Switch to JP voices, you'll save your ears. Although I'm going to do my second run soon, and I'm going to switch back to English voices, lol.
YES, there's a option.
Many thanks! The US voices in this are Grandia tier, laughable.
Switch to JP voices, you'll save your ears. Although I'm going to do my second run soon, and I'm going to switch back to English voices, lol.
Hmm, so ischapter 5 a downer for anyone else? I can't believe I have to re-fight all four of the crystal bosses! I barely got past the last two the first time around. I mean I didn't mind the twist w/ Alternis looking like Ringabel for some odd reason (don't spoil anything about this, please...), and the events/towns seemingly have gone back before everything my party has done, but the forced boss gauntlet is insulting.
Also, are all of the blue points on the map basically boss re-fights? I went to one not knowing that ahead of time and was glad I saved my game right before. When I realized I was in a re-fight, I quit the game, re-loaded my save file and concerned myself only w/ the crystal temple waypoints.
Maaan, after finishing the demo I'm starting the game...
The first thing I noticed: what terrible, TERRIBLE voices. The videos are amazing, but the voices... ugh. Horrible.
Switch to JP voices, you'll save your ears. Although I'm going to do my second run soon, and I'm going to switch back to English voices, lol.
Just started Ch.5, where can I go grind out JP and Pg? I know the answers are in this thread, but it's going to take so long to go through every page in this thread before I find it! Help!
Rafflesias in Florem
Wow, that fight in Chapter 8Seems like you have to cheese it one way or another, because of the 1HKO on the first turn. Either Stillness or Iceflame shields on everyone, and I'm not even sure the latter would work? Didn't try, but Enigma didn't work since the Fire-Weak debuff overrides it.49th floor in Central Command against the mages.
Just started Ch.5, where can I go grind out JP and Pg? I know the answers are in this thread, but it's going to take so long to go through every page in this thread before I find it! Help!
You'll hateChapters 6, 7, and 8 then.
Skip all the sidequest bosses in Chapters 5 and 6 - EXCEPT do the new Conjurer sidequest in Chapter 6. Do the ones in Chapter 7 and steal from every boss. Chapter 8 is a good challenge, but nothing good as far as drops/steals. If you want to do a few of the ones in Chapter 5 to get a feel for how the world is different, feel free, but some of them haven't changed much.
I had someone else I know who is playing this warned me about it last night and it really took the air out of my sails for wanting to finish it. I'm still in Chapter 4 right after finding Edea's room. For those who did finish the game... is it worth it?
Wow, that fight in Chapter 8Seems like you have to cheese it one way or another, because of the 1HKO on the first turn. Either Stillness or Iceflame shields on everyone, and I'm not even sure the latter would work? Didn't try, but Enigma didn't work since the Fire-Weak debuff overrides it.49th floor in Central Command against the mages.
Hmm, so ischapter 5 a downer for anyone else? I can't believe I have to re-fight all four of the crystal bosses! I barely got past the last two the first time around. I mean I didn't mind the twist w/ Alternis looking like Ringabel for some odd reason (don't spoil anything about this, please...), and the events/towns seemingly have gone back before everything my party has done, but the forced boss gauntlet is insulting.
Also, are all of the blue points on the map basically boss re-fights? I went to one not knowing that ahead of time and was glad I saved my game right before. When I realized I was in a re-fight, I quit the game, re-loaded my save file and concerned myself only w/ the crystal temple waypoints.
If you are going to do this what's the point?
Trying to collect Genomes. One of them is supposed to come from the Ice Golem in Chapter 5 according to the site I've been looking at, but he doesn't seem to be there.Any tips?I assumed it meant the one you fight at the beginning of Chapter 4 but perhaps I'm mistaken?
I haven't finished it myself so I can't say. All I'm saying is the rewards for finishing this particular part of the game are pretty paltry so if the only way to do it is this type of cheesing (which, lets be honest, requires no strategy whatsoever) what's the point? Just to say you did it?you have some alternate suggestions for beating the gauntlet at base level (besides the other options from that playthrough, like Lightning Bane+Pantheon's Wrath)
I haven't finished it myself so I can't say. All I'm saying is the rewards for finishing this particular part of the game are pretty paltry so if the only way to do it is this type of cheesing (which, lets be honest, requires no strategy whatsoever) what's the point? Just to say you did it?
