I just released the Earth crystal, about 40 hours in. How much more game is there? I want to finish, and I'm still having fun overall, but I feel like this game is going to massively overstay its welcome.
So what's a good setup for starting chapter 4? Almost any boss type character KOs anybody on my team in 1 hit unless they're default. Assume I have all the chapter 1-3 jobs unlocked but only enough time to grind up to level 10.
Party is in the 42-43 level range now and my job setup is all over the place since I've been just trying to survive bosses.
The writing doesn't bother me so much, but the way the characters slowly talk kind of irritates me. I usually don't like to skip dialogue, but I find myself doing that for every boss encounter due to how wordy everyone is.The side quest with the summoner. Why does the writing have to be so bad.
Just got to Florem. This is insufferable.
The side quest with the summoner. Why does the writing have to be so bad.
You are always underleveled for the final boss. Even at 99 with max job levels and the best equipment, if you aren't setup well you are going to get slaughtered.
You basically have to do something to deal with the damage dealt. Reduce it somehow, or increase your own HP. And there are several ways to deal tons of damage.
Double your HP with Salve Maker.Well, he started casting Disaster like 5 times in a row and full default+healing couldn't keep up. Probably would beat it at 90+ but honestly the game isn't good enough for me to grind anymore at all. Grinding shouldn't be needed at all to finish the main story. : (yes, I know some diehard beat it ezpz with no encounters but that's not the average person)
The side quest with the summoner. Why does the writing have to be so bad.
I have a question about friends and summons. I'm having trouble with a boss and I don't want to spend a lot of time grinding, but I have a guest I can summon who will deal 9999 damage. If I use him, can I ever use him again? And, if so, how long do I have to wait. If I can't, what's the point of "protect data"? Is it just so I don't accidentally lose him via the update queue?
Damn. Is it possible to convert a random street pass guest into a Friend then? Also, and I should probably know this by now considering my progress in the game, but what is ablink?If I remember correctly, you can only use a person once. If it's a friend, you can have them send an attack again and then you can use it again. I think the protect data option is there if you want to keep somebody to use for ablink purposes.
Damn. Is it possible to convert a random street pass guest into a Friend then? Also, and I should probably know this by now considering my progress in the game, but what is ablink?
Oh, just saw your edit to your other post. Try using spell fencer's sword magic as a secondary if you've gotten it (should be soon if you haven't), it's very helpful. Maybe with your knight, you can do sword magic+stomp and do decent damage for that point in the game. I guess it depends on what you have available. Really there are a lot of combinations that are useful, if not broken, so the best thing to do is just play around and find combinations that work for you.
I'll look into the Fencer, then. Also, is the idea that I should just level up 1 job and then start to level up another? All my characters are around level 7 in their current job (knight, white, black, thief), but 1 in everything else (freelancer, merchant, monk, and I forget the others).
There's so much going on in this game between jobs and my character and the summon characters and my robot friends that I feel lost a lot of the time in how to do basic things like a magic spell from a mage or something.
This might be one of the worst endgames I've ever experienced. How much longer am I going to have to redo these boss battles? I'm on chapter 7. Is this the last one?
This might be one of the worst endgames I've ever experienced. How much longer am I going to have to redo these boss battles? I'm on chapter 7. Is this the last one?
I realised that I didn't fightduring Chapter 4. I'm assuming I can find him and do it during Chapter 5 or beyond?DeRosso
You'll have all the time in the world to fight him.
Awesome, glad to hear that
Does the same hold true for the other asterisk holders? I assume the battles in Chapterare optional this time around.5
I'd also like some advice for the second half of the game.
Just finished Chapter 5, redoing all the asterisk battles in the process. I've stared Chapter 6 and all the battles are available again. Just beat Holly and Barras and it seems like there's an additional scene of them doing...things. Other than that though, the battle played out exactly the same, almost word for word. Is it recommended just blasting through the crystal guardians, getting the conjurer class and opening the blue chests before going to Chapter 7?
From that point on they are all optional, but they reset every chapter and are a bit different each time. They are particularly worth it during the last two chapters, really fun battles.
Old post I am quoting, but since I got to Florem this game has become a slog. The writing is so bad, some characters are terrible (lol Sage Yulyana...), Airy is getting on my nerves and on top of that, the non-asterisk* boss battles can be really aggravating (looking at you, Chaugmar). I feel like I don't have the liberty of using the jobs I want/like using if I want to not be stuck in the 'crystal' bosses for hours. Both Orthros and Rusalka gave me a lot of trouble, too.The side quest with the summoner. Why does the writing have to be so bad.
