The tutorials said midnight I think
The tutorials lie though. Seriously, I checked at midnight EST and PST and it didn't work.
The tutorials said midnight I think
Right but midnight where? I'm pretty sure it's not EST, PST, or GMT. Maybe JST, but I think it didn't reset when I tried at 10am EST.
I thought the demo was boring, but the full game is awesome! I couldn't put it down the first hour. Loving it. Gonna play some more later...great game
Same here. Didn't care for the demo at all, and I played the full game all day yesterday. Just an awesome game. I already know of some people who were completely turned off by the demo which is a real shame.
Thanks bud. 3883-5700-5587You missed a number
Man, this recycling late in the game is ridiculous. I think im just going to watch the true end on youtube.
I killed the freaking bosses like 4 times now.
Same here. Didn't care for the demo at all, and I played the full game all day yesterday. Just an awesome game. I already know of some people who were completely turned off by the demo which is a real shame.
Summon and destroy the merchant? Yeah, I know, it's cheap.Okay, I'm in Chapter one and I'm getting owned by the. He does an attack that always hits for 300 damage exactly, attacks twice and puts me in a bind.merchant bastard and his bodyguard.
Anyone figure out any good strategies?
Summon and destroy the merchant? Yeah, I know, it's cheap.
Yeah, I'm definitely overpowered right now...
Okay, I'm in Chapter one and I'm getting owned by the. He does an attack that always hits for 300 damage exactly, attacks twice and puts me in a bind.merchant bastard and his bodyguard.
Anyone figure out any good strategies?
Yeah, I'm definitely overpowered right now...
My friends are just praising this game and I want to get it (since I recently got a 3DS and I need some more games), but I don't have enough money for the game right now, but I could get it if I returned Xenoblade to GameStop.....but I'm glad to see that the game is amazing!
My friends are just praising this game and I want to get it (since I recently got a 3DS and I need some more games), but I don't have enough money for the game right now, but I could get it if I returned Xenoblade to GameStop.....but I'm glad to see that the game is amazing!
Okay, I'm in Chapter one and I'm getting owned by the. He does an attack that always hits for 300 damage exactly, attacks twice and puts me in a bind.merchant bastard and his bodyguard.
Anyone figure out any good strategies?
Should I stay as freelancers or change jobs to the white mage or monk
I just got the 3rd character
I'd keep one as a Freelancer for a few job levels if for some reason you don't have access to an Abilink with a couple support abilities.Should I stay as freelancers or change jobs to the white mage or monk
I just got the 3rd character
My friends are just praising this game and I want to get it (since I recently got a 3DS and I need some more games), but I don't have enough money for the game right now, but I could get it if I returned Xenoblade to GameStop.....but I'm glad to see that the game is amazing!
Hard.What difficulty?
Enjoyed the game so far, but the voice acting kind of annoyed me. Set voice volume to zero and now it truly does feel like an old school final Fantasy.
I guess I'm one of those weirdos that enjoy making up my own voices for characters instead of listening to voice acting.
curious if any one else decided to set the va volume to zero, or even switch to jp voice acting.
Dang, I think I'm halfway through the chapter and I'm 27.Hard.
I'm just starting chapter 2 and I'm like level 29.
I'm still trying to figure out why it wasn't called Final Fantasy, though. There's a damn Cait Sith in the first two hours for God's sake.
Yeah, I feel like it would be a lot easier to market and would have sold even more if it had been called Final Fantasy: Bravely Default or something like that. I dunno. I mean, the name itself doesn't matter to me personally, but it's totally a Final Fantasy game.
Clear out the body guard first. Best way to deal with the damage I found was to use the Black Mage's Damage Dispersion passive (lvl5). That or the White Mage's Angelic Ward if you have that too. I was lucky enough to use the abilink system and found 3 ppl with damage dispersion. Made it so that that attack couldn't do more than 150 dmg on a specific targetThen I just spammed specials and attacks until he died. Lost a guy along the way but was able to pick them up before the boss died
Focus down the merchant. His bodyguard will flee after a certain point so it's more beneficial that you get all your damage down on the guy who stays. Equip your White Mage with the anti-silence ring. Cycle between Defaulting to +3 and Brave quad-attacking for your damage dealers (this way you are dealing full per-turn damage but blocking for 75% of your turns), but make sure your White Mage is keeping all your members at 100% (Defaulting the rest of the time). Using Stomp (Level 1 Knight command) is particularly useful here on your Monk/Knight. The 300 damage attack is the only thing that should give you trouble as you can get 2 shot even at full HP if one person gets targeted twice but all you really need to do is revive that character ASAP. All of your other characters should be topped off so there shouldn't be any chain-disasters occurring. Don't need to grind for this fight or use any friend features on Hard. +HP accessories will also help you greatly here. If you use Freelancer's Examine you can splurge your BP into the negatives near the end of the Merchant's HP pool.
Question: .how come i cant use specials with any of my characters except for the White Mage?
It really is. It feels like an alternate dimension basically had a FF sequel on PSX after IX. And it's Bravely Default. It's literally up there with IX IMO. I do mean in terms of artstyle and gameplay. Graphically, this obliterates anything on PSX lol. But it carries this same soul that FF VII-IX had back in the day. A different backbone from most modern RPGs for sure, new FFs included.
FFV and FFIX had some hot sweaty sex, and BD popped down the chute 9 months later. And we're all here to enjoy it.
Question: .how come i cant use specials with any of my characters except for the White Mage?
Question: .how come i cant use specials with any of my characters except for the White Mage?
You gotta first unlock specials from the shop in your village. Once its unlocked, each specific weapon has specific triggers (dagger = use 5 items, sword = use brave 10 times, etc.). Once you meet the triggers you'll be able to use the special whenever you'd like
O one quick tip about the village, go and buy the 1500gil "Sage Staff". I think its unlocked at lvl 3 from the Weapon shop in the village. When the Sage Staff is used as an item, it lets you revive someone for free, could save you a bit on phoenix downs early on (its also a real good White mage weapon)
So I have no idea about how this'll pan out in the end but (Chapter 1 ending spoiler):How blatant is it that Alternis Dim is Ringabel?! I mean same voice and everything. Plus how Ringabel just casually disappeared right before he popped up haha. Seashells my ass! I'm on to you... I hope we don't lose him, when he inevitably betrays the others. He's too awesome to go.