Picking up my CE tomorrow after work. Yesssssss. I wish all game releases were on Friday. It makes more sense.
Game releases on Friday gives people who ordered the game online a painful weekend wait.![]()
First 5 hours or so was amazing. The second 5 is really starting to drag and I think I'm starting to sour on the game.
Does it pick up again story and character wise? There seems to be a long road ahead.
Story and characters didn't do a whole lot for me throughout the entire game. The later chapters are a joke in my opinion. If your not that interested in the battle system and the characters and story aren't doing it for you at this point you might find the whole thing tedious.
The jobs/ abilities becoming available and customising my approach in battle with the team I had kept me playing though. I really enjoyed the Brave/ Default system and some of the final jobs that become available in the game are the most fun and rewarding.
I really want to play this, I wish they would put it out on vita as well...
Future Shop hasn't shipped my CE yet. That's not a good sign, isn't it? They probably ran out?
have they charged you yet?
I dunno if this has been answered or not, but can I buy it without creating the NNID on eShop?
So, I have a question regarding chapter 5 and maybe also the following chapters...
I enjoyed the "bossrush" in chapter 5 and did all bosses up to the fight at the water crystal. When prompted to do the same button mashing for the 6th time I got curious and wanted to see what happens if I just keep mashing when Airy tells me to stop. Turns out you can destroy the crystals and get to the final chapter immediately. The main quest markers on the map disappered and only the one at Norrende remained, which makes me think I could now go directly to the final boss fight. However, I do not want to do this and skip half of the game... Did I just fuck up my savegame after 49h playtime? I really hope there is a way to continue the story the way it was meant to be played
You're in no trouble. You're on the path to the normal ending, and once you complete it you will be returned to before youdestroyed the crystal.
Does anyone know when this song plays? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rknv9C_Ibvs
I'm 99% sure it's the credits song, but asking just to be sure. And do they provide a translation of what the lyrics are saying?
Alright, I posted this in the new thread but Leezard suggested I use the old one instead.
Chapter 7 Spoilers:
jeez, the battles are getting fucking hard now. Rusalka remains one of the toughest fights: deals tons of damage, 3 clones, charm. Maybe I should give up playing the rest with random builds to master my last few jobs. Are you guys going with specialized builds in the late-game? Mine are basically one healer and three physical attackers with Sword Magic for elemental damage until I max all jobs.
Thanks.It's the ending theme indeed. Sadly there's no in-game translation.
So how does the add friends from the internet work? Does it basically crawl your 3DS friend list and look for any others who are playing BD and have enabled the street pass?
Good for the Americans.
Late game, I built something like this:
Spiritmaster/White mage
I was thinking about adding a ninja with sword magic, but my last character couldn't use that job combination. Swordmaster/Pirate combo works really well at least.
Is anyone else playing with auto save off? I'm doing a hard mode run but I can't decide if no auto save is too fucked up.
You can do them later.Chapter 8 Spoilers:
Theoretically this should be the last time, right? Can I do the optional boss groups later or do I have to do them before awakening the crystals?
You can do them later.
Thanks a bunch. Guess I'll finish the main stuff first.
You may as well enjoy the fake ending first (If you haven't done so yet).
I kinda liked the idea behind it... (more so than the real one...)
I have a couple questions for you experienced folks,
1. Is there a particularly great spot in Chapter 4 for grinding jp? I finally got myself to progress to there last night after grinding in every chapter haha I want to hurry up and get Free Lunch unlocked to use with my Pirates and it'd be nice to learn dual wield with the two guys but I haven't ever assigned Ninja to them so want to generate some nice JP to do it quickly.
2. I received two of the same Nemesis yesterday, but one of them had it's name in Japanese. Is there a difference between the two? Do they have different stats or hp? different rewards? I can see they are the same level and the creature is Asmodeus if it helps.
I expected as much. Job levels are grabbed easily enough up to 9 then the game sends a pretty clear "NOT YET" message. Levels 10 & 11 could probably happen on their own over chapters 3 & 4, but you'll probably want to spend that time leveling up your new ones instead.I'd wait till chapter 5, stronger enemies, more xp, more jp...