If I got to a point where I didn't think I could beat that part of the game without resorting to a method like this I would just move on but I guess that's just me.
Also, if the game is balanced such that there is no way to win these fights without this type of cheesing then I would have to say that is pretty poor game design.
You can fight them around the Eternia area now.
Do we know if jobs affect stat growth like in Tactics?
I'm trying to decide who's going to be the mage and physical attacker, but I don't want to limit myself to that combo if possible.
Okay, that's a fair point. I didn't pay enough attention to see that it was a low level run. And look, there are varying degrees of "cheesing" in this game and I totally realize that (and am guilty of it myself in some ways), I just feel like that particular example is extreme enough to make it kind of pointless if it were a regular run.it's a low level run, if you try a straight fight you're gonna get slaughtered mercilessly by everything
of course a LLG would use all the broken strats, you definitely could do a "fair" fight at level 99 though
Thanks!No, they don't
I don't know how viable it is, but apparently you can actually drain all their MP and win that way. You can also use shin smash onso that he goes after everyone else has attacked, then you can get rid of the fire-weak the next turn before everyone else destroys you. I used Stillness myself though.Qada
So I downloaded the demo and have been tinkering with it before I get the full game.
Is it me, or is this thing really hard? On normal, enemies do a lot of damage, and you can't use magic until you reach level 1 in the job thing (which takes a whole lot of battles). So far, I've been running around the main city you start from and resting at the inn/saving after every battle....I've turned the difficulty down to easy, and even still, the grinding isn't very fast. I bought a cure spell but can't use it since I'm guessing I need to get get enough job points for white/red mage or whatever...
Or am I doing something terribly wrong?
Maaan, after finishing the demo I'm starting the game...
The first thing I noticed: what terrible, TERRIBLE voices. The videos are amazing, but the voices... ugh. Horrible.
Wow this game was pretty boring from the outset. Hearing everyone here say it gets worse as it goes on does not fill me with optimism![]()
I agree with this. I actually love the VA of a lot of the antagonists, and the writing is solid as well.Agnes (at times), a few NPCs, and maybe Airy aside, all the voices are good.
Running them out of MP seems pointless, if you're set to survive their attacks they aren't difficult.
Shin Smash seems like it could work though, provided the combined attacks aren't enough to kill you without Fire-Weak.
Well yeah, I wouldn't do the MP strategy either lol. It would take too damn long, assumedly.
Another way that would probably work without using Stillness is to have a Spiritmaster and 3 Dark Knights. Make sure the Spiritmaster is faster than the Dark Knights and use Adaptation four times. Then Dark Nebula x4 with the Dark Knights. Don't see why it wouldn't work.
but that doesn't stop you from getting nuked by fire
anyway (spoilers):
chapter 6,7,8 names are equal, dash, circle
= - O
whoa it's also a countdown
Does it not? Does the fire-weak override that or something?
Then again, wouldn't most of them be dead after that anyway?
Yeah, fire-weak overrides any buffs/immunities as long as it's the last one to be casted.
Not sure if that applies to equipment, eg Iceflame shield, or not.
No idea what he means, unless the enemies have more than 120k HP they'll get grilled in the first round anyways.Does it not? Does the fire-weak override that or something?
Then again, wouldn't most of them be dead after that anyway?
No idea what he means, unless the enemies have more than 120k HP they'll get grilled in the first round anyways.
No idea what he means, unless the enemies have more than 120k HP they'll get grilled in the first round anyways.
several of those bosses have over 120k HP, not to mention there's plenty of statuses that they can inflict to stop a few Dark Nebulas here and there, completely screwing up your plans (Paralyze, Charm, etc.)
espeically Einheria, you need 15 hits to kill her
Wasn't the original post I responded to just talking about the individual boss fight, not the gauntlet? HP depends on the difficulty as well.
Depends on how much time you want to put in the second half of the game.Is the second half of the game quicker than the first? I'm almost at the 40 hr mark, in chapter, just doing the4side-quest before Ivampire. I'm having fun but I don't know if I can put another 40 hrs into this game.enter the pillar of light
the discussion was about the Mega Magic fight, wherestill requires 14 hits on hard modeYulyana
now obviously if he's not playing on hard mode then that strategy would probably work, but he never specified anywhere
Wow this game was pretty boring from the outset. Hearing everyone here say it gets worse as it goes on does not fill me with optimism![]()