Just added a bunch of you, al the way from a to f... hope you can add me back
3DS Friend Code:
3754 8161 4423
I added you , horizon, tenren, Niahak, and zeer0id
My code is 2621-2621-6543
I have always felt weird about adding people as "friends" when they are just random forum posters. It's a dilemma for me, since it would be neat to have some here.
So far, the only thing that initially disappointed me about this game is the hidden items scattered around. I was never a fan of rustling around in random furniture, plants, barrels, etc to find a potion or money. Why the hell would there be potion or money in a plant? The saving grace here is that the game prompts you with the "(A) examine" on-screen when you are near a hidden item, so I don't have to hammer on the button comstantly.
Just got Rinabel.
"Can I join you?"
"No. Also, you disgust me beyond words."
I love this game.
That's one of my favorite things to do in a JRPG. I love going to a random person's house and rummaging through their things for 50g. I am very glad they have the prompts too.
Too bad I'm at work, or I'd be playing right now. I did manage to get the Black Mage job beforehand. Also, when I updated my profile, I received 3 new friends. I guess when someone adds my friend code, they automatically come to my game?
When buying equipment, what's the little B that sometimes appears next to a character's portrait in the bottom stats screen?
When buying equipment, what's the little B that sometimes appears next to a character's portrait in the bottom stats screen?
When buying equipment, what's the little B that sometimes appears next to a character's portrait in the bottom stats screen?
When buying equipment, what's the little B that sometimes appears next to a character's portrait in the bottom stats screen?
The job's proficiency with the equipment. B gets no bonuses and penalties.
One of my favourite things about JRPGs is the towns and their atmospheres. It's a shame that the towns aren't that fleshed out in terms of enter-able buildings, but what you can walk around sure is pretty. The hand-drawn textures was a great design choice.
As to villagers, every day you can Update Data to get 4 profiles from other players (I don't know if they are actual players or just AI :S). You can Summon them in battle and they each give you an extra villager for Norande. I don't actually know if you can do the same with 3DS friends though, today is the first day I actually have friends.
...that last line sounded so pathetic lol
It's equipment aptitude and it's dependent on the character's job i.e. Swordmasters have an S aptitude in swords, Knights have S aptitude with shields and A with armour, etc.
Would a B be better than no letter appearing at all then?
It's over..
They have a book I got to fill up ..
Good bye world. Haven't felt like this for a game in a long time.
Would a B be better than no letter appearing at all then?
I think its between 3-5 (I've gotten 3 both days in a row) and they're definitely players, I just got Duckroll lol
As for friends, seems like you can only have a total of 20 friends loaded up at one time, anything above that, the game will ask you to delete some until youre at lvl 20. Also "Update" seems to refresh both your stats (so your friends can get an updated version of your character) as well as check to see if any of your friends have updated recently. So for everyone's sake, Update as much as possible since it also saves your game![]()
Duckroll? Weird, I guess he has a NA 3DS?
100 if I'm not wrong.
Since this is like older square RPGs can you change the names of the people in your party? It helps me get immersed if I can do that
Damn. Well thanks for the answer. I was hoping you could.Na, names are set since they actually have VA and refer to characters by name
could be a different one, is he from Canada?
So hmmm...
I unlocked the Thief asterisk by beating Thief in his cave, and now back in Ancheim (sp?). I'm going over to Merchant's office and telling him the jig is up, but it looks like I get to fight him and Bodyguard. How am I supposed to do this fight??? His Takeover attack lops off 300 HP each time regardless of protect or default and he's got 6k HPBasically I can't heal through Takeovers and Bodyguard's attacks, which eventually silence me as well grrrrrrr. Currently everyone is lv 17 except for Edea, who's at 16.
Also my FC is 3007-8076-1049. I'll try to add as many as I can!
I'm having trouble with understanding how gaining XP works in the game. Like yesterday, I was fighting mob groups that gave me around 60XP total if I at least got the one turn bonus. When I started grinding a bit today, the bonus jumped to +20 and I suddently got 80XP per battle.
Now I didn't even reset the game...and the same group of monsters, are back to 60XP with the same bonus...That's weird.
Would a B be better than no letter appearing at all then?
You probably had one-turn hero? (or ace?) Forget the correct name for it. The 1 turn kill bonus gets better the longer you have it going. The third one (10 battles in a row) gets you around +20 bonus xp and it probably scales further but I'm not there yet so I can't say for sure.
You probably had one-turn hero? (or ace?) Forget the correct name for it. The 1 turn kill bonus gets better the longer you have it going. The third one (10 battles in a row) gets you around +20 bonus xp and it probably scales further but I'm not there yet so I can't say for sure.
Well...I updated the data this morning, message said I got 5 invites, but never got them in my village. And now I can't do it again 'til tomorrow.
Maybe I did it wrong or something.
I thought that was the 'Add Friends' option was for. Oh well. At least I've got 5 right now.Thr invites are for friend summons I believe, in thr village you'll get streetpasses and random dudes from spotpass