The writing is so bad, some characters are terrible (lol Sage Yulyana...), Airy is getting on my nerves
I almost done with chapter 3 now and I still kinda think certain jobs are much better than others, but somehow I beat Qada and Chaugmar (two bosses that were giving me trouble) with the following party: Edea (Knight/Spell Fencer), Tiz (Salve-Maker/Time Mage), Agnès (Valkyrie/Monk) and Ringabel (Pirate/Performer). I will probably change Valkyrie to something else, most of the time I kept using monk's laser beam instead of any of the Valkyrie's moves.These things never get better, they actually get worse.
I never had a problem with the jobs or battle system though, but early on you are more limited due to having fewer abilities to mix and match.
I'd like to have Edea as a Swordmaster, but both Knight and Spell Fencer are so good (and I really can't scrap Spell Fencer since I have no black mages in the party).Game opens up a lot chapter 3 and on, mostly due to the jobs. Max the Pirate and Swordmaster jobs at least!
I almost done with chapter 3 now and I still kinda think certain jobs are much better than others, but somehow I beat Qada and Chaugmar (two bosses that were giving me trouble) with the following party: Edea (Knight/Spell Fencer), Tiz (Salve-Maker/Time Mage), Agnès (Valkyrie/Monk) and Ringabel (Pirate/Performer). I will probably change Valkyrie to something else, most of the time I kept using monk's laser beam instead of any of the Valkyrie's moves.
As for the writing, that's a shame. After... Also also,Tiz going bananas over Egil's safety and Agnès saving them both from falling in the lava, at least the characters are a lot more tolerable. Agnès was so damn obnoxious since Olivia's death.how can they not realize something about Airy is not right? It's so obvious she isn't well intentioned XD
I'd like to have Edea as a Swordmaster, but both Knight and Spell Fencer are so good (and I really can't scrap Spell Fencer since I have no black mages in the party).
Hm... In that case, am I to assume Spell Fencer becomes less relevant as well late game, since it is pretty much a melee black mage ? If so, I am please to know that jobs like pirate and swordmaster shine late game, as I have more affinity to non-magical jobs (though I have no problem with using mages when it's absolutely necessary). That being said, Pirate so far have been quite mana hungry. That "Double Damage" spells costs what, 40 mp?With a pirate and swordmaster combo you can land easy 9999 attacks with no mp cost (if you're leveled enough). That's basically my endgame strategy (along with the Mimic ability of the Freelancer).
Black magic becomes less and less relevant the further you progress IMO. The Arcanist class has some cool spells and the Dark Knight's attacks are OP, but that's about it. Supposedly advanced spells like Thundaga don't even damage that much. There are way stronger group attacks in the game.
There are a lot of ways one can experiment but usually chapter 5 and on - up until 4 I just Knight + stomped my way through the entire game.
Also (story spoilers for chapters 6+)the warriors of light are indeed one of the densest packs of protagonists I've had to lead. Granted, they do realize Airy is evil by the end of chapter 6, but even that is after Yulyana and De Rosso flat-out tell them "you had the evil one with you since the beginning of the game, you god-damned dumbasses!". Up to that point they're like "so the thing we wanted to do actually did not work out. So let's do the exact same thing again and expect different results." You know the saying 'fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.' Well they should add 'fool me five times, I'm officially a bravely default protagonist.'
Agnes has some particularly bad lines, especially when she talks about Olivia.
I did the 'bad' ending yesterday. This might be one of my favorite games, even though there is some awful shit on it (perv old man, some ridiculous outfits and stuff). Some of the stuff I care the most about in games are all fantastic in BD. Like the villain (not___Airy___), the soundtrack, the art style (well, the chibi art style we see in the game) and last but not least, the gameplay. Also, although the writing is average at best, the story is kinda good. Keyword is kinda. Plus, Bravely Second's story makes it seem even better. It has been so long since a Square Enix game won me over, last one was Final Fantasy 9 ages ago.Ouroboros
Anyways, I will soon tackle chapters 6~8. I am wondering if the chapter 8 boss fights are mandatory? Because I am really not feeling like losing my patience trying to beat the. If mandatory, does the Stillness cheese work against them?boss rush encounters
ALSO, I got a Mammon with the 25k worth Elixir on Norende yesterday. Aren't those supposed to be rare?
I will give it a try, but battlingThe Chapter 8is completely optional, but I recommend that you don't skip them because they are so enjoyable once you figure out how to beat them. The challenge is worth it, especially on Hard.boss rush![]()