilers please.
I know there is a demo thread dead somewhere and I have generally been on media blackout so what better to do than to head into a minefield of spoilers but, experienced players (at least player who know the controls) are best to ask re: this.
My demo appears to soft lock in battle quite often. What happens is I select my actions. The enemy starts to do something (animation stars to play, text box at top appears but no text yet) and everything stops. Music continues to play, I can press the Y button to make the word auto appear and vanish and I notice in bottom right corner a pause button is flashing.
This makes me hope I've hit a button to pause the battle (likely, I am a bit of a masher). Pressing buttons does not seem to unpause (maybe I missed some or it is a combination that is required here). I would look at a manual only this demo doesn't have one (nice one, NOE). So how do I unpause?
In the event of it being impossible, I've not tried L+R+S to see if soft reset works yet (I'm not wasting another use if it is easily preventable and that fails) but if it does at worst I could soldier through saving after every battle and using encounter -100% for sanity to achieve that.
p.s. the streetpass icon is from the Japanese version; it says for the sequel (the pixels seem to be a 3-3-6 pattern)
Stupid question.
How do you buy from the village shops? I only get options to build them and keep leveling them up.
Well that was a long side quest. Probably not even going to use the job I got from it.
I preordered my CE version from Amazon on December 6th. It's still saying:
DELIVERY ESTIMATE We need a little more time to provide you with a good estimate. We'll notify you via e-mail as soon as we have an estimated delivery date.
Anyone else still have this?
too late lol now I'm in chapter 6 and I can't believe I did all thatJust so you know, don't do the sidequests in chapter 5 for the plot.
I preordered my CE version from Amazon on December 6th. It's still saying:
DELIVERY ESTIMATE We need a little more time to provide you with a good estimate. We'll notify you via e-mail as soon as we have an estimated delivery date.
Anyone else still have this?
ALBW is for live the time, not killing it. Careful there.
too late lol now I'm in chapter 6 and I can't believe I did all that
Contact amazon. unless you want it to not be delivered the day of.
Called them. Rep I talked to didn't know diddly, since it hasn't released yet. Hopefully it will change in the next couple of days.
Speak to the red adventurer guy that saves your game
Well, my last session was pretty humbling.
I tried to beat the nemesison normal with my characters being one or two levels above the requirement. I rocked a generic party of one dark mage, one healer and two melee fighters. It started of well, then as I chipped away at its healthMammonto a point where there was absolutely no way to avoid two of my characters getting killed per turn.its Death Claw ability started to do an insane amount of damage
I'm thinking about what I did wrong. Do Nemeses battles usually require you to completely finetune your job setup for the needs of that one fight? Are they just a big difficulty spike compared to the main quest? Or do you actually need to be well above the level requirement to beat them?
What?! You should've bought Link Between Worlds months ago!Tell me about it. I bought A Link Between Worlds to kill the time.
It's funny how as a kid, I used to wish for more Friday/summer releases since it meant more time to play. And now I want games out asap, so I don't have to wait the extra few days.Darn Nintendo and Friday releases!
What?! You should've bought Link Between Worlds months ago!
It's actually a good way to pass the time.
Darn Nintendo and Friday releases!
This has been one of the worst releases for me. The wait between the original release for the rest of the world and NA has been awful. And the final nail in the coffin is having to wait till Friday.
Welcome to what PAL land feels when it comes to atlus games!![]()
You'll have to do this if you're fighting them at the minimum level recommended. Are you dispelling his buffs? That'll help a lot. And never go below 1 Brave in case he drains BP.
that sentence was slightly outdated so I fixed that for you.
We had to wait a couple months for Fire Emblem
Well, my last session was pretty humbling.
I tried to beat the nemesison normal with my characters being one or two levels above the requirement. I rocked a generic party of one dark mage, one healer and two melee fighters. It started of well, then as I chipped away at its healthMammonto a point where there was absolutely no way to avoid two of my characters getting killed per turn.its Death Claw ability started to do an insane amount of damage
I'm thinking about what I did wrong. Do Nemeses battles usually require you to completely finetune your job setup for the needs of that one fight? Are they just a big difficulty spike compared to the main quest? Or do you actually need to be well above the level requirement to beat them?
so what? they had to wait a year for xenoblade, tls and even longer for pandora . and at least 3 years for inazuma eleven... and there were many other examples like that in the past few years.
I'd say it's pretty evened out now. Sometimes we get to wait, sometimes they get to wait
and slowly but surely I am really getting sick of Europeans playing the victim all the time when it's factually not true any more (atlus excluded).
Bravely Default - 12th
Lighting Returns: Final Fantasy XIII (PS3) - 13th
Happening bunker?
*happening intensifies*
....but shit wouldn't the 360 version actually do something out here in the west
I wasted Mammon at Level 25, but I already beat the game so I had experience. Abate fire helps loads since Firaja is its main source of damage.
The other nemeses can be a bit iffy. Level 99 Asmodeus and Beelzebub are proving quite tricky; I have a feeling Asmodeus can't be beaten without ONE broken combo.