So accurate it hurts.
So accurate it hurts.
It's amusing how over-hyped this game was when it was still just in Japan. I mean, it's really good, but it's got some serious issues and was really hamstrung by the budget. It's got the potential to be an amazing series, but... we're not quite there yet.
I didn't pay attention to any hype and I liked the game for what it was. Sure, it did drag on a bit (or a lot) near the end, but the gameplay is so awesome.
Fingers crossed for Bravely Second though : )
Bravely Second's gonna be sweeeeeeeeet.
Here's question, though: I wonder if people are more bothered by Bravely Default's second act, or Xenogears' second act. Both games had serious shifts in the pacing that angered a lot of people... and personally, I think BD's second act is considerably worse. At least in Xenogears, shit was actually happening.
Xenogears disk 2, was just a bad experience all round imo. The story really came to point where it was just a mess and the gameplay portions where non-existant and just bad.Here's question, though: I wonder if people are more bothered by Bravely Default's second act, or Xenogears' second act. Both games had serious shifts in the pacing that angered a lot of people... and personally, I think BD's second act is considerably worse. At least in Xenogears, shit was actually happening.
It's amusing how over-hyped this game was when it was still just in Japan. I mean, it's really good, but it's got some serious issues and was really hamstrung by the budget. It's got the potential to be an amazing series, but... we're not quite there yet.
The story in Bravely Default is just pretty terrible from all angles. It's filled with interesting enough characters, which makes it worth the trek, but the story itself is super weak.
Do you have an auto-battle strategy for Florem grinding?
The Spiritmaster's Spirit Ward/Adaptation combo is also incredible
The story in Bravely Default is just pretty terrible from all angles. It's filled with interesting enough characters, which makes it worth the trek, but the story itself is super weak.
Xenogears disk 2, was just a bad experience all round imo. The story really came to point where it was just a mess and the gameplay portions where non-existant and just bad.
I think the strength of Xenogears story is in it's world building, which is top notch. The actual plot points had me rolling my eyes. I can see why people like it though.Whattt, no way!Disc 2 had the absolute best parts of the story in Xenogears (and why it's my favorite story in a game). I can understand why some would dislike Disc 2 due to the lack of gameplay, but I loved it for the story personally.
So uhh, end game spoilers I supposeI was in chapter 6, and knowing how tedious this is gonna get to do this all again (I know they're just optional bosses but I just gotta kill'em), I tried to break the crystals despite no prompt. Well, it worked. Airy revealed her final form then script-killed me (is that suppose to happen if you keep going through the light?) and I got jumped to the finale. Is chapter 8 the finale or is it a separate chapter?
So uhh, end game spoilers I supposeI was in chapter 6, and knowing how tedious this is gonna get to do this all again (I know they're just optional bosses but I just gotta kill'em), I tried to break the crystals despite no prompt. Well, it worked. Airy revealed her final form then script-killed me (is that suppose to happen if you keep going through the light?) and I got jumped to the finale. Is chapter 8 the finale or is it a separate chapter?
It's the final chapter, but you're going to see the bad ending. After you beat it you will be sent back.
Just complete this and then you will get the option to save and you will brought back to before you broke the crystal. Then you should play all the chapters without breaking anything. You can honestly just skip the sidequests, except of Ch7 since you can steal good stuff there. Ch8 side quests are pretty brutal so be warned (no interesting items to steal either). Ch8 is not the final chapter.
Huh, good to know. Maybe I'll keep going just to see it.
I'm only on Chapter 2 and 8 hours in. I love everything about this game so far. I haven't been this addicted to a jRPG like this since FF7.
So I got some sort of ending but I'm afraid to save incase I've locked myself out of true ending. Chapter 6 spoilers:so I shattered the wind crystal, Ringabel asked what would happen and I was curious. Airy turned into some demon thing, wiped out the party, then we came back to life. I'm now at the Chasm, now called the dark Aurora. Should I go on? Seems like I've skipped chapters.
What level are you?
I'm on Chapter 2 as well but it has taken almost 12 hours and it is has been pretty miserable. Trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Have you been changing jobs?
You're fine. Once you finish that, the game will put you back to right before you broke the crystal. You're not locked out of the true ending.
Only in chapter 1, but I am loving this game. It's everything I hoped FF would be since X. Hoping the complaints about the second half are overblown.
I also find it amusing how you flat out murder the asterisk-holders and no one seems to care or even mention it. Not even ais spared.16 year old thief
8 hours and all my chracters are level 21.
I've been keeping classes so far Knight, White Mage, Black Mage, and Monk.
I did grind for a little bit but it seems to be if you bump the difficulty to hard you get more XP I might just be imagining that but I stuck with the change anyway. Aside from that the only thing I have really been doing is making sure I grab the best equipment. This early in the game i'm not bothering with job changes since that team up there is just fine for now.
Wait, but I'm confused. This isn't the true ending? Will I have to repeat this dungeon again?
I'm wondering if job switching is what has made things so difficult for me. I've been switching around 5 or 6 for everyone.
I'm wondering if job switching is what has made things so difficult for me. I've been switching around 5 or 6 for everyone.
Chapter 5+:
I wouldn't mind the repetition of doing the sidequest bosses so much if more of the dialogue changed. On some of the bosses, the dialogue is quite different, but on others, it's almost word-for-word the exact same dialogue as the first go around. Like, I just did Edea's Commander again, and I am pretty sure the dialogue was exactly the same... like wtf? or even if you go visit Edea's mother again, the characters are like in shock that she recognizes Agnes and Edea is like "Mother! Are you okay?!" Edea, that isn't even your real mother since this is another world... I don't get the characters sometimes.
Knight remains good for a long time
Stomp is an excellent move that can be quickly boosted with Invigorate and Two Handing a sword for big damage
Its even better since the Sword special is activated by Braving. Really good setup early on just have to be careful with the defense hit of not having a shield.
I have found Evasion to be mostly a throwaway stat for the most part since there are so many attacks with 100% accuracy. You are better off going full offense IMHO
Interesting, I'll look into Stomp. I recently dropped Knight because it was doing crap damage compared to Monk and I wasn't really able to use all that defense to protect anyone (except with higher level Abilink skills).
monk was a beast for me for a loooong time
Right now i'm rocking a Ninja/Thief, White Mage/Spiritmaster, Pirate/Spell Fencer, and Black Mage/Arcanist. It's been doing pretty well for me.
I understand the complaints about the story but man its been so long since we have gotten a traditional turn based role playing game like this. How can I even complain? its not like most games have a great story anyways.
Yeah Monk remains good as well for regular attack combos but drops off quickly later on...
A shame really. I did have knuckle lore on my Thief and he would hit just as hard as a monk.
The best thing about Stomp is that it never misses and seems to benefit from stacking buffs. Once you unlockthe Knight will quickly and easier outdamage a monk.Spell Fencer
You have to consider that Knight is has better stats, skills, and uses a sword (gets access to special attacks more often).
Im on chapter 3 and enjoying it so far. But man even some of the most uncritical people I know have been saying the game kinda shits itself in later chapters.
Without spoilers, how bad is it? are we talking unplayable or is it more of a dmc4 situation where things just get a little repetitive level wise.